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编号: 毕业设计说明书题 目: 基于基于 UG 系统圆柱系统圆柱 直直齿轮的二次开发齿轮的二次开发 院 (系): 机电工程学院 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 题目类型:题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发2010 年 5 月 10 日摘 要齿轮是各种机械传动设备中常用的零件,随着 CAD/CAM 技术的发展, 使用计算机对齿轮进行设计与分析已成为一种重要的研究手段。齿轮三维模型是进行有限元分析,机构仿真和数控加工等必不可少的环节。目前一些三维造型软件如 UG 都不能直接生成齿轮的三维模型,另外齿轮的设计计算过程复杂,这些都影响了设计效率。本课题的主要任务是基于 UG 开发直齿圆柱齿轮 CAD 系统,从而简化齿轮建模过程, 提高了效率, 丰富了零件建模方法。通过调研和查阅相关文献,掌握参数化建模、齿轮设计的基础知识,明确系统的各功能模块作用,运用 UG 二次开发原理和方法及相关的程序设计方法来进行系统的开发。以能满足根据用户输入的原始参数来计算相关的结构参数,然后绘制三维模型。在分析了标准渐开线直齿轮设计模型的基础上,主要通过使用 UG/ open 系列的UG 二次开发工具 GRIP 语言来编写程序以实现相关的参数化建模。本次齿轮 CAD 系统方案的设计,还可增加齿轮设计计算校核模块及参数化造型模块来完善,以致能根据用户输入的原始参数(功率、 转速、传动比等),计算设计相关结构参数,并进行齿面接触强度、齿根弯曲强度设计计算和校核(在计算过程中,系统自动选择相关图表参数),最后绘制三维模型。关键字:UG/ open GRIP;直齿圆柱齿轮;参数化设计;二次开发;渐开线;菜单AbstractGear is a variety of mechanical transmission equipment used in the parts, with the development of CAD/CAM technology, the use of computer design and analysis of gear has become an important research method. The three-dimensional model of gear is an essential links, which in finite element analysis, institutions, NC machining simulation and so on. Some three-dimensional modeling software, such as the UG can not directly generate three-dimensional model of gear, and the designing calculation process of gear is complexity, which affected the efficiency of designing. The main task of this subject is based on the developed CAD system of UG spur gear, which simplifies the process of modeling gear, improved efficiency, enriched parts modeling.To master the ways of parametric modeling, the basic knowledge of gear designing and the role of the various functional modules is nessesary through researching and related literature. To development this system by the secondary development of the use of UG principles, methods and procedures related to system design. When the user input parameters, it can calculate the structure of the relevant parameters, and then draw three-dimensional model.After analyzing the standard of involutes spur gear which is based on the designing model, in order to achieve the relevant parametric modeling, we compile the program by the use of UG/open series, secondary development tools and its programming language. It can also become better by increasing the parametric modules of the calculation and verification of gear designing, which can calculate the designing parameters of structure, the intensity of tooth contact, and the strength design calculation and check of root bending of tooth (the system will select the relevant parameters of the chart automatically in the calculation process), with the original parameters (power, speed, transmission ratio, etc.), and then finish the drawing of three-dimensional model.Key words: UG/open GRIP; spur gear; parametric design; secondary development; involute; menu 目 录引言 1 1 UG/Open 开发工具简介11.1 UG/Open GRIP 11.2 UG/Open API 21.3 UG/Open MenScript21.4 UG/Open UIStyler 31.5 User Tools工具31.6 二次开发工具之间的相互关系4 2 总体方案的拟定 42.1 齿轮分析42.1.1 齿轮的分类52.1.2 齿轮的失效形式62.1.3 齿轮的设计准则72.2 方案的分析与确定82.2.1 方案一 82.2.2 方案一92.2.3 方案的确定10 3 直齿圆柱齿轮的参数化建模103.1 直齿圆柱齿轮的尺寸103.1.1 几何尺寸103.1.2 结构尺寸113.2 基准曲线133.3 渐开线齿廓的形成143.3.1 渐开线方程的推导143.3.2 渐开线的绘制153.3.3 镜像中心的确定153.3.4 完整的齿轮造型15 4 插件设计及应用实例164.1 插件设计164.1.1 设计程序框图164.1.2 模块的设计174.1.2.1 用户菜单模块的设计
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