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智课网IELTS备考资料雅思口语话题练习:职业与工作ideal job摘要: 雅思口语话题练习:职业与工作ideal job!为了方便考生们备考雅思口语考试,小马过河雅思频道特意考生们整理了雅思口语话题练习,希望对考生有一定的帮助,今天主要介绍的是关于职业与工作话题的ideal job,下面一起来看看具体内容吧!雅思 口语话题练习是考生们备考提分的主要因素,只有多加练习,才能在考试中取得高分成绩,下面我们就来看看 小马 过河雅思小编为考生们整理的“ 雅思口语 话题练习:职业与工作ideal job”内容,具体如下:小马 雅思机经 库是 小马过河 旗下的雅思真题下载和雅思在线模考平台!在这里可以免费下载最新雅思预测机经、最全雅思历年机经,及配套的雅思范文、模板和名师示范录音、视频!让考生通过网络和小马名师面对面交流,一对一提分!示范答案Question:Whats your ideal job?It has always been my dream to work flexibly in terms of time and place, by which I mean, I dont have to work from 9 to 6 oclock and encounter traffic jam every day. Since I am working in the electronic consumer industry, whose product lifecycle is extremely short. As you probably know, there are so many new models of mobile phones come out in the marketplace each year,which means, our working speed is much faster than other industries, such as automotive and telecommunication.So, it would be my dream comes true if our working speed could slow down a little bit. Since then, I can take a deep break and enjoy my life, and you know, many of my colleagues are working around the clock all day long and nearly going to reach their breaking point, which I think is quite pathetic.以上就是“雅思口语话题练习:职业与工作ideal job”的全部内容,希望在小马过河雅思频道的帮助下,大家能有效的备考 雅思口语考试 ,取得高分成绩,更多 雅思写作 机经练习, 雅思备考 资料,请关注小马过河雅思频道!
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