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Section Communication Workshop, Language Awareness 2 & Culture Corner.品句填词 All the _(成分)should be tested before they are assembled into an engine.1.Modern divers can go under the water to a _(深度)of fifty metres.2.We have _(完成)all we set out to do this year.3.Lets find something to eat;Im _(饥饿)4.My grandmother was a _(强健的) old lady,who lived through some very hard 5.times. She moved quietly to avoid _(使恐惧)the birds away.6.After watching TV for about two hours,he stood up,_(打哈欠)and stretched 7.himself.I need a piece of _(绳)to tie this package.8.完成句子 使她惊奇的是她发现来到了另外的一个世界。1.To her surprise,she _ _ _ _ _ _ 箱子很重,但是他设法扛动了。2.The box was heavy but he _ _ _it. 我把船系在树上,可后来它又松开了。3.I tied the boat to the tree but it has _ _ 难怪“食在广州”家喻户晓。4._ _that“eating in Guangzhou”is widely known. 这孩子竟能安然无恙地脱险,真是奇迹。5._ _ _that the child came through without a scratch. 由于他的努力,获得了比我们预期更大的成功。6._ _his effort,it is more successful that we have expected. 他被他的一个同谋者出卖了。7.He was _ _ by one of his accomplices. 他只好勇敢地面对这种局面。8.He was forced to _ _ _the situation.单项填空 A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _in the kitchen.1.Asmoke Bsmoking Cto smoke DsmokedThat dogs running again.The Smiths should keep it in the fence or at least,_2.Atie up Btying up Ctied up Dto tie it up _your help,I got the first in the finalterm English examination.3.AThanks to BWithout CIf not DBut for Upon graduation from school,how well will you _the job that lies ahead?4.Aprepare Bprepare for Cbe prepared for Dbe preparingWe were just_ calling you up _you came in.5.Aabout;when Bon the point of;while Con the point of;when Don the point of;as _with a difficult situation,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.6.ATo face BHaving faced CFaced DFacingDont mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may_the shocking ending.7.Agive away Bgive out Cgive up Dgive offWe took some effective measures to change the financial condition of our 8.company,_it would have got worse. Aotherwise Btherefore Cmeanwhile Dhowever I felt_ nervous going into the exam room,but after I got_I loosened up 9.some. Arather;start Bmuch;started Cquite;starting Dpretty;startedHe hasnt slept at all for three days._he is tired out.10.AThere is no point BThere is no need CIt is no wonder DIt is no way.阅读理解 Whats popular? When it comes to reading,Luz Ramos enjoys mysteries.Cynthia Hass likes the Gossip Girl books.And Carla Fajardo is a fan of the Twilight(暮色) series.What do the three girls from Americas Modesto High School have in common?Theyre readingsomething surveys say teens are doing less and less these days. Still,there are teenagers who find time to read a good book.But what have they been reading over the years? Teen girls were likely to be interested in romance novels,according to a study by the University of Minnesota conducted in 1992. After surveying five different high schools in Illinois,the study found that“The romance novel is,without question,the most popular kind of leisure book for female adolescents.” While preferred genres for males were more varied,ranging from science fiction to sports. But now,girls,too,are enjoying a broader range of teen literature.On the New York Times young adults bestseller list are,The Book Thief,a Holocaust(二战中纳粹大屠杀) tale told by Death and written by a young Australian author,Markus Zusak;The Hunger Games,about a girls fight for survival on live TV. Also on the list are the Twilight and Gossip Girl books.The Twilight series,a story of romance between protagonist(主角) Bella Swan and vampire(吸血鬼) Edward Cullen,and the racy Gossip Girl series,detailing the decadent(颓废的) lives of upperclass teenagers,have sold more than 7.7 million and 5.6 million copies in the United States,respectively. Both have been adapted into other forms of media because of their success:Gossip Girl into a TV series and Twilight into a movie to be released on November 21.However,they also have received criticism from those who worry the books are part of a trend misrepresenting teenage life and relationships. Teenagers have split opinions.To 16yearold Hass,a student in Modesto High,Gossip Girl is a pleasurable read that relates to teenage life.But Cecily Sauders,a 16yearold junior also from Modesto High,disagrees. “I dont really care for them, ”she said.“They have a lot of drama.I kind of think teenagers want the drama because they dont have anything like that going on in their lives.” According to the study in 1992,_1.Aromance novels were preferred by female adolescents Bscience fiction had been gaining popularity among teen girls Cthe books of sports were favored by
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