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1五上 Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea? 教学设计一、一、 教学目标:教学目标:(一)语言知识目标:1.“四会”掌握以下单词:coffee, tea, milk, juice, something, coke, cup, glass, bottle, sure, can, cold, hot,; 2. 能掌握和运用以下句型:(1)What do you want to eat/drink for lunch?(2)Do you want or ? (3)I want something hot/cold.(4)I think I will have .(二)语言技能目标:1. 正确用英语表达不可数名词(配合量词使用) ;2. 正确用英语表达食物的价钱。(三)学习策略目标:1. 通过使用“电子书包”云课堂技术,实现自主化的体验式教学;2. 利用歌曲、图片、实物等多元化的教学手段,提高课堂效率;3. 通过对话的学习,培养学生运用语言的综合能力。(四)情感态度目标:1. 通过询问、了解别人的意见,学会尊重他人。2. 通过小组活动,培养合作精神。3. 培养自学能力、养成良好的自学习惯。4. 在生活中接触英语的时候乐于探究其含义,并且尝试模仿。(五)文化意识目标通过本课学习,引导学生初步了解中、西方饮食文化差异。二、二、 教学重难点:教学重难点:21. 掌握本节课的“四会”单词:drink, coffee, tea, cup, a cup of, milk, something, cold, hot, bottle, a bottle of, juice, glass, can2. 正确运用以下句型:(1)What do you want to eat/drink for lunch?(2)Do you want or ? (3)I want something hot/cold.(4)I think I will have .(5)I want . / I will have .3. 能正确运用量词与不可数名词搭配来表达食物和饮品,如:a cup of, a glass of, a bottle of, a can of, a box of。三、三、 教学媒体:图片、实物、教学媒体:图片、实物、ppt、电子书包等。、电子书包等。四、四、 教学过程:教学过程:(一)Preparation 1. Free talk2. Sing a song(Watch the video) I like noodles(二)Presentation and practice1. Present new words:T: What food or drink can you see in the song?呈现卡片:food drink 2. Brain storm:Say the words about food and drinks(ppt 呈现)drink: coffee, tea, (cup) milk, (box) juice, (bottle) coke(can)something hot something cold3. Learn 新单词,呈现单词板书。4. 呈现对应量词(39 页)5. 单词拼写游戏(pad)36. Vote(pad): Whats your favourite drink?(Choose and say “My favourite drink is .)7. 师:(呈现实物) T: What do you want to drink?P: I want . Here you are. T: Do you want or ?P: I want .8. 板书框中句子(读)9. 生问师答: P: What do you want to drink? T: I want .P: Here you are. T: How much is it?P: The is yuan. T: Thanks very much.10. (ppt) The is yuan. (齐读) (ppt)呈现两样东西:The is yuan, the is yuan.That will be yuan.板书:That will be yuan.11. Chant(PPT 呈现)12.小组操练(根据菜单内容,小组内进行问答)A: What do you want to drink?B: I want . / I will have .A: Here you are.B: How much is it/are they?A: That will be yuan.(三)Consolidation1. T: Children, I know what you like, what about Ben, Janet and Xiaoling. Look at this picture, what place is it?P:Its McDonalds. T: What time is it now?P: Its 12:00.T: Yes, its lunch time. What do they want to have for lunch. Lets 此环节开始时 教师揭示黑板 上的麦当劳标 志,创设“餐 厅”场景。4watch the video and finish the exercise.2. Watch the video by themselves (pad).3. Do the matching exercise.4. Read the dialogue after the teacher or by themselves and get ready for the acting.5. Act out the dialogue in groups.(四)Development1. Make a survey本周六,我们将举行一个聚会,老师打算给大家买点食物和饮料,请你利用以下句型帮老师询问你的同桌最喜欢的东西并在单词下打“” 。hamburgerbreadsandwichchipschocolateegg namefoodcoffeeteamilkjuicecokewater drinkExample: A: What do you want to drink / eat at the party?B: I will have / I want .2. Vote(Choose what your desk mate like to eat or drink at the party.)(五)Summary(六)Homework小组合作设计一份菜单(包含食物的名称和价钱) ,然后利用本节课学过的句型询问其它小组的菜单情况,下节课进行表演。
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