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1Basic Buddhist Vocabulary Abhidharma pitaka - higher teachings, philosophy Alaya-vij?ana - “store” consciousness (similar to collective unconscious?) Amitabha - the Buddha of the Western “Pure Land.“ Also known as Amida. Ananda - Buddhas friend, cousin, and favorite disciple, and the monk who remembered the Sutras. Anatman (anatta) - not-self, self or ego not ultimately real. Annitya (anicca) - change, impermanence of all things, including us. Arahant - Worthy one, a name for the Buddha. Arhat - a monk who has achieved nirvana. Asanga - one of two brothers who lived in India in the 300s ad who developed Yogachara. 2Asita - the astrologer who predicts Buddhas fate Asuras - titans or demigods. Avalokiteshwara - boddhisattva of compassion Avidya (avijja) - ignorance, delusion. Bardo - (Tibet) the period between death and rebirth. Bhagava - The blessed one, a name for the Buddha. Bhikshu - monk. Bhikshuni - nun. Bodh-gaya - a town in Bihar where Buddha was enlightened at 35. Bodhi - enlightenment, awakening. Bodhi tree - the fig tree under which Buddha gained enlightenment. Bodhicitta - sanskrit word for mind of enlightenment Bodhidharma - monk who brought Buddhism to China. Bodhisattva - enlightened being who remains 3in this existence to help others, a saint. Brahma - the supreme deva, who convinced Buddha to teach. Brahma vihara - four “sublime states“ of the boddhisattva: Maitri, Karuna, Mudita, Upeksa. Buddha - The awakened one, the enlightened one. Chan - Chinese for Zen Buddhism. Chandaka - Buddhas squire, who helped him leave his princely life. Ching-Tu - Chinese for Pure Land. Citta - basic mind or consciousness Citta-matra - mind only, idealism Dalai Lama - the leader of Tibetan Buddhists. Deer Park - where Buddha gave his first sermon, in Sarnath, near Benares, to the five sadhus. Dependent origination - “one thing leads to another,” all is connected. Devadatta - Buddhas “evil” cousin. “Theodore.“ Devas - gods. 4Dhamma - Pali for dharma. Dharma (dhamma) - the teachings of the Buddha. Dharmakaya - Buddha-mind, the pervasive essence Dharmas - ultimate elements of the universe (not dharma as in teachings!) Dhyana (chan, zen) - meditation. Dogen (1200-1253) - monk who brought Soto Zen to Japan. Duhkha (dukkha) - suffering, distress, lack of peace. First noble truth. Dzogchen - Tibetan tantric techniques for rapid enlightenment. Dvesha (dosha) - hatred, anger, avoidance. Eightfold Path - right view, aspiration, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration. Five sadhus - the five ascetics who practiced self-mortification with the Buddha. Flower Adornment School - a sect which attempted to consolidate all forms of 5Buddhism. Also known as Hua-Yen or Kegon. Gandharvas - angelic beings who provide the gods with music. Gati - realm. Used to refer to the six realms (gods, titans, humans, animals, ghosts, and demons) Gautama (Gotama) - Buddhas family name. Hinayana - southern Buddhism (“small or lesser vehicle or journey”). Ho-tei - Japanese name for Pu-tai Indra - a major deva, originally the Hindu sky god. Jodo, Jodoshin - Japanese for Pure Land. Kalpa - millions of years, an eternity. Kamma - Pali for karma. Kanthaka - Buddhas horse. Kapilavastu - Shakyan capital, where Buddha grew up. Karma (kamma) - intentional or willed act. Karuna - compassion or mercy, the special kindness shown to those who suffer. One of 6the four brahma vihara. Kashinagara - were Buddha died (near Lumbini), in a grove of sala trees. Koan - a very brief story demonstrating the paradoxical nature of dualistic thinking. Used in Zen meditation. Kwan Yin , Kwannon - Chinese and Japanese names for Avalokiteswara. Lama - Tibetan tantric master, now often used to refer to any respected monk. Lumbini Grove - where Buddha was born, during his mothers trip to her parents home. Madhyamaka - middle way, negative logic, not this - not that Mahakyashapa - the monk who understood the silent sermon and led the first council. Mahamaya, or Mayadevi - Buddhas mother, who died seven days after his birth Mahaprajapati - Buddhas aunt and stepmother, founder of Buddhist nuns. Mahayana - northern Buddhism (“large or greater vehicle or journey”). 7Maitreya - the future Buddha, who will be born 30,000 years from now. Maitri - caring, loving kindness displayed to all you meet. One of the four brahma vihara. Manas - I-consciousness, mind, intelligence Mandala - a complex, circular, symmetrical image used in meditation Mantra - a phrase or syllable repeated during meditation Mara - a deva associated with death and hindrances to enlightenment. It was Mara who tempted Buddha under the bodhi tree. Marga - the path, track. The eightfold noble path. Fourth noble truth. Metta - Pali for Maitri. Mudita - sym
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