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六年级下册各单元主要内容和目标(蓝色部分为四会内容,黑色部分为三会内容。四会内容分布在 A、B 部分 lets learn 和 lets talk 中 ,三会内容分布在 A、B 部分 lets talk 和 Lets read 中。 ) 一、本册总内容与目标 1要求四会掌握的有 1 个短语和 61 个单词 以及 7 组句子和 4 个单句(长度、重量、高度、看病、情感、周末和假期活动、旅 行、晚会等几话题)。要求能在真实语境 中正确运用并读懂简短语篇。 2完成 1 个手工制作。 3听懂、会唱 6 首歌曲。 4听懂、会吟唱 6 首歌谣。 5完成 4 个自我评价活动。 6理解 6 个幽默小故事。7了解 6 项简单的中西方文化生活知识。 二、各单元内容和目标 Unit 1(形容词比较级) 1.用形容词谈论自己、朋友和他人或事物。 2.描述人、物、动物的身高、长度和体重等。3.会根据测量数据分析比较和汇报。4.辨别、认读这些音标:eI aI I p b t d 5.四会及三会掌握以下词句: taller shorter stronger older younger bigger heavier longer thinner smaller little tail think size How tall are you? Im 164 cm tall. Youre shorter than me. Youre 4 cm taller than me. How heavy are you? Im 48 kg. Im thinner and shorter than you I am taller than you, but you are stronger than me.I am 160 cm tall. I am 51kg. a sperm whale is 35 ton. You are 4cm taller than me. I am one year older than you.Unit 2 1.简要询问他人是否身体健康、心情愉快。 2.简单表达自己或他人的身体是否健康,和 各种心情。3.简单表达感冒时的注意事项。Take some 4.简述产生某种心情的原因。I feel because I . 5.辨认、认读音标a k n h l s r及 其例词。6.培养学生养成关心他人、团结友爱的良好 品质。 7.四会或三会掌握下面的词、句。have a fever hurt have a cold have a toothache have a headache have a sore throat matter sore nose tired excited angry happy bored sad people know pass guess game Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts. How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy. How are you, Sarah? You look sad today. I have a headache/cold/toothache/fever/flu/sore throat. I feel sick. Iam happy/sad/ angry/ bored/tired/exited. Take some medicine. Drink some hot water. Stay in . I feel because failed my math test.Unit 3(一般过去时) 1.用一般过去时描述自己过去时间里所做的 事情。 2.用 WHAT 或 DID 开头询问他人在过去时间 里所做的事情并作答。 3.掌握动词过去式变化规则及简单不规则变 化动词的过去式(was were went swam flew did had said saw took came got drew)。过去式中 ed 的发音规则。 4.Pronunciation 中的音标 e 及例词。 5.四会或三会掌握下面的词、句。watch - watched wash - washed clean - cleaned play - played visit - visited do - did go - went read read went fishing went hiking last weekend What did you do last weekend? I played football.Did you read books? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. What did you do yesterday? Last week, I What did he do on Sunday morning? Unit 4 1.用一般过去时描述自己乘坐什么交通工具 去了哪,并会询问他人这一话题。Where did you go ? How did you go there? I went . 2.培养学生合理安排学习和生活的能力,激 发热爱大自然的美好情感。 3.了解查字典的步骤和方法,形成合作学习 策略。 4.四会或三会掌握下面的词、句。learn Chinese learned Chinese sing sang eat good food ate good food dance danced take pictures took pictures climb a mountain climbed a mountain buy presents bought presents row a boat rowed a boat see elephants saw elephants get to got to have had went skiing went ice-skating Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang. How did you go there? I went by train. 人称和数主格 宾格形容 词性 物主 代词名词 性 物主 代词反身 代词第一 人称单数I (我)memy (我 的)minemysel f (我自己)复数we (我 们)usour (我 们的)oursourse lves (我 们自 己) 第二 单数youyouyour yoursyours(你)(你 的)elf (你 自己)人称复数you (你 们)youyour (你 们的)yoursyours elves (你 们自己)he (他)himhis (他 的)hishimse lf (他 自己)第三 人称单数she (她)herher (她hersherse lf的)(她 自己)it (它)itits (它 的)itsitsel f (它 自己)复数they (他 们/ 她们/它们)themtheir (他 们的/ 她们 的/它 们的)their sthems elves (他 们/她 们/它 们自 己)
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