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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作中错误的语法知识摘要: 简单对比了中英文标点符号,对二者做了区别。这次,我们将讲解中国学生在托福写作中常见的标点符号错误。只有在了解了中英标点的区别,注意写作时常犯的标点错误,才能写出无懈可击的高分作文。托福 写作中错误的语法知识(1) 把非限制性定语从句(non-restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定语从句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗点。错误 He killed his father that shocked me.从句意来看,上句是一个非限制性定语从句,故应在his father后加逗点,把that 相应改成which 即:修改 He killed his father, which shocked me.(2) 不论状语从句在整个句子中处于何种位置,一概以逗点隔开。错误 We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow.状语从句可置于句首或句末。置于句首时,一般要用标点隔开;而置于句末时,则无需与主句隔开,故以上句子应改为:修改 If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.(3) 在疑问句形式的陈述句后使用问号。错误 What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered.修改 What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered.英语疑问除可用问号来表达外,尚可用词序加以表达。故上例的疑问可用逗点表示.以上就是小编为大家整理的“ 托福写作 中错误的语法知识”部分内容,更多资料请点击托福资料下载频道!相关推荐:托福写作上场前的忠言托福写作考前必读托福写作不能出现的情况相关字搜索: 托福写作错误
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