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公司简介公司简介上海三一科技有限公司系三一重工股份有限公司(股票代码:600031)全资子公司,拥有同行业中最强大的研发团队及配套完善的研发设施,上海三一科技同时也拥有国内最大的履带起重机制造基地。上海三一科技有限公司研发的 SCC 系列履带起重机经专家评定具有国际领先水平,并且是国内第一个成功解决履带起重机超起功能的企业。公司于 2006年研制下线的 400 吨级履带起重机 SCC4000 被誉为“神州第一吊” ,荣获中国机械工业联合会、中国机械工程学会颁发的中国机械工业科学技术奖一等奖。2008 年 1 月 18 日,又一个奇迹在上海三一科技有限公司昆山制造基地诞生,当日上市的 SCC9000 履带起重机以 900 吨的超大起重能力傲视亚洲。2008 年11 月 25 日,上海三一科技 SCC10000 履带起重机承三一产业报国之重、担民族品牌振兴之责高调亮相上海宝马展。2008 年 7 月,三一科技与广东火电正式启动 1600 吨履带起重机合作开发项目,双方合作开发的这台超大吨位履带起重机 SCC16000 将于 2011 年上市。至此,上海三一科技有限公司已完全具备为客户量身定制 3200 吨以下的各吨级履带起重机的研发制造能力。上海三一科技以“品质改变世界”为核心价值观,以建立一流的国际化品牌为各项工作的出发点,始终贯彻“一切为了客户、一切源于创新”的经营理念,将经营目标定位于全面取代履带起重机的进口和大力开拓国际市场,坚持“高安全性、高可靠性、高稳定性、高性价比”的设计思路,以优良的品质和无与伦比的售后服务赢得了海内外客户的一致认同。公司遵循“疾慢如仇、追求卓越”的工作作风和宗教般的质量文化,迅速朝国际化知名履带起重机制造企业迈进。目前,公司生产的履带起重机产品远销中东、欧美、北非、东南亚等 40 多个国家和地区,国际市场获得迅速发展,特别是在欧美发达国家得到了客户的广泛认同,成为了一个以国际市场为主的中国制造企业。在国内,公司以良好的品质和服务口碑,取得了 80 吨级以上大型和超大型履带起重机市场占有率第一的良好业绩,特别是超大吨位履带起重机的不断率先成功下线,更加奠定了上海三一科技履带起重机行业领跑者的地位。Company Introduction Shanghai Sany Science & Technology Co., Ltd., as a wholly owned subsidiary of SANY Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 600031), boasts the strongest R&D team and the best R&D facilities in the industry, as well as the largest crawler crane manufacturing base in China.With its SCC series crawler cranes assessed by experts to achieve the leading international level, Shanghai Sany Science & Technology Co., Ltd. became the first domestic crawler crane manufacturer to realize the superlift structure of crawler cranes. When it was off the assembly line in 2006, the SCC4000 crawler crane was known as “the No.1 crane in China” due to its lifting capacity of 400mt. The SCC4000 crawler crane also won the First Prize in Science and Technology of China Machinery Industry Award by the China Machinery Industry Federation and the China Mechanical Engineering Association. January 18, 2008 witnessed another miracle of the company in its Kunshan manufacturing base: the SCC9000 crawler crane begun to enter the market and took the industry lead in Asia with its lifting capacity of 900mt. On November 25, 2008, the SCC10000 crawler crane made its high-profile debut in bauma China 2008 Trade Fair with the responsibilities of contribution to China and revitalization of national brands. In July 2008, the Shanghai Sany Science & Technology Co., Ltd. and the Guangdong Power officially launched the cooperative development project of the SCC16000 crawler crane (with a lifting capacity of 1600mt ) , the result of which will be put into market in 2011. So far, Shanghai Sany Science & Technology Co., Ltd. is fully qualified for custom-tailoring crawler cranes at every ton-level under 3,200 mt.Based on a core values of “quality changes the world”, a starting point of establishing a famous international brand, a business philosophy of “everything for the customer, all due to innovation”, a business objectives of complete self-manufacture of crawler cranes and sharp expansion towards international market and design requirements of “high security, high reliability, high stability, and high performance ratio”, the company wins a high recognition among all customers both at home and abroad with the high quality and unparalleled after-sales services. Following “the pursuit of speediness and excellence” as the work style and a religion-like quality culture, Shanghai Science & Technology Co., Ltd. is rapidly growing to be an internationalized and well-known crawler crane manufacturer.At present, our products are exported to more than 40 countries and regions such as the Middle East, Europe, the U.S., North Africa and Southeast Asia. The rapid development of international markets, particularly winning a wide reputation in Occident developed countries, leads us to become an international market-oriented enterprise in China. Domestically, with a good reputation for excellent quality and service, we have occupied the largest share in large and ultra-large tonnage crawler cranes (that is, above 80mt) market. Especially with the ultra-large tonnage crawler cranes continuously taking industry lead coming off the assembly line successfully, Shanghai Science & Technology Co., Ltd. further secured its leading position in the crawler crane industry.
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