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哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文- I -飞锤链式清削雪机的设计摘要冬季道路积雪如果不能及时清除,会给人民生活生产带来诸多麻烦, 为了使冬季人们的出行更加安全方便,传统的人工清雪已经不能满足需要, 所以清雪机械的研制与使用是十分必要的。目前除雪机的种类很多,可以 按多种形式分类:如底盘的不同、使用区域、工作原理的差异等。按照除 雪机械的使用范围可把除雪机分为泛用除雪机、人行道除雪机、铁道除雪 机和高速公路除雪机等4种。目前,从除雪的作业过程来看,除雪的原理和 技术方法已基本完善,但在除雪工作过程中,经常由于冰雪压实还是松散、 道路状况、温度高低等条件的影响,使用单一机械很难清除各种不同积雪 路面。 面对雪情除雪作业时要因地制宜,针对不同路况、不同的雪情可以 搭配多种不同的除雪方式,这样方能提高除雪效率,保障除雪质量。本文分析了飞锤链式清削雪机结构并阐述了其工作的原理; 通过对拖 拉机、装载机、平地机、汽车的对比选择了装载机作为清雪机的驱动底盘。 对飞锤装置和抛雪装置的结构进行了分析。对独立动力型、独立动力分置 型和共用动力型这 3 种动力源进行了分析比较,选择用共用动力型作为除 雪装置的动力来源。根据除雪作业速度范围为 1070 km/h,确定了装载机 性能参数及主要技术参数。根据装载机已有液压系统,确定飞锤链式清削 雪机的马达型号为 JMDG1-160,并根据给定的马达工作参数确定飞锤转组的 工作转速以及所能达到的行车速度和相应能完成的清雪厚度。关键词关键词 除雪机械;装载机;飞锤哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文- II -DesignDesign ofof chainchain typetype clearclear snowsnow machinemachine withwith flyingflying hammershammersAbstractAbstractWinter road snow if you cant keep clear of in time, will bring a lot of trouble to the production of peoples life, in order to make people travel more safe and convenient, the traditional artificial snow already cannot satisfy the need, so the development and use of clear snow machinery is very necessary. At present, many different kinds of snow blower, can be classified according to a variety of forms: use area, such as chassis, the working principle of difference, etc. According to snow removal machine can put the snow blower is divided into the scope of application of domestic snow blower, the pavement snow blower, railway snow blower and highway snow blower, etc. 4.At present, from the perspective of a snow removal process, the principle and technical method of snow removal has been basically perfect, but in the process of snow removal work, often because of ice and snow compaction or loosely, road conditions, such as temperature conditions, the effect of using a single machine is difficult to remove all kinds of different snow on the road. In the face of snow removal operations to adjust measures to local conditions, according to different road conditions, different snow can match a variety of different ways of snow removal, it can improve the efficiency of snow removal, guarantee quality of 哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文- III -snow removal.This paper analyzes the flying hammer clear cut snow chain structure and expounds its working principle; Through to the tractor, loader, motor grader, auto contrast loader as the clear snow machine drive chassis. The structure of flying hammer device and throw snow device are analyzed. For independent power, independent power division and sharing power it analyses and compares the three kinds of power source, choose a common power source type power as snow removal device. According to snow removal operation speed range for 10 to 70 km/h, the loader performance parameters and main technical parameters is determined. According to the hydraulic system of loader and determine the fly hammer chain clear cut snow machine motor model for JMDG1-160, according to a given motor parameters to determine the fly hammer to set work speed and can achieve the speed and clear snow thickness can be done accordingly. KeywordsKeywords SnowSnow removalremoval machine;machine; Loader;Loader; TheThe flyfly hammerhammer哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文- IV -目录摘要.I Abstract.II第 1 章 绪论 .1 1.1 研究的意义.1 1.1.1 冬季积雪的危害.1 1.1.2 目前的除雪方法及其危害.2 1.2 国内外研究现状 .4 1.2.1 除雪机的分类及特点.4 1.2.2 国外清雪车研究现状及发展趋势.6 1.2.3 国内清雪车研究现状及发展趋势.8 1.3 本文主要研究内容.10 第 2 章 积雪和冰雪的物理机械性能的参数分析 .11 2.1 积雪和冰雪的物理机械性质.11 2.1.1 积雪和冰雪的密度.11 2.1.2 积雪和冰雪的湿度.12 2.2 积雪和冰雪混合物的机械力学性能.12 2.2.1 积雪和冰雪混合物的抗压强度.13 2.2.2 积雪和冰雪混合物的抗剪强度.13 2.2.3 积雪和冰雪混合物的硬度.13 2.2.4 积雪和冰雪混合物的摩擦系数.14 2.2.5 积雪和冰雪混合物的导热系数.15 2.2.6 积雪和冰雪混合物的反射率.15 2.3 本章小结.16 第 3 章 除雪装置的设计及其计算 .17 3.1 整机结构设计.17 3.1.1 除雪机械的选型及组合.17 3.1.2 主机的对比和选择.18 3.2 对飞锤装置的结构分析.19 3.3 动力来源的分类及选择.20 3.4 本章小结.20 第 4 章 飞锤链式清削雪机的性能分析及计算 .21 4.1 切削飞锤的计算.21 4.1.1 飞锤滚的排列的分析.21哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文- V -4.1.2 飞锤运动与工
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