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南非为反种族隔离斗士举行国葬当天上午 6 时,近 2 万名南非各界群众聚集在索韦托奥兰多体育场,为他们敬爱的西苏鲁 送行。9 时左右,覆盖着国旗的灵柩,在南非国防军护卫下进入追悼会现场。乐队奏起国 歌,在场的所有人起立致敬。西苏鲁本月 2 日在约翰内斯堡家中辞世,享年 92 岁。艾伯蒂娜西苏鲁生于 1918 年 10 月 21 日,上世纪 40 年代后参加反种族隔离斗争。1954 年参与组织成立了南非非洲人国民 大会妇女联盟,曾被捕入狱。1994 年她当选为南非国民议会议员,1998 年退休。她的丈夫 沃尔特西苏鲁曾任非洲人国民大会副主席。BBC News, this is Mike Cooper.各地头目连连被击毙 “基地”组织受重创The head of al-Qaeda in East Africa, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, has been killed. Somalias transitional government said DNA tests confirmed his death in a shootout in the capital Mogadishu earlier this week. The United States has welcomed the news, as Tom Burridge reports from Washington.There seems to be no doubt from officials in Washington that Fazul Abdullah Mohammed is dead. The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said his death was a significant blow to al-Qaeda and its operations in East Africa. The coordinated bombings of two US embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi was the most deadly attack on American government assets abroad in recent years. So the killing of the man accused of planning it will be seen by the United States as an important moment in its fight against terrorism.大批叙利亚难民涌入土耳其Turkey says more than 4,000 Syrians have fled across the border to escape violent repression by the Syrian army of anti-government protests. They Syrians are fleeing from the town of Jisr al- Shughour and the area around it. An eyewitness told the BBC what hed seen on Friday.“Whats happened in the village: the tanks were firing from a distance. They destroyed the village and they sent their army to calm the village. They moved from one village to another, hunting the wounded down and killing everything including cattle and sheep.A BBC correspondent at the Turkish border says two official refugee camps are now overflowing and a third is being built. Syrian state television says its troops are moving into Jisr al-Shughour.也门南部 9 名政府军士兵遭袭死亡Reports from Yemen say nine soldiers have been killed fighting Islamic militants in the south. The state news agency says 21 al-Qaeda militants were also killed in the province of Abyan. The Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh long claimed that only he could tackle the challenge of al- Qaeda. Hes in Saudi Arabia undergoing treatment for injuries he received in last weeks attack on his compound.巴基斯坦爆炸已致 39 人死亡百人受伤Two bombs have exploded in north-western Pakistan, killing at least seven people and injuring many others. Reports say the blasts ripped through the market area in the city of Peshawar. The explosion took place close to midnight local time. Islamist militants in Pakistan have been increasing their attacks since Osama bin Laden was killed in a US raid last month.教皇向 2000 余名吉普赛人进行演说Pope Benedict has addressed 2,000 people from European nomadic communities traditionally known as Gipsies. He urged them to turn over a new page in what he called their “painful history”. Heres David Willey.Groups of Gipsies have come from eastern and central Europe from France, Germany and Ireland as well as other parts of Italy to meet the Pope. “You were meant without a homeland,” the Pope said, recalling the often difficult relations with the societies in which we live. The city authorities in Rome have several times destroyed Gipsy encampments, but the Catholic Church now goes out of its way to help provide charitable aid for Gipsy families.BBC News联合国驻阿富汗官员称:上个月公民伤亡达到四年最多The United Nations in Afghanistan says last month was the worst for civilian casualties for at least four years with 368 civilian deaths as a result of their current conflict. The UN said insurgents were responsible for more than 80% of the南非为反种族隔离斗士举行国葬South Africas President Jacob Zuma has delivered a eulogy at the funeral of the anti-apartheid activist Albertina Sisulu, calling her a national heroine. He was speaking at the 40,000 capacity stadium in Soweto, where Mrs Sisulus coffin had been brought by military generals for an elaborate service.“We are proud to be associated with Mama Albertina Nontsikelelo Sisulu. We are bidding farewell to a national heroine who produced many cadres of the liberation movement and saved our political thoughts.”Earlier, the former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela described Albertina Sisulu as one of the greatest South Africans.千余人来到肯尼亚参加奥林匹克马拉松冠军葬礼Thousands of people have attended the funeral in Kenya of the Olympic marathon champion Samuel Wanjiru who died last month after falling from a balcony. Investigations are still continuing into the circumstances of his death. Police have said that Wanjiru died either by accident or by suicide after his wife found him with another woman.速度赛马公开赛常年落定武汉 中国最权威赛马赛事China is reported to have given the go-ahead for a revival of commercial horse racing, which was long banned as immorally capitalist. State media said the races would be held weekly in the central city of Wuhan, which was a major racing venue before the Communist takeover. Gambling is prohibited outside the young claims
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