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- 1 -综合英语(综合英语(3 3)模拟试题(一)模拟试题(一)I. Vocabulary Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)1. Some people dont know how to adjust themselves to the _ of society.A. phenomenonB. diversityC. differenceD. complex2. We cant lay too much _ on the importance of health.A. emphasisB. focusC. foundationD. strength3. It is _ that 200 guests went to their wedding ceremony last week.A. figuredB. evaluatedC. assessedD. estimated4. Since I was rather busy, I _ to her Christmas card by phone rather than writing.A. rewardedB. correspondedC. respondedD. replied5. The city government decided to solve the problem at any _.A. expenseB. expectationC. expenditureD. existence6. The orphans are under the _ qualified social workers.A. guidanceB. supervisionC. supportD. sponsor7. When his death was revealed, there was a(n) _ among his family.A. regretB. reactionC. attitudeD. panic8. The problems raised by the sales manager _ immediate solution.A. call backB. call forC. call onD. call up9. The disease almost _ the population of the island.A. wiped outB. wiped offC. wiped upD. wiped away10. Every diamond has a natural line, along which it may be _ by a sharp bow with a cutting edge.A. brokenB. fallenC. swayedD. split11. Its believed that man _ from lower forms of life.A. advancedB. producedC. evolvedD. obtained12. Its our _ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.A. continualB. continuousC. consistentD. considerate13. The way that a pump works is used to _ how the heart sends blood around the body.A. estimateB. surveyC. claimD. illustrate14. Ill probably see you tommorrow, but Ill phone you _.A. in the eventB. in any eventC. in that eventD. at all event- 2 -15. While the development of the suburbs has created problems, it has also provided _ modern housing for millions of people.A. substantialB. giantC. expandedD. significant16. Lets _ our isolation and grasp the realities of the present economic crisis.A. maintainB. promoteC. abandonD. choose17. The Olympic Games can _ its history back to 776 BC.A. calculateB. traceC. followD. track18. Mary is responding _ treatment and will soon be cured of her illness.A. toB. withC. forD. into19. Youd better _ your point by giving one or two examples; otherwise, the students wont be able to understand you.A. compareB. proveC. illustrateD. sharpen20. In this town, the price of beer _ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.A. alteredB. differedC. rangedD. separatedII. Reading ComprehensionEach of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Passage 1There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. Information in long-term memory can be remembered at a later time when it is needed. The information may be kept for days or weeks. However, information in short-term memory is kept for only a few seconds, usually by repeating the information over and over. The following experiment shows how short-term memory has been studied.Henning studied how students who are learning English as a second language remember vocabulary. The subjects in his experiment were 75 college students. They represented all levels of ability in English: beginning, intermediate, advanced, and native-speaking students.To begin, the subjects listened to a recording of a native speaker reading a paragraph in English. Following the recording, the subjects took a 15-question test to see which words they remembered. Each question had four choices. The subjects had to circle the word they had heard in the recording. Some of the questions had four choices that sound alike. For example, weather, whether, wither, and wetter are four words that sound alike. Some of the questions had four choices that have the same meaning. Method, way, manner, and system would be four words with the same meaning. Finally the subjects took a language proficiency test.- 3 -Henning found that students with a lower proficiency in English made more of their mistakes on words that sound alike; students with a higher proficiency made more of their mistakes on words that have the same meaning. Hennings results suggest that beginning students hold the sound of words in their short-term memory, and advanced students hold the meaning of words in their short-term memory.21. Henning made the experiment in order to study .A. how students remember English vocabulary by short-term memoryB. how students learn English vocabularyC. how to develop students ability in EnglishD. how long information in short-term memory is kept22. Which of the fol
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