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法法定定語語文文事事務務署署通通訊訊OFFICIAL LANGUAGES AGENCY NEWSLETTER文文訊訊WORD POWER第六期 二零零一年八月 Issue No.6 August 2001也也談談接接續續傳傳譯譯傳譯是兩種語言的轉化,牽涉的卻往往不只是語言因素。即時傳譯也好,接續傳譯也好, 要求頃刻之間耳到、心到、口到,不容巧思細量,考驗的已不僅是語言工夫。文訊 連續三期刊載談論傳譯的文章,希望可以讓讀者對傳譯工作多一點認識,對即時傳譯與 接續傳譯的異同多幾分了解。Consecutive Interpretation in FocusIf asked what types of interpretation (or oral translation) services are available in Hong Kong, one would probably come up with the answer simultaneous interpretation. However, people who have used our Chinese Language Officers interpretation service at meetings, hearings, presentation ceremonies or field trips would invariably add consecutive interpretation.How does a consecutive interpreter deliver his service? Is there any difference between simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation?A consecutive interpreter translates when the speaker pauses. The speaker and the consecutive interpreter take turns to speak, and there is no overlapping of voices. As to simultaneous interpretation, the interpreter is required to translate at the time when the speaker speaks. A simultaneous interpreter needs a purpose-built booth with sophisticated equipment. For details regarding how a simultaneous interpreter works, please refer to the article entitled “The Invisible Link” in Issues No.4 and 5 of Word Power.But in providing services, both types of interpreters are required to possess a high level of linguistic proficiency and a wide range of knowledge. They should also be capable of chopping the utterances into sensible groups or logical components, subordinating the parts to the whole without losing the speakers thread of thought, and producing the best transference and delivery that are marked by the dialectical unity of accuracy and smoothness. And all this has to be done in seconds!Chinese Language Officers and Interpreters (Simultaneous Interpretation) of the Official Languages Agency are responsible for providing consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation service. Different occasions call for different modes of interpretation. Generally speaking, simultaneous interpretation is preferred at meetings of the Legislative Council and District Councils while consecutive interpretation is required at other meetings and interviews. So, when you turn to the Official Languages Agency for interpretation services, you should not worry if asked what type of interpretation service you have in mind.驛驛站站Express一一起起來來學學普普通通話話 走走南南闖闖北北都都不不怕怕 香香港港推推廣廣普普通通話話大大聯聯盟盟學習普通話近年蔚然成風。由本地百多個團體組成的“香港推廣普通話大聯盟 ”,為 推動香港人多說普通話,把本年九月十三日(星期四)定為特區“第一屆普通話日 ”。香港電台、公務員培訓處中文組和法定語文事務署都是“大聯盟”的成員,肩負推廣 之責。為作響應,一些部門會在當日舉辦各式各樣的活動,通過遊戲、比賽或表演,鼓 勵同事多講普通話,協力推廣。大家準備好沒有?讓我們多聽多講普通話,齊來享受箇 中樂趣吧!英英漢漢水水務務辭辭彙彙已已經經出出版版An English-Chinese Glossary of Water Supply Terms由法定語文事務署編印的政府部門常用英漢辭彙,最新一輯水務(第二十一輯), 已於八月出版,現正在政府刊物銷售處發售。這輯辭彙收錄詞目約二千六百條。全書分為兩個部分。第一部分是辭彙正文,輯錄政府 部門常用水務用語,按詞目的英文字母順序排列。除英漢對照的詞條外,每個詞條都標 注漢語拼音,部分更附連普通話對照語詞,方便參考。第二部分為兩個附錄,載列水務 署組織大綱圖及水務設施一覽表。The latest addition to the English-Chinese glossary series of the Official Languages Agency, the Glossary on Water Supply (Volume 21), was published in August and is now on sale at the Government Publications Centre.This glossary of some 2 600 entries is a collection of terms and expressions commonly used in government departments on subjects related to water supply. All the entries are listed bilingually and in alphabetical order. Each Chinese term is matched with pinyin romanization. In some cases, equivalent terms used in the Mainland are also provided for easy reference. The glossary contains two appendices, namely the organisation chart of the Water Supplies Department and a list of waterworks installations.牛牛刀刀小小試試詩詩詞詞矩矩陣陣解解碼碼遊遊戲戲下表42個字可以按照提示,組合成與 “月”有關的詩詞名句。每個字可以重複使用。 餘下未用的六個字,配合 “月”字,可組成唐詩七絕一句。試試闖關破陣吧!啼松踏月古星人明陰有頭流圓清蹄望曾待今天江湧柳出霜大間夜上落滿缺稀皎照兮時盡馬晴梢烏詩詩詞詞名名句句提提示示月詩經陳風月出一句,下句為 “佼人僚兮 ”月魏曹操短歌行一句,下句為 “烏鵲南飛 ”月南唐李煜玉樓春一句,上句為 “歸時休放燭花紅 ”月唐李白把酒問月 一句,上句為 “今人不見古時月 ”月唐杜甫旅夜書懷 一句,上句為 “星垂平野闊 ”月唐王維山居秋暝 一句,下句為 “清泉石上流 ”月唐王建十五日夜望月寄杜郎中 一句,下句為 “不知秋思落誰家 ”月宋蘇軾水調歌頭 一句,上句為 “人有悲歡離合 ”月宋歐陽修生查子元夕一句,下句為 “人約黃昏後 ”餘下的字組合而成的詩句是:讀者只需填妥答案和個人資料,在 二零零一年十月十五日前 寄回“香港金鐘道政府合 署23樓法定語文事務署 文訊編委會”,便有機會獲得精美禮品一份,名額 5個。 參加者的個人資料在抽獎後即予銷毀。答案及得獎名單下期公布。姓名:電話:部門:職位:地址:上上期期“詞詞語語正正讀讀 ”遊遊戲戲答答案案:1. 惆悵惆(唱)7. 馬馬(救)2. 緋聞(非)聞8. 褫奪(始)奪3. 猝死(撮)死9. 虛與委蛇虛與(威)(而)4. 毆打(嘔)打10.言詞閃爍言詞閃(削)5. 遏止(壓)止11.重蹈覆轍重(道)覆轍6. 弔唁弔(現)12.千里迢迢千里(條)(條)得得獎獎名名單單如如下下:姓姓名名所所屬屬部部門門 馮燕勤香港警務處 許敏儀香港海關梁玉燕民航處LAU Sin-yee水務署CHAN Shuk-fan香港房屋委員會各得獎者將獲專函通知領獎。采采風風中中秋秋談談月月金風送爽,秋意漸濃,還有不到一個月又是中秋。農曆八月在秋季之中,八月十五又正 當八月的中間,故稱中秋。中秋月圓,圓月帶來團圓的聯想,所以中秋節又稱團圓節。自古以來,月的盈虧明晦,總給人們帶來無限的遐想。嫦娥奔月、吳剛斫桂、蟾蜍蝕月等等,都是與月有關的神話傳說,家喻戶曉。月圓月缺,更是文人雅士用之不竭的創作 題材。李白的“舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉 ”(靜夜思)、杜甫的 “露從今夜白,月是故 鄉明”(月夜憶舍弟 ),傳誦千古,表達了天涯望鄉人內心深處的那份情感,語白 情深。望月懷人,豁達的詩人不一定怨遙傷遠。李白把酒問月 :“今人不見古時月,今 月曾經照古人。古人今人若流水,共看明月皆如此”,蘊含明月長存的哲理,與張九 齡“海上生明月,天涯共此時 ”(望月懷遠 )兩句相比,同樣是消解因遙遠的地 理空間而生的懷思,在心靈上彌合時空的隔閡,寄寓深遠。說到中秋的文學作品,又豈可不談蘇軾的 水調歌頭 呢?詞的上闋抒仕途多蹇之感: “又恐
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