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2010201020112011 学年秋季学期学年秋季学期 机械专业英语机械专业英语课程期中考试试卷课程期中考试试卷考试院系:考试院系: 工学院机械工程系工学院机械工程系 考试日期:考试日期: 题目一二三总分得分一、单词翻译题(一、单词翻译题(每空 1 分,共 10 分)1、 dynamic 2、 应力 3、 应变 4、 elasticity 5、 strength 6、 延展性 7、 kinematics 8、系数 9、冶金学 10、模量 二、词组翻译题(二、词组翻译题(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)1、作用力:2、能力损失:3、温升:4、散热面:5、热胀冷缩:得分 评卷人得分 评卷人考生答题不得过此线 密封线 任课教师: 教学班号: 姓名: 学号:装订线6、Surface hardening:7、随着温度升高而增强:8、导热性和导电性:9、be drawn into wire:10、弹性极限:11、极限强度:12、the cyclic reversals of stress:13、摩擦系数:14、Specific gravity:15、机械性能:三、三、句子翻译题句子翻译题(每小题 4 分,共 60 分)1、工程学是一门应用科学。2、The engineer is a problem solver, using knowledge and ability to devise or improve the solution to technological problems.3、More specifically, engineering is an applied science which deals with the planning, design, construction, testing, management or operation of facilities, machines, structures, and other devices used by all segments of society.4、实际上,工程技术发明的成果触及我们日常生活的各方面。5、In short, the engineer transforms scientific and mathematical principles into systems, processes, and goods for industrial and personal use.6、工程师们通常协同工作,往往与那些受过其他专业训练的人士分工协作。得分 评卷人7、工程师和科学家必须了解金属的物理特性。8、弹性体受载荷变形,撤去载荷后恢复原形。9、Elasticity is expressed by Hookes Law as the degree to which an elastic body bends or stretches out of shape (strain) which is in direct proportion to the force (stress) acting upon it.10、在弹性极限(比例极限)内应力与应变成比例。11、弹性意指应力与应变间的关系。12、金属强度就是指金属抵抗外力作用下引起的变形或形状改变的能力。13、The amount (percent) of elongation and reduction of area at the point of failure is an indication of ductility (which is the property that allows a metal to deform permanently when in tension).14、延展性就是金属受压缩载荷时产生永久变形的能力。15、Hardness is generally defined as the resistance to penetration or indentation.考生答题不得过此线 密封线 任课教师: 教学班号: 姓名: 学号:装订线
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