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毕业设计说明2014 届(越斋魅影(越斋魅影古镇民居旅馆设计)古镇民居旅馆设计)系 别 服装与艺术设计系 专业班级 艺术设计 I摘摘 要要现代化发展下, 国内外对古建筑、历史街区、古镇的保护各有特点。随着城市经济的不断发展,古镇民居的设施不健全、布局混乱、环境恶化等问题日益突出,已达不到城市生活水平的要求,严重阻碍了城市经济的进一步发展。因此,必须对历史街区进行有计划地改造。民居改造是指为了满足城市居民生活的需要,根据城市发展规划的要求,对旧有城市基础设施实进行必要的调整和改变,有规划地进行城市民居改造建设,主要包括再开发、整治、保护三个方面的内容。古镇民居改造是衡量地方经济发展水平和城市管理水平的重要标志,是城市布局合理和完善的必然要求。民居改造合理能促进城市发展和居民生活改善,改造不当则造成诸多不利局面,甚至引发社会矛盾,影响我国构建和谐社会的大局。我希望可以通过帮助古镇民居进行家庭式旅馆和民俗文化旅馆的改造,来让当地居民意识到自己的传统文化,也最大程度的保护古镇民居的文化风貌,让本地居民的参与到保护古建筑及旅游开发中来。这也是对古民居旅游发展的探索,不希望中国的古镇旅游发展最后都是当地居民被边缘化,传统文化逐渐消亡。我希望可以运用自身所学知识,通过对一个民居建筑的改造,来影响其他居民,给他们一种旅游开发下新的发展模式的可能。关键词 古越文化;古建筑;古镇民居;民居改造;旅馆设计IITHE PHANTOM THE CHAIABSTRACTModernization development, domestic and international protection of ancient buildings, historical blocks, the town has a characteristic each. With the development of city economy, town houses facilities is not perfect, layout confusion, environmental degradation and other issues have become increasingly prominent, has not up to city life level requirements, has seriously hindered the further development of city economy. Therefore, must have the plan to transform the historical blocks. Residential renovation refers to in order to meet the needs of city residents, according to the city development planning requirements, to the old city infrastructure is necessary to adjust and change, to transform the building city residential planning, including the development, regulation, protection three aspects. Town houses transformation is an important symbol to measure the local economic development level and the level of city management, is the inevitable requirement of city layout is reasonable and perfect. Residential renovation reasonable can promote city development and improvement of peoples life, the improper reconstruction is unfavorable situation, and even lead to social conflicts, the impact of building a harmonious society in China the overall situation. I hope I can transform family hotel and the folk custom culture hotel with the help of town houses, to allow local residents realize their traditional culture, to the greatest extent protect the town folk culture, let the local residents to participate in the protection of ancient buildings and tourism development in. This is the ancient dwellings tourism exploration, does not want the ancient town tourism development Chinese last are local residents are marginalized, traditional culture gradually disappear. I hope to use their own knowledge, through the transformation of the IIIresidential buildings a, to affect other people, give them a new development model for the tourism development potential.KEY WORDS yue culture;acient architectural buildings;twn houses residential renovation ;htel designIV目目 录录 中文摘要 英文摘要 前言 11. 绪论 21.1 课题简介 21.2 选题背景 32 古镇民居旅馆设计说明. 42.1 过程简介 42.2 设计说明 42.3 功能说明 63 古镇民居旅馆设计创意. 73.1 作品的设计表达 73.2 设计创意 73.3 材料说明 84 设计总结. 114.1 课题设计总结 124.2 设计能力总结 125 设计成果. 125.1 部分效果图展示 136 结论 15参考文献 16致谢
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