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三立教育 www.sljy.com2018 年 1-4 月雅思口语部分新题预测:Advertisement三立在线教育为大家准备了 2018 年 1-4 月雅思口语部分新题预测:Advertisement,供同学们学习参考。每年的 1、5、9 月为雅思换题月。每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰 30%到 40%的旧题,并且补充相应数量的新题,大家在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的机经版本。希望三立在线教育为大家提供的 1-4 月雅思口语预测题对大家考试有所帮助。1.Are advertisements important?Definitely, yes. Advertisements bring out the idea of the new products and their features in a nut shell. They prove to be beneficial for both the customers and the company. But, with advertisement market rising up, I think companies have learnt the art of deceiving the customers as well. You can easily find products being depicted as something else in the advertisements. Also, with so many ads coming in, it becomes quite difficult and overwhelming for the customer to choose the product. Having said that, I think advertisements are vital but then there should be more truth to them than flashy statements.三立教育 www.sljy.com2.Do you watch advertisements on television or on internet?I give more preference to the internet as compared to television. I rarely watch TV, so most of the ads that I see are on internet while surfing you tube videos or any other web site.3.Are there many advertisements in your country?Yes, advertising industry has seen a rise in my country. Earlier there were only few advertisements and that to repetitive but in todays time companies are making great advertisements, most of them being short stories, instead of simply saying buy our product. Also, there is a change of advertisement every month or quarter by the company, which makes it all the more exciting.4.Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?With the coming of Internet and globalization, the world has become a more connected place. We have come out of our houses and stepped onto a world of possibilities. Advertisements have grown in recent times because firstly, people have less time. So, companies need to make the impact of a product on the customer as fast as possible. 三立教育 www.sljy.comAlso, with coming of globalization there is a lot of competition amongst companies, so they turn towards ads to grab the customers attention.5.Where are the places we see advertisements?Almost everywhere, I would say. They are there on television, internet, newspapers, radios and then we can see those big banners and hoardings all over. We find them in different pallets and these days, one can get messages on phone about the various products and offers from companies.6.How do you feel about advertisements?I really love watching advertisements. For some reasons, I get awed by how someone could just make a product stuck in our minds. Some use stories, others have that twist and it is more often not the product that strikes us, it is actually how the advertisement of it relates to our life.7.What kind of advertisements do you like the most?I love watching the advertisements which have some story behind. So, instead of those 10 seconds ads, I would say I prefer the ones that span over at least 45 seconds and strike the chord with something that 三立教育 www.sljy.comis affecting us socially. Like, there was recent ad by Biba which did not talked about Biba, but about a strong women and how she fought back dowry. So, now all the strong women will buy Biba.8.What type of advertisements do you prefer to use for getting information?I like static ads to get information about a particular product, instead of the motion ads. Surely, the motion ads are more interesting and fun to see but when it comes to getting information, I would say the ones that come in newspapers or pamphlets are easier to fathom the information.9.Do advertisements influence your choice of product?Surely, it does. Advertisements have come about to affect our choices in way like never before. With so many companies launching products and all of them being so similar, it is often the advertisement that helps in deciding the product to buy. But, when it comes to choosing between a well known or trusted company and the newly established, irrespective of the ad I prefer the trusted one.三立在线教育雅思频道为大家提供 2018 年最新的雅思备考资料,需要的同学可免费领取。三立教育 www.sljy.com
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