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新标准英语(一年级起点)Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.教学设计 一教材简介 新标准英语 (一年级起点)第十册共由 10 个学习模块(20 个单元)和 1 个复习模块组成。每个模块的第一单元是新知识呈现和运用部分,第二单元是新知识的巩固和扩展部分。本册教材主要有 Jobs, English Food, Library, Presents, My Bag, Travel, Computer, Decision, English Letters and Getting Ready 十个话题。本课是第四模块第二单元,学生要在二年级已有季节知识的基础上,学会谈论并初步能写出自己喜欢的季节的天气、自然景物特征、能做什么事情;通过一系列的课堂活动,创设语境,抒发对大自然的赞美和热爱之情。二、学生分析 从学生认知水平看:五年级的学生已经学习了四年半的英语。他们对英语学习有一定的兴趣,并具备一定的英语知识和自主学习能力,但是在灵活应用上还有欠缺;这一年龄阶段的孩子好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强,喜欢挑战与独立思考;从学生已有基础看:有关季节的话题出现在二年级,学生已经学习了季节、气候、衣着等方面的词汇,基本能够谈论一些有关季节方面的信息。按照高段阅读教学的建议,第二单元的短文应能够在正确朗读、回答问题、判断正误的基础上培养阅读能力和初步的仿说、仿写的能力。三、教学目标 1.知识目标:能听、说、读,写 season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold ,flowers, leaves, shorts, sandals, coat, glovesMy favourite season is Its I can2.情感目标:在语言教学中培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然,积极乐观的生活情感态度。 3.能力目标:能说和写出自己喜欢的季节和原因;在语言教学中培养学生探究、自主、合作的学习方法以及在实际生活中运用语言的能力。 四、教学重点:学习认识有关季节和天气的单词、句型。 五、教学难点:句型在生活中的灵活运用。 六、教学准备:CAI,单词卡片,表格,彩纸,随堂记录卡七、Teaching steps:(教学步骤) (一)Warm up (Pre-reading)1.Greetings T: Hello,boys and girls. Ss: Hello,Nelly.2.唱四季歌。T: Now lets enjoy some pictures:Clap your hands and sing together.(教师播放图片和音乐,学生拍手唱和欣赏。)3. T: Good job.T: An intresting cartoon for you.Lets watch it and try to inmitid the pronumciation.(教师播放有关四季的卡通片,引导学生模仿发音。)4. 讨论季节和气候,衣服。 (定格在 four seasons)T:Your voice is so beautiful. Im pround of you! What do we call them? season 音标辅读 How do you spell “season”? T:Very smart.T: How many seasons in a year? (教师引着学生) S:There are 4 seasons.T: Whats the weather like in every season? Lets review.教师出示词卡,引导学生读一遍。T: Now, whats the weather like? 出示课件 Ss: Its in T: What can we wear in winter? 出示 coat gloves Who can read them? 让学生领读。 Summer? 出示 shorts and sandals 齐读。5导入:T: So whats your favourite season? 同位之间说说(二)While reading1.解决 Amy 喜欢的季节和原因。 (过度)T:Whats Amys favourite season?贴头饰。Can you guess? 找两名学生预设。 T: Listen and find: (学生带问题看录象)T: Whats her favourite season? S1: Its spring. 教师板书 spring. 找几名学生说说。教师继续问:Whats the weather like in spring? What can she see? 学生边说教师边板书 warm, see the baby ducks ,flowers 教师带领学生说。Amy likes.Because its She can2.找出 lingling 喜欢的季节,解决 leaves, fall from 难点。T: What season does lingling like? Why? 学生再次听课文。Ss: She likes autumn. T: Why? Whats the weather like? 板书 cool What can she see and do? S1: She can see the leaves. 出示 leaves Who can read it? Follow her,please. In qingdao ,in autumn Where can you see many leaves? T: Yeah. Just around our school! We are lucky! 找几个孩子读读。 出示图片:What can you see in autumn? Who can read it?找一生起来有感情的读读。 T: Who can read more emotionly? Lets read it together.随音乐读读。Is autumn beautiful? 3.提出阅读任务。T:Take out the paper. What are boys favourite seasons and why? Open the books.Read the text and fill in the boxes. 4教师出示表格,提问学生一起来答。T:Whats Damings favourite season? Whats the weather like? What can he wear? What can he do?其中 Sam 的让学生问。 T: Who can ask Nameseason weather clothesactivity AmyspringwarmT-shirtfeed the ducksLinglingautumn cool sweaterplay with the leaves Daming Samr some questions about Sam?教师评价语:You read carefully. 5. Listen and repeat.6. Read in a group. (强调富有感情的) 一组展示:四人分读一个季节,配乐(三)After reading1. 阅读抓信息。(1)T: What season is it? Lets listen and guess. Whats the season? Why do you think its ? Ss: Because让学生学会自己找关键点。 (教师出示屏幕有关秋天的信息,引导孩子听猜季节。 )教师评价语: You know the key words.(2)课件逐句读,然后出示其它季节的信息。(3)课件出示季节描述,学生读,学生答。(4)学生猜,再读教师评价语:Youve got it. So quickly. Clever.2.Talk about your favourite season.强调 name, weather, wear, see, do 小组讨论 展示,教师提问几个孩子并对其他孩子提出问题。3. 写小诗。 (将写升华到诗体,同样的内容,学生更感兴趣,且能体会到一种成功和愉悦感)Yesterday ,I wrote a poem for my favourite season. 教师范读。诗人?Do you want to write a poem? Lets try! 4配乐赛诗会。Who wants to show your poem? 配乐朗诵Summary: T:How to talk about your favourite season? The name, the weather, what can you wear,what can you see and what can you do.5.Homework: 1.Try to recite M4U2 2. Draw your favourite season and write about it.6.填好随堂记录卡(做到课件最后一屏中) 。写写收获,留下建议Blackboard: My favourite season is spring.Amy spring feed the ducksLingling autumn play with the leaves 基本设计思路:歌曲,自由谈论天气和季节复习已知词汇,句型- 进入文本,通过问题、谈论人物喜欢的季节复习词语,理解文本;创设情境突破难点 the leaves fall from the trees,进一步理解(一听两读)-跟读,模仿,小组读,再次呈现课文 -竞赛拓展-谈论自己喜欢的季节和原因-写小诗-赛诗会,从拓展的说到拓展的写。漂亮的发音二年级学了什么找张守美老师了解,并安排学歌以及试讲。书写单词将可见中学生的配音去掉两个小女孩图 周顺画 还有单词4 个班的。印刷表格和写诗的纸。印刷随堂记录卡。学生需不需要带词典?印刷教案张老师训练学生!带好小条会场:提前打开空调、桌椅、横幅、教案、水、录像(周四办公(周四办公会确定)会确定) 提前让学生做好位置、知道位置提前让学生做好位置、知道位置 板书侧身板书侧身准备:粉笔、头饰、单词卡、发给学生的表格准备:粉笔、头饰、单词卡、发给学生的表格+写诗的纸写诗的纸+随堂记随堂记录卡(提前发好)录卡(提前发好)评价语多样、有效评价语多样、有效
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