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九年级英语九年级英语 Unit 1 单元小测单元小测 -By MXYClass _ No. _ Name _ Mark _一、单项选择(210=20 分) ( )1. -_ you often make flashcards? -Yes, I do. A. DidB. DoC. WillD. Are ( )2. Mr. Black gave us _ on how to learn physics well.A. an adviceB. some advices C. some suggestions D. some suggestion ( )3. -_ you ever seen the movie Kung Fu Panda?-Yes, Ive seen it twice.A. HadB. HaveC. HasD. Did ( )4. -Im sorry. I forgot to bring you the photos.-_. A. Thank youB. See youC. It doesnt matterD. Here you are ( )5. Li Lei practices _ football every day.A. playingB. to playC. playedD. plays ( )6. You can _ a new word in a dictionary if you dont know it. A. look atB. look forC. look upD. look through ( )7. Hes often late for school. Our teacher is angry _ him. A. aboutB. atC. forD. with ( )8. We got _ when we heard of the _ news. A. frustrated; frustratedB. frustrated; frustrating C. frustrating; frustratedD. frustrating; frustrating ( )9. Many people find _ hard to do the job. A. oneB. thatC. thisD. it ( )10. Lets do it _. There is still a lot of time.A. slowB. easilyC. slowlyD. fast 二、看中文填单词或按照所给单词的正确形式填空(210=20 分) 1. A real _(友谊) is more valuable than money. 2. This piece of cloth really feels _(柔软的). 3. He _(将视为) me as an excellent worker. 4. Jack and Tom are going to be _(军人) in the future. 5. Reading _(大声地) is good for your English study. 6. Theyre different people. They do things _(different). 7. Do you know how _(pronounce) this word? 8. The little girl _(lose) her parents in an accident. 9. Education is an important part of our _(develop). 10. Please answer my question in a _(completely) sentence.三、同义句转换(45=20 分) 1. Lily is not tall enough to join the basketball team. Lily is _ short _ join the basketball team. 2. What is the best way to go to Shanghai?What is the best way _ _ to Shanghai? 3. We will go to play football if it doesnt rain tomorrow.We will go to play football _ it _ tomorrow. 4. Why not go to the library after school?_ _ going to the library after school? 5. To begin with, he had no money._ _, he had no money. 四、语法填空(25=10 分) Last year my English class was difficult. My teacher spoke too _(quick) and I couldnt understand every word. Then I started to watch English-language TV. It _(help) a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the _(secret) of becoming a good language learner. I also learnt English _ studying grammar. My teacher is very impressed _ I got an A this term. 五、完成句子(45=20 分) 1. 我们不应该害怕出错。We shouldnt _ to _. 2. 老师要求学生编造对话并做笔记。The teacher asked the students to _ conversations and _. 3. 随着时间的流逝,同学们不再嘲笑他了。As time _, his classmates didnt _ him any more. 4. 我们应该尽力处理好生活中遇到的难题。We should _ to _ the problems in our life. 5. 随后,他们中止了谈话。_, they _ their talk. 六、话题作文(10 分) 请根据所给信息,用 3-4 句话描写你学习英语的方法。 (1) How do you learn English? (watch English movies) (2) What other ways have you ever tried? (listen to English songs) (3) What will you do if you have trouble understanding the words? (ask the teachers for help) _ _ _ _ _九年级英语第一单元小测答案九年级英语第一单元小测答案一、一、单项选择单项选择BCBCA CDBDC二、二、单词单词1. friendship; 2. soft; 3. regards; 4. soldiers; 5. aloud; 6. differently; 7. to pronounce; 8. lost; 9. development; 10. complete三、同义句转换三、同义句转换1. too to; 2. of going; 3. unless rains; 4. How/What about; 5. At first四、语法填空四、语法填空1. quickly; 2. helped; 3. secrets; 4. by; 5. because五、完成句子五、完成句子1. be afraid; make mistakes2. make up; take notes3. went by; laugh at4. try our best; deal with5. Later on; broke off六、话题作文样例六、话题作文样例I learn English by watching English movies. I have ever tried to listen to English songs. I will ask the teachers for help if I have trouble understanding the words.
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