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1Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Period 1 一一 Directional Content of courses: Section A 1a2c Lesson type: Listening and Practice Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge ObjectsKey Vocabulary: housework, hardly, ever, hardly ever, once, twice, Internet, program, full, swing, swing dance. Target Language: -What do you usually do on weekends? -I usually watch TV. -How often do you go to the movies? -I go to the movies once a month. 2.Ability Objects:.Train students listening and speaking skills. Train the students ability of communication 3.Moral Objects To be interested in taking part in kinds of activities in an English class. Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Key vocabulary and target languages. Make conversations freely using the key structures. Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking methods. Pairwork. Communicative approach. 二二Interaction 1.Interaction between students and textbooks Let the student to read the book and know what to learn in this period . Lead Ss to look at the picture on P 9. Tell them to make a list of the weekend activities in it . Then ask the students to try to read the words on Page910 by themselves and finish 1a.2.Interaction between teachers and students Lead reading the new words until students can read them fluently. 1a.Let students look at the picture again and talk about the picture,then ask someone to share the answer. 1b.Play the tape for the Ss several times.Let Ss listen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words.Make sure Ss know the meaning of these words and phrases.Check the answers. 2a and 2b.Listen and number the activities (1-5) in the order they hear.Then listen to the recording again and match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them.3.Interaction among students 1c and 2c.Work in groups. Let the Ss practice the conversations with their partners about what they do on weekends and how often they do these activities. Encourage Ss to come to the front to act out their conversations. 三三. Self-examination2Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Period 2 一一 Directional Content of courses: Section A 2d3c Lesson type: Writing and practice Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objects Key Vocabulary: maybe, least, at least. Target Language:-What does she do on weekends? -She sometimes goes shopping.-How often does he watch TV? -He hardly ever watches TV.-How often do you go to the movies?-I go to the movies maybe once a month. 2.Ability Objects: Train the Ss oral ability and integrated skills by task-based activities. Train Ss communicative skills. 3.Moral ObjectsEncourage students to choose all kinds of activities in their free time. Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Key vocabulary Train the ability of taking examinations and doing exercises. Teaching Methods: Cooperation method. Communicative approach. 二二Interaction 1.Interaction between students and textbooks Lead the students to look at the picture and read the conversation in 2d by themselves.Have students read the grammar box and remind them to pay attention to how to use the frequency adverbs correctly. Ask students to review the drills theyve learned.2.Interaction between teachers and students Lead reading the new words until students can read them fluently.2d. Role-play the conversation.Pay attention to some useful expressions. Play the tape and let the Ss read after it. Then role- play the conversation in pairs . Make sure Ss can use the target language correctly.3a.Ask students to complete the questions with do or does.Then match the questions and answers.Ask someone to share the answer and check the answer.3b.Tell students to use the words given to write questions.Then ask and answer them with a partner.Students share their answers and the teacher correct the sentences they make.3.Interaction among students3c.Ask:What can you do to improve your English?Let students discuss the topic and write their own answers.Make sure the students get more familiar with the patterns and fill in the chart. 三三. Self-examination 3Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Period 3 一一 Directional Content of courses: Section B1a1e Lesson type: Listening and Writing . Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objects Key Vocabulary: junk, junk food, coffee, health. Target Language: -How often do you drink milk,Liu Fang?-I drink milk every day.-Do you like it? -No.But my mother wants me to drink it. She says its good for my health. 2.Ability Objects:Train students abilities of comprehension,speaking and listening. 3.Moral ObjectsTo train students ability of cooperation and making survey. Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Key vocabulary in this period.Learn the target language in this period and improve students listening. Teaching Methods: Writing and speaking. Pairwork. 二二Interaction 1.Interaction between students and textbooks Lead
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