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智课网IELTS备考资料雅思口语模板:一个电视(广播)主持人摘要: 雅思口语模板:一个电视(广播)主持人!相信参加过口语考试的考生们都遇到过这样的问题,描述一个人物,那么我们该如何回答呢,今天小编就为大家带来一个雅思口语模板,希望对大家备考能够有帮助,一起来学习一下吧!雅思 口语话题中人物类话题是考生们常遇到的,那么为了帮助大家有效备考,小编特意带来了 雅思口语 模板,今天主要以一个电视(广播)主持人为例,希望对大家能够有用,具体内容如下:雅思口语模板:一个电视(广播)主持人part 2:Describe a TV orradio presenterYou should say: Who this person is what program he or she presents what kind of person he or she isand explain how people feel about this personWho this person is?I wanna talk about a TV presenter who issuper differentfrom others. She is Sade Giliberti from South Africa and is bestknown for presenting a variety of local childrens shows. In other words, sheis growing up on TVas a kid-star. super different: 大不同 growing up on TV:在电视机前长大 kid-star:童星whatprogram he or she presents?But I got to know her just because she joineda TV program took my fancy a lot called soyou think you can dancewhen the second season came. It is a kind ofAmericandance competition andreality showairs every week. American dance competition and reality show:美国舞蹈竞技真人秀whatkind of person he or she is?I guess the reason why she was invited topresent the dancing show is that her style is really in step with the program.They are both naturally crazy, professionally blessed, originally charismaticand strangely talented. When communicating with the judgers and competitors,her powerful voice addicted you to be energeticlike her. naturally crazy:自然地流泻出疯狂 professionally blessed:专业里体现得天独厚 originally charismatic:与生俱来的灵气 strangely talented:邪乎地有天赋explain how people feel about this person?Even though as the newcomer to the program so you think you can dance, she isswiftly popular among viewers. And people think she is theirbasic jeans andsneakers girl, a little something like a tomboy. As far as I know she is notjust a TV presenter, but also a successful actress and a pop singer. Herpersonal style is versatile and its out there, funky and at the same timeverytrendy. What a cool guy. newcomer:新人 basic jeans and sneakers girl:运动鞋夹克装的普通女孩 a little something like:有点像 tomboy:假小子 versatile:多才多艺的 funky:时髦的 trendy:潮流的SteveIrwin(野生动物节目) Steve Irwin was the energetic host of the TVwildlife show(Steve是个野生动物秀的活力主播) Australian Naturalist and TV personality Steve Irwinwas.(澳大利亚的自然和电视名人) blond, (金色)khaki-clad(卡其色) slightly hyperactive (轻微多动症的)wildlife rehabber(野生动物修复师) His daring stunts(大胆的特技) wide-eyed enthusiasm(大眼睛的热情) boyish good looks(男孩般的英俊外形) hooked( 使上钩,使迷上) in roughly(大约) 200 millionviewers in over 30 countries around the world. Steve Irwin ,nicknamed “TheCrocodile Hunter“(被人们称作鳄鱼先生) was an Australian television personality, wildlifeexpert, and conservationist. Irwin achieved worldwide fame from(获得全世界的盛名) an internationally broadcast wildlife documentaryseries(记录片) co-hosted with(和共同主持) his wife.OprahWinfrey(美国脱口秀) Oprah Winfrey is an American television host as wellas an actress, producer, and philanthropist(慈善家). best known for her self-titled(自创的), multi-awardwinning(多次获奖的) talk show, which has become the highest-rated (最高收视率)program of itskind(同类型) in history. She has dark brown(黑眉毛), almond-shaped eyes(杏仁状的眼睛), full lips(厚嘴唇) with beautifulsmile, black hair, curvy(卷发), mocha skin(摩卡般的皮肤). once the worlds only black billionaire Her ambition(抱负), generosity(慷慨), andintelligence(智慧). She knows how to get the job done and makethings happy. My moms a huge fan of hers(我妈妈是她的头号粉丝) who became almost as well-known for her weight lossefforts as for her talk show, lost an estimated(大约) 90 pounds和她的节目一样有名的是她曾经为了减肥做出很大努力,最后减重90磅MlissaTheuriau(法国最美主播) hot French news anchor(炙手可热的法国新闻主播) Someone suppose that her to be a half Persian(一半波斯混血) for her amazingbeauty, but actually, she is pure French(纯正法国血统). become an internet phenomenon(成为了互联网现象), with fansuploading video compilations(上传编辑视频) receiving millions of hits from admirers(拥有百万狂热的追捧者) In the past, vast majority of(绝大多数) American werenot interested in watching the news. But when she appeared on TV as an anchor(主播), young peoplealong with adults turned to be more inclined in(更倾向于) spending couple minutesevery day (每天几分钟)watching the news and realized whats going onaround them.上述关于人物类的雅思口语模板,就为大家介绍到这里,如您还有其他问题,可点击咨询 小马 在线名师,我们会第一时间为您解答,更多雅思口语范文下载,雅思口语备考资料,尽在 小马过河 雅思口语栏目,考生们可持续关注!
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