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唐国强13548116501gogo920sina.com.cn管理学原理 (Management)第一章第一章 管理概述管理概述第一节第一节 管理管理一一 管理的定义管理的定义组织组织为达到个人无法实现的为达到个人无法实现的 目标目标, ,通过各项通过各项职能活动职能活动, ,合理合理 分配与协调相关分配与协调相关资源资源的过程的过程二二 管理的职能管理的职能1 1 做正确的事:做正确的事:决策决策 (Decision-(Decision- Making)Making)2 2 正确的做事正确的做事计划(计划(PlanningPlanning)组织(组织(OrganizingOrganizing)领导(领导(LeadingLeading)控制(控制(ControllingControlling)三三 管理的属性管理的属性1 1 自然属性自然属性:对资源和对资源和 人的协调以人的协调以 提高生产力提高生产力 的过程的过程2 2 社会属性社会属性社会生产社会生产 关系的反关系的反 映:映:为谁为谁 管理管理第二节第二节 管理者管理者组织成员的类型组织成员的类型: :操作者操作者( (OperativesOperatives) )管理者管理者( (ManagersManagers) )一一 管理者(经理)的角色管理者(经理)的角色 ( (Management rolesManagement roles) )亨利亨利 明茨伯格(明茨伯格( Henry Henry MintzbergMintzberg , 1939-1939-),经理角色学派),经理角色学派 代表人物。代表人物。19651965年获麻年获麻 省理工学院斯隆管理学省理工学院斯隆管理学 院博士学位,现任加拿院博士学位,现任加拿 大麦吉尔大学(大麦吉尔大学(McgillMcgill UniversityUniversity)和法国枫丹)和法国枫丹 白露(白露(FontainebieauFontainebieau )INSEADINSEAD大学管理学教大学管理学教 授授1 Interpersonal roles1 Interpersonal roles (人际角色)(人际角色)Leader (Leader (领导者领导者) ) :Foster a Foster a proper work atmosphere and proper work atmosphere and motivate and develop motivate and develop subordinatessubordinates活动活动: :从事所有下级参与的活动从事所有下级参与的活动Liaison(Liaison(联络者联络者) ):Develop Develop and maintain a network of and maintain a network of external contacts to gather external contacts to gather informationinformation活动活动: :从事外部人员参加的活动从事外部人员参加的活动Figure Head(Figure Head(代表人代表人) ): Perform ceremonial and Perform ceremonial and symbolic duties as head of symbolic duties as head of the organizationthe organization活动活动: :进行公关活动进行公关活动, ,签署法律签署法律 文件文件2 2 Information RolesInformation Roles (信息角色)(信息角色)Monitor(Monitor(监督者监督者): ):Gather Gather internal and external internal and external information relevant to the information relevant to the organization organization 活动活动: :阅读期刊、杂志与报告,阅读期刊、杂志与报告, 保持私人接触保持私人接触Disseminator(Disseminator(传播者传播者): ):Transmit Transmit factual and value based factual and value based information to subordinatesinformation to subordinates活动:举行信息交流会活动:举行信息交流会Spokesperson(Spokesperson(发言人发言人): ): Communicate to the Communicate to the outside world on outside world on performance and policiesperformance and policies活动:向外界发布信息活动:向外界发布信息Entrepreneur(Entrepreneur(企业家企业家): ): Design Design and initiate change in the and initiate change in the organizationorganization活动:制定战略,监督执行活动:制定战略,监督执行3 3 决策角色决策角色 (Decision RolesDecision Roles)Negotiator(Negotiator(谈谈 判者判者 ): ):Participate in Participate in negotiation negotiation activities with activities with other other organizations organizations and individualsand individuals活动:与劳方进活动:与劳方进 行谈判行谈判Disturbance Handler(Disturbance Handler(混乱驾混乱驾 驭者驭者): ):Deal with Deal with unexpected events and unexpected events and operational breakdownsoperational breakdowns活动:补救,保持稳定活动:补救,保持稳定Resource Allocator (Resource Allocator (资源资源 分配者分配者): ):Control and Control and authorize the use of authorize the use of organizational resourcesorganizational resources活动:从事预算和人事工作活动:从事预算和人事工作二二 管理者的层次与技能管理者的层次与技能1 1 管理者层次:管理者层次:高层高层、中层中层与与基层基层管理者管理者高层管理者(战略管理者,高层管理者(战略管理者, Strategy ManagersStrategy Managers)魏家福: 中国远洋 董事长中层管理者(战术管理者,中层管理者(战术管理者, Tactics ManagersTactics Managers)基层管理者(操作管理者,基层管理者(操作管理者, Firstline ManagersFirstline Managers)2 2 管理者技能管理者技能Robert L. Katz. Robert L. Katz. “ “Skills of an Skills of an Effective Effective AdministratorAdministrator,” ,” Harvard Business Harvard Business Review. Review. September-September- October October 1974,pp.90-102.1974,pp.90-102.Technical Skill Technical Skill Technical skill implies Technical skill implies an understanding of, an understanding of, and proficiency in, a specific kind of and proficiency in, a specific kind of activity, particularly involving methods, activity, particularly involving methods, process, procedures or techniques.process, procedures or techniques. It is relatively easy for us to It is relatively easy for us to visualize the technical skill visualize the technical skill of the surgeon, the of the surgeon, the musician, the accountant musician, the accountant or the engineer when each or the engineer when each is performing his/her own is performing his/her own special function.special function.Human SkillHuman Skill与人合作的能力Human skill is the executives ability to work effectively as a group member and to build cooperative effort within the team he leads. As technical skill is primarily concerned with working with “things“ (process or physical objects), human skill is primarily concerned with working with people.Conceptual SkillConceptual SkillConceptual skill involves the ability to see the enterprise as a whole. It includes recognizing how the various functions of the organization depend on one and other and how changes in any one part affect all the others. 三三 成功的管理者与有效的管理者成功的管理者与有效的管理者 Fred Fred LuthansLuthans的观点的观点 管理者的活动:管理者的活动: 1 1 传统管理传统管理:决策、计划和控制;:决策、计划和控制; 2 2 沟通沟通:交流信息;:交流信息; 3 3 人力资源管理人力资源管理:人员配备、培训与:人员配备、培训与 激励;激励;
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