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微软押注微软押注 WindowsWindows 7 7 初级版初级版MicrosoftMicrosoft GamblesGambles OnOn WindowsWindows 7 7 StarterStarterMicrosoft Corp. is taking an unusual approach with its new Windows 7 operating system: Customers buying many of the least-expensive laptops with the software are likely to be limited to running three applications at a time and miss out on other key features, or pay for an upgrade.微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)新推出的Windows 7 操作系统将有惊人之举:如果你买的是一些低价笔记本电脑,那安装的 Windows 7 可能只能同时运行三个应用程序,其他一些关键功能也将受到限制,除非你支付升级费用。The strategy is one of the ways the software giant is responding to inexpensive portable computers called netbooks, a bright spot in the gloomy personal-computer business that is causing many companies to modify their business plans.在个人电脑业务呈现疲态之时,所谓的“上网本”笔记本电脑却成为一个亮点,许多公司正因此修改自己的商业模式,微软也随之做出反应。Netbooks - compact laptops that can cost less than $300 - pose problems for Microsoft because it cant charge computer makers as much for software used on the low-end systems as for standard desktops and laptops. The financial effects were felt in the quarter ended in December, when it contributed to an 8% decline in Windows revenue. Investors will be searching Microsofts quarterly financial results this Thursday for further signs of netbooks impact.Getty ImagesWindows 7 将针对上网本推出初级版Starter。图为微软 CEO 巴尔默。上网本是一种小型笔记本电脑,售价甚至低于 300 美元,这给微软公司带来一些困扰,因为它无法像普通台式电脑和笔记本电脑那样,对低端上网本的制造商收取同样多的软件授权费。截至2008 年 12 月的公司季报反映出这种情况所带来的影响,导致 Windows 软件方面的收入下滑 8%。投资者将研究微软公司于 2009 年 4 月 23 日公布的最新季报,寻找上网本给公司业务造成进一步冲击的蛛丝马迹。The situation creates a dual challenge in launching Windows 7, which is expected to be released this fall. The company must try to protect Windows profit, a business that accounted for more than half of operating income in its last quarter, while trying to keep alternatives such as Google Inc.s Android and other software based on the Linux operating system - often less expensive or free - from taking over the netbook market.这种形势给预计于 2009 年秋季上市的Windows 7 带来双重挑战。一方面,公司必须确保 Windows 软件的利润水平,在最新的季报中,这块业务占公司营运利润的一半以上。另一方面,微软在极力防止谷歌(Google Inc.)的Android 以及其他基于 Linux 的操作系统这些软件往往比较便宜或者免费抢占上网本市场的份额。Microsoft managed to grab the lions share of netbook sales last year, but at a heavy cost. It was forced to offer Windows XP - a version of the operating system it had largely phased out - at bargain prices to counter Linux versions.微软在 2008 年成功占领了上网本软件市场的大半壁江山,但成本巨大。它被迫以低价将基本已退出市场的Windows XP 版本提供给上网本制造商,以对抗 Linux 操作系统的蚕食。A Microsoft spokeswoman declined to discuss prices it offers PC makers, but people familiar with the matter say the company takes in less than $15 per 微软公司的发言人拒绝透露 Windows XP 版本的授权价格,但知情人士说,把返利考虑在内,公司每卖出一份上网本使用的 Windows XP 操作系统,收netbook for Windows XP once marketing rebates are taken into account - far less than the estimated $50 to $60 it receives for PCs running Windows Vista, a newer operating system that runs on standard desktop and laptop PCs.入还不到 15 美元,而卖出一份在个人电脑上使用的 Windows Vista,估计能收入 50 到 60 美元。Windows Vista 是微软一个较新的操作系统,适用于普通台式电脑和笔记本电脑。Netbooks are expected to run better on Windows 7 than Vista, which required more powerful hardware than netbooks offered. To encourage use of the new software, the company plans to offer a version called Starter that will be inexpensive but comes with significant limits. Besides only running three application programs at a time, Starter will also lack some spiffy graphical interface features of other versions of Windows 7.上网本使用 Windows 7 的效果预计比Vista 要好,Vista 对硬件有更高的要求,上网本难以满足。为鼓励上网本安装Windows 7 操作系统,公司计划推出Windows 7 Starter,价格便宜,但功能受到较大的限制。除只能同时运行三个程序之外,Starter 还缺少 Windows 7 其他版本所具有的一些亮丽的图形操作界面和功能。Brad Brooks, corporate vice president for Windows product marketing at Microsoft, said it created Starter so it can offer Windows 7 on even the least expensive netbooks. Even with its limits, Mr. Brooks said Starter is an easier and more reliable operating system than Windows XP.微软公司 Windows 产品营销部门负责企业营销的副总裁布莱德布鲁克斯(Brad Brook)说,公司推出 Starter 版本的目的就是让便宜的上网本也能用上Windows 7 操作系统。虽然功能受限,但布鲁克斯表示,Starter 与 Windows XP 相比,操作更简便,性能更可靠。When you see Starter on netbooks, there are a lot of impressions that it is limited, said Mr. Brooks. Its a pretty robust operating system for customers at the price points were giving it to “当你看到上网本使用的 Starter 时,会有很强烈的感觉,这个版本的功能受到了限制。”布鲁克斯说,“但就其价位而言,这是一个性价比很高的操作系统。”them.Customers who arent satisfied will have the option to pay an additional fee to upgrade to a higher-end version of the software, a process that will involve unlocking advanced Windows 7 features that are already stored on their PCs. Pricing for Starter, or for the upgrade, isnt yet known.不满意的顾客可以选择支付一笔额外费用,将 Starter 升级为更高端的版本,从而打开一些早就安装在硬盘上的Windows 7 高级功能。Starter 的定价以及升级费用尚未公布。Sumit Agnihotry, a vice president of product marketing at Acer Inc. - one of the biggest netbook suppliers - wouldnt say whether Acer plans to use the Windows 7 Starter version. But he said that being able to run just three applications - and the requirement that customers pay extra for a higher-end versi
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