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A AAnimal Farm动物庄园Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆索亚历险记Alices Adventures in Wonderland爱丽丝漫游奇境Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利弗恩历险记A Room with a View看得见风景的房间A Christmas Carol狄更斯:圣诞颂歌A Room of Ones Own一间自己的房间A Farewell To Arms海明威:永别了,武器Age of Innocence纯真年代A Tale of Two Cities狄更斯:双城记A House for Mr.Biswas毕斯瓦思先生之屋A Good Man Is Hard to Find好人难寻A Separate Peace独自和解B BBrave New World美丽新世界C CCall of Wild, The野性的呼唤Catcher In The Rye, The麦田守望者Complete Sherlock Holmes, The福尔摩斯全集*会员The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time夜色中好奇的狗The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集The Crucible萨勒姆的女巫Coming up for Air上来透口气Catch 22第二十二条军规Cry, The Beloved Country哭泣的大地D DDeath of a Salesman销售员之死The Diary of a Nobody小人物日记David Copperfield狄更斯:大卫科波菲尔 E EEmma爱玛Essays, The培根论说集F FFar from the Madding Crowd远离尘嚣Fahrenheit 451华氏 451 度Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The鲁滨逊漂流记续集Frankenstein弗兰肯斯坦The French Lieutenants Woman法国中尉的女人G GGone with the Wind飘Gullivers Travels格列佛游记Great Expectations狄更斯:远大前程H HHandmaids Tale, The女仆的故事J JJane Eyre简爱Jungle Book丛林日记Joy Luck Club, The谭恩美:喜福会Johnny Got His Gun无语问苍天K KKidnapped绑架L LLolita洛丽塔Lord Of The Flies童年无悔Lion In Winter, The冬狮Little Women小妇人Leaves of Grass惠特曼:草叶集Lord of the Ring指环王*会员M MMrs Dalloway达洛卫夫人N NNineteen Eighty-Four/1984一九八四O OOne Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest飞越疯人院Oliver Twist狄更斯:雾都孤儿Of Mice And Men人鼠之间The Old Man And The Sea海明威:老人与海P PPersuasion劝导Peter Pan彼得潘R RRobinson Crusoe鲁滨逊漂游记Red Badge of Courage, The红色英勇勋章Return of The Native哈代:还乡S SScarlet Letter, The红字Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The梦里乾坤Secret Garden, The秘密花园Sense and Sensibility理智与情感T TTreasure Island金银岛Thorn Birds, The荆棘鸟Time Travelers Wife, The时间旅行者的妻子Things They Carried, The负荷Tales From Shakespeare莎士比亚故事集U UUncle Toms Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋Ulysses尤利西斯V VVanity Fair名利场W WWuthering Heights呼啸山庄Wind in the Willows柳林风声Walden瓦尔登湖Wizard of Oz, The绿野仙踪
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