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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语:美剧中的台词(3)摘要: 通过看美剧学习学习托福是当下学生最感兴趣的方式,通过美剧台词学习练习托福口语也是很好的方法,下面是小编总结的托福口语:美剧中的台词(3),希望大为大家托福口语备考提供帮助!托福 口语:美剧中的台词(3)- a couple of days ago. 几天以前。- a mans life is at stake, and maybe your son can help him. 有个人现在生命垂危,或许你儿子能帮他。 at stake=危险- but average glucose for the non-diabetic is about 100 milligrams per deciliter 但是非糖尿病患者的平均葡萄糖值只有大概每1/10公升100毫克。glucose=葡萄糖,non-diabetic=非糖尿病的。- Crab cant help nobody, lady. Crab不能帮助任何人。- Dont hang up. 不要挂断。- I do? 是吗?Alternating current,direct current. 交流电,直流电。-“As soon as possible“ is not a specific time. “尽快“不是一个确切的时间。-I aint mad at you. 我不怪你。 “不怪你”原来是酱紫说滴啊。-I am the last person in the world that my father listens to. 我是我父亲最不想听的人。-I love you more. 我也爱你。这下知道人家对你说这句话的时候怎么应答了吧?- Im looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related? 我在找Crab Simmons,你和他有关系吗?- It was the only way I could go through with it. go through with=完成,把.进行到底。-I was set up! 我是被陷害的!- Just want you to know Im coming for you.只想让你知道我是为你而来的。come for=为某种目的而来;向.冲来。-My brother is scheduled to die. 我哥哥将被处死。- Never really got used to them. got used to=习惯于-Say hi to him for me,will you. 替我向他问好,好吧?- She was under the impression that the guy was innocent. 她认为那个人是无罪的。be under the impression that=认为,觉得。-ts for your own good. 这是为你好。-There are strict department of corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of an execution. 司法部有严格的守则包括行刑的每个细节。 偶经常把他改为There are strict rules and regulations in every company that govern every aspect of an execution. 在这里主要是用在客人要偶寄样,但是偶要收费,对方不同意,于是偶就来这句话了。-You got to stop listening to these people,theyre poisoning your brain.Your hormone things-theyre out of whack. 你要停止去听那些人的话,他们在毒害你的思想,你的荷尔蒙失衡了,它们影响了你。- You seem nervous seem=象是,似乎。- Youve told me a thousand. 你已经告诉我N遍了. .- Youre sweating.你在出汗。小马 为大家研发出新的 托福备考 神器两枚,小马机经APP和 托福听力 APP!小马机经APP机经库包含历年托福机经及最新更新考前预测机经,战托必备!让大家直接体验托福机经在线模考环境。托福听力APP模拟托福听力考场环境,并同时给出了TPO1-34模考题及答案解析,海量词汇句子文章魔鬼式训练,高分必达!以上内容就是小编为大家整理的 托福口语 :美剧中的台词(3)的全部内容,同学们是不是受益匪浅呢?小马三月四月的 TOEFL 机经已经出来了,同学们有需要的可以向小马老师索要下载链接,或者扫描文中二维码下载小马机经APP,名校助推器在手备考不愁,赶快扫描二维码下载APP吧!相关推荐:托福阅读短时间备考效率如何提高为什么你的托福提分难【终极解答】托福口语第一题分类套话模板
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