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非谓语动词-动名词- 在 like , love , hate , prefer等词后,若表示强调某种爱好、一般性的倾向,需用动名词作宾语;如指某次将发生的具体行为,则多用不定式作宾语。例如:She likes dancing more than singing .她喜欢跳舞胜过唱歌。She likes to go dancing with her colleagues this weekend.这个周末她想和同事一块儿去跳舞。Men often hate going window-shopping .男人通常不爱逛商店。Davis hates to talk about that topic at next meeting .戴维斯不想在下次会议上谈那个话题。She prefers swimming to running . 她喜欢游泳而不喜欢跑步。She prefers to go swimming this afternoon .今天下午她要去游泳。- 在 remember, regret后面,接动名词表示已发生过的动作;接不定式表示现在发生或将要发生的动作 。例如:I remember having posted the letter today .我记得今天把那封信发出去了。Ill remember to post the letter for you .我会记得帮你将信发出去的。I regret not telling her the truth before she left .我后悔在她离开前告诉她实情。I regret to say I am not prepared well enough for the new post .很遗憾地说,我还没有为新的职位作好充分的准备。- 在 begin , start , 和 cease之后,接动名词表示强调有意识地开始或停止某动作;不定式则表示自然、突然地发生的动作。例如:She began learning to cook before her marriage .她是婚前开始学烧饭的。It began to snow yesterday .昨天开始下雪了。They started developing the new product in 1999 .1999年他们开始研制那种新产品。 No sooner had we arrived home than it started to rain heavily. 我们刚一到家就下起大雨来了。He ceased smoking when he got something wrong with his lung .当他的肺部出了毛病时,他停止吸烟了。Electronic games ceased to interested him after he began to work .他参加工作以后,电子游戏不再使他感兴趣了。- stop后接动名词表示要开始动名词表示的动作,而后接不定式则表示终止不式表示的动作 ;try 后接动名词表示试着干某事,而后接不定式则表示尽力干某事 。例如:Stop talking please . (终止讲话的动作)请不要讲话了。Lets stop to take a break . (开始休息的动作)让我们停下来休息一会儿。The boy tried installing his computer and succeed at last . (试着安装 )那个男孩试着安装他的电脑,最后成功了。- 在 like , love , hate , prefer等词后,若表示强调某种爱好、一般性的倾向,需用动名词作宾语;如指某次将发生的具体行为,则多用不定式作宾语。例如:She likes dancing more than singing .她喜欢跳舞胜过唱歌。She likes to go dancing with her colleagues this weekend.这个周末她想和同事一块儿去跳舞。Men often hate going window-shopping .男人通常不爱逛商店。Davis hates to talk about that topic at next meeting .戴维斯不想在下次会议上谈那个话题。She prefers swimming to running . 她喜欢游泳而不喜欢跑步。She prefers to go swimming this afternoon .今天下午她要去游泳。- 在 remember, regret后面,接动名词表示已发生过的动作;接不定式表示现在发生或将要发生的动作 。例如:I remember having posted the letter today .我记得今天把那封信发出去了。Ill remember to post the letter for you .我会记得帮你将信发出去的。I regret not telling her the truth before she left .我后悔在她离开前告诉她实情。I regret to say I am not prepared well enough for the new post .很遗憾地说,我还没有为新的职位作好充分的准备。- 在 begin , start , 和 cease之后,接动名词表示强调有意识地开始或停止某动作;不定式则表示自然、突然地发生的动作。例如:She began learning to cook before her marriage .她是婚前开始学烧饭的。It began to snow yesterday .昨天开始下雪了。They started developing the new product in 1999 .1999年他们开始研制那种新产品。 No sooner had we arrived home than it started to rain heavily. 我们刚一到家就下起大雨来了。He ceased smoking when he got something wrong with his lung .当他的肺部出了毛病时,他停止吸烟了。Electronic games ceased to interested him after he began to work .他参加工作以后,电子游戏不再使他感兴趣了。- stop 后接动名词表示要开始动名词表示的动作,而后接不定式则表示终止不式表示的动作 ;try 后接动名词表示试着干某事,而后接不定式则表示尽力干某事 。例如:Stop talking please . (终止讲话 的动作)请不要讲话了。Lets stop to take a break . (开始休息的动作)让我们停下来休息一会儿。The boy tried installing his computer and succeed at last . (试着安装 )那个男孩试着安装他的电脑,最后成功了。Ill try to finish the composition of the book by October .(尽力 完成 )我要尽力在十月以前完成这本书的写作。D)动名词作介词的宾语,并与介词一起构成介短语在句子里担当定语、状语、表语,如:Im looking forward to your coming next time . (作状语) 我期待着您下一次的到来。On hearing our delegation in Sydney had won 28 gold medals , all the Chinese people cheered up with great joy and showed their great respects to our athletes . (作状语)当听到我国在悉尼的奥运代表团获得了 28 块金牌时,全 中国人民都高兴地欢呼起来,并向我们的运动健儿们表示崇高的敬意。The simplest kind of advertising is the classified ad .(作定语)最简单的广告是分类广告。They are against using so many animals in experiments .(作表语)他们反对用如此多的动物去做试验。另外,在说明动名词的动作状态方面,我们有一般式和完成式。当我们要强调说明动名词动作发生于谓语动作之前时,多用动名词的完成式;如果无意具体说明动名词动作发生于什么时候,或是动名词动作与谓语动作是同时发生时,就只用动名词的一般式。例如:He is fond of watching sports-games .(一般式)他喜欢观看体育竞赛。She likes making herself busy all the day .(一般式)她喜欢使自己终日忙忙碌碌的。The secretary was scolded for not having finished typing the report in time .(完成式)那位秘书因没有按时将报告打印出来而受责备。I regret having said some rude words to my brother .(完成式)我后悔对我弟弟说了些粗话。We have no idea of their having done such kind of thing(完成式)我们不知道他们干过这种事情。当然,上面所将的也并不是绝对的。有些动词后(或成语中) ,我们也可用动名词的一般式表示发生于谓语动作之前的动名词动作。例如:I dont remember ever seeing her any time .我不记得曾几何时见过她。He apologized for interrupting us .他因打断了我们的谈话而向我们道歉。Thank you for offering me so much help .感谢你们给我提供了这么多的帮助。当动名词在句子中的逻辑主语在意义上是动名词动作的宾语时,我们应当用动名词的被动形式。being + 过去分词是动名词被动式的一般形式; having + been + 是动名词被动式的完成形式。例如:People hate being praised for nothing .人们不喜欢无缘无故的赞扬。The problem is far from being solved .这问题远没得到解决。His being elected our chairman made us think of a lot .他当选为我们的主席使我们想起了许多许多。She didnt mind being left alone at home .她不介意被一人留在家里。After having been treated in the special way, he could deal with everything around him smoothly .他接受了特殊化的训练后,能顺利地对付他周围的一切。He cant remember having been scolded by his boss for that matter . 他不记得老板曾为那件事责备过他。但是在很多情况下,我们常用动名词的一般被动形式;避免使用动名词被动式的完成形式,因为它会使句子显得累赘。最后,还有一点值得我们注意:want(需要), need(需要), deserve(值得), require(需要)等词后,我们用动名词的主动形式表达被动
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