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中南民族大学硕士学位论文通识教育视阈下的高职学生职业能力培养研究姓名:吴继红申请学位级别:硕士专业:教育经济与管理指导教师:蔡琼20090501中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I摘 要 高职教育兼有职业教育和高等教育的双重属性,承担着为社会培养高级技术人才的重要历史使命。经过近十年的发展,我国高职教育不论是规模还是在校学生人数,都基本占了高等教育的半壁江山,为加速我国社会主义现代化建设、实现高等教育大众化以及促进教育公平作出了巨大的贡献。高职教育与国家经济建设紧密相关, 能否为国家输送合格的人才, 其人才培养模式是重要决定因素之一。我国近十年的高职人才培养模式几经变迁,在一定时期对我国高技能人才培养起了一定的积极作用,但随着社会的发展,这些人才培养模式已逐渐不能满足我国社会主义现代化建设对现有高职人才的要求,因此,我们要结合社会发展对高职人才的要求以及高职教育的特点加强对我国高职人才培养模式的研究。 德国职业能力培养模式是当今一种较好的高职人才培养模式,它不仅着眼于现行职业的要求,更以职业群的特点,关注未来职业对人才的需要,着力为社会培养能力全面发展的可持续性人才。但德国职业能力培养模式以“职业”为中心,对合格“人”和“公民”的培养关注不够全面,致使所培养学生的思想素质、生活技能和知识全面性存在一定不足。通识教育作为大学的一种有效教育模式,在对学生人文素养、知识全面性的培养方面显示出它的优越性。因此,职业能力培养与通识教育结合已成为高职人才培养模式的必然和可能。 我国现行高职人才培养模式主要有产学研结合人才培养模式、订单式人才培养模式和以就业为导向的人才培养模式,通过对这些模式的特征和实施条件的研究,它们有各自的优点,也有它自身存在的不足。从通识教育的视角看,我国现行的高职人才培养模式存在的问题主要表现在以下几方面:社会对职业教育认识不够, 我国高职教育缺乏强有力法律法规的支持和保障; 职业院校对专业的设置、教学内容和方法的选用不尽合理,缺乏从通识教育视角去深刻理解高职职业能力培养模式;实训实习条件差,教师队伍建设欠缺,高职学生全面能力培养得不到物质和师资条件的保证;职业教育层次不够完善,难以使职业能力培养与通识教育结合向纵深方向发展。 在对高职职业能力和通识教育研究的基础上,本论文对实施通识教育培养高职学生职业能力模式的课程结构以高职汽车应用技术专业为例进行了构建,并针对当今高职生的生活特点,对高职职业能力培养模式的内涵进行了扩展,认为高职生的生活知能是我们高职培养模式能力培养必不可少的一方面。同时,针对现行高职培养模式不足之处,对实施通识教育后的高职学生职业能力培养模式从法通识教育视阈下的高职学生职业能力培养研究 II律法规保障、改进教育教学、改善实训条件、加强师资队伍建设、调整职教层次等方面提出了对策建议。 关键词:高职教育;通识教育;人才培养模式;职业能力 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 IIIAbstract Higher vocational education with the features of both vocational education and higher education, shoulders the important mission of training advanced technicians for the society. In the past ten years, higher vocational education has accounted for half percentage of higher education in our country whether in the size of schools or in students quantities. It contributed a lot to realizing the modernization of our country, promoting higher education popularization and education equality. Higher vocational education is close related to national economic construction. The talent training mode is a key factor to determine if qualified personnel can be offered. The training mode of higher vocational education has changed remarkably in the past ten years, and played a positive role in cultivating high skilled technicians for our countries. But with the development of the society, these training modes could not satisfy the societys needs for technicians. Therefore, we should strengthen the study on higher vocational educations training mode, combining the requirement of societys development to technicians with the characteristic of higher vocational education. The training mode of professional ability in German is relatively better in modern times. It not only pays attention to the current professional requests, but also follows the requests of the professional field in future according to the features of professional groups so as to cultivate sustainable talents who are of comprehensive abilities. However, in German, it is occupation-centred vocational training model, and the concern about the cultivation of qualified person and citizens is not enough, as a result, students have some shortages in thought qualities, life skills and comprehensiveness of knowledge. General education, which is an effective mode of university, shows its advantage in the process of cultivating students humanistic quality, comprehensiveness of knowledge. Therefore, combining vocational abilities training with general education has become an inevitable and possible trend. At present we have following training modes: production-learning-research mode, order form mode and employment-oriented mode. We find that they have advantages and disadvantages respectively through studying the features and implementation conditions of these modes. From the perspective of general education, problems existing in the present training modes are as followings. For the whole society, the realization of the vocational education is not enough, and higher vocational education in China lacks strong support and guarantee of the law and 通识教育视阈下的高职学生职业能力培养研究 IVregulation. Professional settings, teaching contents arranged and teaching methods used in the vocational colleges are not reasonable, and all of them are lack of the understanding of the professional abilities training from the view of general education. Inferior training practice conditions and lack of teachers can not guarantee students who are trained to have comprehensive professional abilities have supports of materials and qualified teachers. The level of vocational education is not perfect, so it is difficult to make the combination of professional ability cultivation with general education develop deeply. On the basis of the study of vocational abilities and general education, this paper constructs courses structures to cultivate higher vocational students professional abilities by implementing general education and takes the profession of automotive application as a case. Aiming at the characteristics of higher vocational students life, I expand the connotation of higher vocational educations training mode, and believe that higher vocational life skill is an essential part of the abilit
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