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在教学中如何有效引导学生学习归纳、掌握、运用词汇探究仁寿一中北校区毛建忠本学期我担任高三补习班的两个班的英语教学工作及一个班的班主任工作,尽管工作任务重压力大,但作为市级骨干教师,本学期仍然为全校英语组呈现了一堂示范课。现就这次示范课进行剖析反思以期到达抛砖引玉,让更多老师在词汇教学中省力高效。一:问题的提出词汇教学一直高中英语教学中的重点,也是学生英语学习的难点。 如何帮助学生突破单词难关是教师们一直在探讨的问题。目前,学生英语水平参差不齐,单词的学习能力也差异很大。为使课堂的词汇教学更加有针对性,高效,我进行了高中英语词汇教学归纳、掌握、运用能力的研究.分析客观存在问题在目前的高中英语词汇教学中, 教师在教授新词的过程中,多数采用领读讲解记忆听写的方法,方法枯燥单调,不利于培养学生的学习兴趣,更不利于发展学生词汇学习的能力, 学生在学习过程中,遇到生词没有正确的应对策略,导致了学生在做语言应用中,碰到生词便束手无策,严重影响了学生语言学习能力的提高。另外,学生记忆词汇往往不加思考、不注意观察和总结,孤立的死记硬背,缺少相应的词汇学习策略,学习效果极差。所有这些都与教师词汇教学的简单化有着直接的关系。因此,改进词汇教学的方法,用新课程理念指导词汇教学,指导学生正确地运用词汇学习的策略,提高学生词汇学习能力是高中英语教学的当务之急。 在此背景下,我提出新课标下探索高中英语词汇教学有效途径的研究。1. 单项填空中的词汇运用What the public is _ about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find a cure for this new disease in a short time.A. concerning B. concern C. concerned D. to concern2. 短文改错中的词汇运用 As students, we have classes from early morning till the afternoon. Therefore, take a ten-minute break between class is definitely important, even necessary. Otherwise we may feel both physically and mentally tired. During the ten-minute break we do something to get rid of tiredness. That we need is to have a real rest, instead getting more tired. So dont do anything that makes you too exciting. My ten-minute break is always pleasing.3. 阅读表达中的词汇运用原文:On the recent journey , the scariest moment for Mike came when his sailboat was hit by storms in the southern Indian Ocean.59. Where did Mike experience the most frightening moment in his journey? (no more than 5 words)_4.书面表达中的词汇运用 So when taking examination , they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat.二:问题的解决如何能有效地提高学生的词汇量?对于高中生来说是一个艰巨的任务。学生形成有效的词汇学习策略需要必要的训练,此重任对教师责无旁贷。课堂既是传授知识的主要阵地,更是教给学生学习方法的主要战场。俗话说得好:“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”。所以教师应把学习策略的训练放在突出的位置,有计划的渗透到教学的各个环节中。第一;备课环节,搜集信息。1. _ adj. 失望的 _ adj. 令人失望的 _ vt. 使失望 _ n. 失望He was _ at the _ news , so there was a _ look on his face.(disappoint)2. _ adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 _ adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 _ vt. 使吃惊 _ n. 吃惊It is an _ discovery so that we are _ at it; to our _ , it is a disabled man who made the discovery. (amaze)3. _ adj. 尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 _ adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 _ vt. 使尴尬;使困窘His _ questions made me _ greatly . I felt my face burning with _ . (embarrass)考题应用:1. I was _ at the letter , which was _ to my classmates.A. amaze ; amazing B. amazing ; amazed C. amazed ; amazing D. amaze ; amaze2. The questions the reporters asked sometimes were _ and they made me _.A. embarrassed ; embarrassing B. embarrassing ; embarrassedC. embarrassed; embarrassed D. embarrassing; embarrassing第二:练习探究1. _ adj.轻松的;松懈的;宽松的 _ v.使轻松; _ n. 轻松;防松Fishing is his favourite _. Therefore, when he wants to _ himself, he goes fishing and enjoys a _ mood. (relax)2. _ vt.使吃惊;惊吓 _ adj. 令人害怕的; _ adj.受惊的;害怕的 _ n.害怕;恐惧Mary was too _ to tell her family the _ scene because it _ her to death. Whenever she thought of it, she was trembling with _(frighten)3. _ adj.吃惊的;惊愕的 _ adj.令人吃惊的 _ vt. 使吃惊 _ n.惊奇To our _, the famous star died. Thats to say, we were _ at the news ofher sudden death, and it was really _. (astonish)4. _ n.危险 _ adj.危险的 _ vt. 使遭受危险 _ adj. 濒危的He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in _. So I told him driving fast was _ and if he didnt slow down, he would _ our lives. (danger)5. _ adj.吓人的;可怕的 _ adj.受惊吓的;恐惧的 _ vt. 使恐惧;使害怕What happened without any previous warning that day _ all the passengers aboard the train. It was really a _ scene, and many people are still _ at the thought of taking a high-speed train. (terrify)6. _ adj.关心的;担心的;有关的 _ n.关心;担心 _ prep. 关于In the past year the public have shown great _ about the food safety in China, because it _ the peoples health and the safety of their lives. It is hoped that the authorities _ can really do something with the issue _ the peoples health. (concern)7. _ adj.冷冰冰的;极冷的 _ adj.凝固的;冻僵的 _v. 使凝固It was so _ that the cold weather _ the lake. And I was absolutely _ (freeze)第三:讨论总结。1分类法记忆:分词的形容词,只接-ing 的动词,只接-to do 的动词、 、 、2句型应用。3词汇词义词性的变化。4阅读积累。5语境卖弄。6同学之间找语伴。7练习中总结应用。8构词法积累。第四:作业巩固1._ n. 发展 _ v.(使)发展;(
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