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试卷试卷 A、试卷的题项与目的、评分标准及答案、试卷的题项与目的、评分标准及答案 Part I: C-E (考核学生记笔记的技巧,对经济领域一些常见术语和典型汉语句子 的掌握和翻译以及数字的表达)今年我国全年国内生产总值(2 分)预计突破 20 万亿元(2 分),增幅 10.5%(2 分)。这意味着我国的经济增长(2 分)已经连续四年保持了 10%左 右的增长(2 分)。/今年我国物价稳定(2 分),预计全年居民价格总水平上涨 1.3%(2 分), 全年城镇新增就业可超过 1050 万人(2 分);农民人均纯收入和城镇居民人均 可支配收入分别增长 6%和 11%(4 分)。/尤其是下半年以来(1 分),宏观调控成效进一步显现(2 分),投资增幅 回落(2 分),前十个月(1 分),城镇固定资产投资增长 26.8%(2 分),增 幅比上半年回落 4.5 个百分点(2 分)。/国家发改委有关负责人表示(2 分),明年我国将继续合理控制(2 分)投 资增长(2 分),着力调整投资结构(2 分),注意提高投资效益(2 分)。/根据不同行业(2 分),适当提高并严格执行(2 分)建设项目在土地、环 保节能等方面(2 分)的准入标准(2 分),继续支持薄弱环节的建设(2 分)。/ Part II: E-C (考核学生的笔记和数字技巧,以及对课本内容的自学和掌握程 度)China had 12,930 star-ranked tourist hotels(2.5 分) nation wide by the end of 2006(2.5 分), 5,572 more than in 2001(2.5 分), according to statistics released by the National Tourism Administration (NTA) (2.5 分). /According to the newly issued evaluation standard of hotels(2 分), there are 288 five-star hotels(2 分), 1,307 four-star hotels(2 分), 4,747 three-star hotels(2 分), and more than 6,500 one-and two-star hotels in China(2 分). /China had 7,358 star-ranked hotels by the end of 2001(2 分), which had an average occupancy rate of 58.45 percent(2 分) and total revenue of 76.3 billion yuan(2 分). Statistics show that China has 2,258 A-class tourist spots and destinations at the end of 2006(2 分), 128 of them are ranked “A class“(2 分). /Officials with the NTA said(2 分) that the star-ranked tourist hotels and A-class tourist destinations(2 分) have helped elevate the level of Chinas tourist service(2 分), as well as promote the protection, development, management and construction of tourist spots and destinations(4 分). /China received 103.6 million overseas visits in the first ten months of 2006(2 分) , up 3.4 percent from the same period in 2005, and 60 times more than in 1978(2 分) . China is now ranked fourth in the world in terms of overseas tourist arrivals(2 分). The World Tourism Organization has predicted that China will become the No. 1 tourist destination(2 分) and the fourth largest source of tourists by 2020(2 分). /Reference key: Part I: C-EChinas gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to exceed 20 trillion yuan this year, up 10.5% over last year. This means that Chinas economy has maintained a growth rate of about 10% for 4 consecutive years.This year, China enjoys steady commodity price. The consumer price index will rise by 1.3 percent. Newly increased job opportunities could pass 10.5 million for the whole year. The per capita net income for farmers and per capita disposable income for urban residents are expected to grow by 6 percent and 11 percent, respectively. Since the second half of this year, the effect of macro regulation has further manifested itself. Investment growth has slowed down. In the first 10 months, investment in urban fixed assets increased by 26.8%, or 4.5 percentage points lower than the first half of this year.An official of the State Development and Reform Commission maintained that next year China will continue to rationally control investment growth, emphasizing the restructuring of investment mix and raising investment efficiency. In accordance with different industries, China will appropriately raise and strictly implement the access standard of construction projects in terms of land use, environmental protection and energy saving and will continue to support the construction of weak links. Part II: E-C 国家旅游总局(NTA)公布的数据显示,截止 2006 年底,中国共有 12,930 家旅游星级酒店,比 2001 年多了 5,572 家。根据最新的酒店评定标准,中国共有 288 家五星级酒店,1,307 家四星级酒 店,4,747 家三星级酒店,6,500 多家一星级和二星级酒店。截止 2001 年底,中国共有 7,358 家星级酒店,平均入住率为 58.45%,总收 入为 763 亿元。数据显示,到 2006 年底,中国共有 2,258 个 A 级旅游景点(区) ,其中 1A 级景点(区)128 个。国家旅游总局的官员说,星级酒店和 A 级旅游景点(区)帮助提升了中国 旅游业的服务水平,促进了旅游景点(区)的保护、发展、管理和建设。2006 年头十个月,中国共接待了 1.036 亿海外游客,比 2005 年同期增长了3.4%,是 1978 年的 60 倍。中国接待海外游客人数居世界第四位。世界旅游组 织预测,到 2020 年中国将成为第一大旅游接待国和第四大旅游输出国。
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