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1第一部分 词汇选项 词汇学习1 1.call-phone 2.space- room 3.atonce-immediately 4.identify-name 5.occurred-happened 6.complete-fimish 7.eventually-finally 8.conversation-talk 9.attend-go to 10.made up his mind- decided 11.account- consideration 12.put up with- -tolerate 13.givenup- abandoned 14.seldom - rarely 15.take out -extract 词汇学习2 *2.coverag-reportage 3.dimly-faintly *4.mildly- -gently 5.inevitable-certain 6.isolated-soliary 7.called krr -cancelled 8.made up his mind - decided 9.nlw and then - occasionally 10.finas fault with -criticizes 11.grasped- -took hold or 12.consideration-account *13tolerate -put up with 14.abandoned-givenup 175.lately -recently 词汇学习3 *1.manual-physical 2.harness-utilise 3.residents-occupants *4.steadily-continuously *5remedy-cure *6.dratf- rormulate 7.practically- almost 8.occasionally- sometimes 9.try-test 10.rarely-seldom *11readily-willingly *12.extract-takeout 13.shine-polish *14.decent-honest *15.deadly -ratal 词汇学习4 1.insist-demand 2.damaging-harmful 3.seldom-rarely 4.speeds- velocities 5.physician- doctor 6.particularly- especially 7.safe -secure 8.abranch-adivision *9.abnormal -unusual *10.an abundant -a plentiful *11.accelerate- stepp *12.accumulate- collect *14.childish - immature 词汇学习5 1.appalling-dreadful 2.anyhow-anyway 3.achieved-attained 4.capabilities-abilities 5.in conjunction-together 6.credible-convicing 7.diligent-hardworking 8.diverse -varied 词汇学习6 *1.immense-enormous *2.accumulate-buildup *3.overtook-passed *4.advisable -wise *5.puzzle-mystery *6exhibit-show *7.eternal -everlasting 词汇学习7 1.annoying-irritating *2.deliberately- intentionally *3.vague- imprecise 4.summit-top of the mountain 7.ban-forbid *8.lawful-legal *9.mock- laughat *10.motives- reasons *12.omitted-failed 15.scared-frightened 词汇学习8 2Principalorganezers -2planners *7.mighty-verystrong *8.authentically-genuinely 10.asserted-statedfirmly 11.premitted-allowed 12.proposed-suggested 13.regret -sorry 14.relied on-depended on 15.removed -took off 词汇学习9 1.animproved-abetter 2.2.breaks-beats 3.provoked -elicited *4.gangsters -violint criminals 5.framework- skeleon *6.hazzard -danger *7.lure -attraction *8.densely-compactly 9.fascinated-intrigued 13.shocked -surprised 词汇学习10 2.uneasy-ansious 3.demolished-pulleddown 4.adverse-unfavorable 5.concise-short and clear 6.courteous-respectful 7.invaluable -estremely useful 8.insane -crazy 9.eshaustive-estremely thorough 第二部分阅读判断 第一篇 Inventor of led 1.holonyads colleagues thought he woule fail. - right 2.holonyak believed that his stdents that were . -not 3.holonyad was the inventor or the transistor -wrong 4.holonyad believed that leds would become - right 5.holonyad said that you should not do anything you are - not 6.edith flanigen is the only co-inventor of leds -not mentioned 7.the Lemelson-MIT prize has a history lr over 100 years - wrong 第第二二篇篇 EI Nino 1.the method used by the columbia university researche -wrong 2.the columbia university researchers studied the. -right 3.the columbia university researchers are the . - not 4.weares contribution in predicting ei nino . - not 5.according to a chinese report ,the follding in china . -wrong 6.it takes about eight months for ei ningo . - -right 7.a special instiute has set up in america . -not 第第 三三 篇篇 Smoking 1.it is easy to determine whether smoking . - wrong 2.smoking reduces one life expectancy . - ringt 3.smoking may induce lung cancer . - ringt 4.there is evidence that smoking is . -not 5.male smokers have a lower edath . -right 6.nicotineis poesonous - right 7.filters ane low tar tobacco make . - wrong 第第 四四 篇篇 Engineering 3Ethics 1.engineering ethice is a compulsory subject in . -not 2.the number of students wishing to take . - wrong 3.the natinal science foundation involves . - -wrong 4.it seems that medical ethics and business . - -right 5.several engineering professors have quit from . -not 6.engineering professors may not have time . - ringt 7.it is ilkely htat following this introductory passage . -right 第第五五 篇篇 Rescue Platform 1.a rescue platform called the eagle is . -wrong 2.the four propellers are fitted horizontally to . - ringht 3.with the help of jet engines ,the eangle . -not 4.in the third paragraph,the word helicopter . -wrong 5.the more jet jet engines are fitted to het propellers . - not 6.Intewakeofseptember11,mr ,Metreveli . - wrong 7.Mr metreveli is edsigning for israel a more advancde . -not 第第六六篇篇 Microchip Research Center Created 1.The country says that the investment of us. -wrong 2.That country gives
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