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西南科技大学本科生毕业论文1杭州联体别墅水暖系统设计摘要:舒适的室内环境是人们不懈追求高生活品质的目标。本设计为杭州联体别墅供暖及给排水系统设计,旨在为住户提供舒适的生活环境、经济的生活方式。采暖系统采用低温地板辐射采暖与传统采暖公用的形式。给排水工程设计包括了室内生活给水系统设计,室内排水系统设计,室内热水系统设计。此给水系统采用市政给水管网直接供水,排水系统采用污废合流制,排水系统采用的伸顶通气单立管排水系统,通气冒高出屋顶2.00m。给水系统采用PP-R给水管材,排水系统立管采用PPI螺旋排水管,各层排水支管采用普通的UPVC排水管,热水系统采用PP-R给水管材。 关键字:传统采暖;低温地板辐射采暖;给水;排水;热水。 西南科技大学本科生毕业论文2HangZhou villa building complex to give the drainage and heating system designAbstract:Comfortable indoor environment is peoples unremitting pursuit of a high quality of life goals.The design of the HangZhou villa building complex designed to provide tenants with a comfortable living environment, economic way of life. Heating system uses radiant floor heating and radiator heating common form. This design construction included in the room for the dewatering excavation design to live to the aqueoussystem design, in the room the drainage system design, as well as the room internal heatwater project. Among them, district water supply system for water. The drainage system uses the dirt waste Combined system, the drainage system uses specially extends goes against the air vent drainage system, ventilates to brave to outdo roof 2.00m.Uses PP-R for the aqueous system for the water tubing, The drainage system Branch uses the PPI spiral discharge pipe, each draining water Branch uses the ordinary UPVC discharge pipe. The hot watersystem uses PP-R to give the water tubing.Key words: Radiant floor heating ;Low-temperature radiant floor heating; For water; Draining water; Hot water. 西南科技大学本科生毕业论文3目 录第第 1 1 章章 绪绪 论论.51.1 采暖系统概述.51.1.1 我国供热采暖现状.51.1.2 地板采暖概况及其优缺点.51.1.3 家用壁挂燃气锅炉.71.1.4 供热采暖的未来发展趋势.81.2 给排水系统概述.91.2.1 室内给水系统.91.2.2 室内排水系统.101.3 结束语.11第第 2 2 章章 设计任务及设计资料设计任务及设计资料.132.1 设计任务.132.2 设计文件及设计资料.132.3 方案对比分析.142.3.1 采暖方式比较.142.3.2 管道同程、异程比较.162.4 设计方案确定.17第第 3 3 章章 采暖系统设计采暖系统设计.183.1 设计依据.183.2 采暖系统的设计热负荷.193.2.1 热负荷计算方法.193.2.2 热负荷计算结果.223.3 采暖系统布置.253.3.1 总体布置.253.3.2 地面构造.
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