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1高中英语学案编制初探孟凡生新学期以来,市局教研室在全市中小学推行了“三案六环节”课堂教学新模式,使学生成为了课堂的主人,适应了规范办学环境下的教学要求,大大提高了教学效率。在实施过程中,由于是新的教学模式,好多老师对如何实施“三案六环节”存在一些模糊认识。下面就三案中的学案问题结合本学期老师较为普遍存在的一些现象,谈一谈如何编制、使用学案。教案、学案(预习案) 、巩固案称为三案。教案即原来的教师个体人备课,是沿袭多年的教师的“功课” 。县教研室连续多年下发中小学各学科备课要求,绝大多数教师对其中的条条框框耳熟能详。巩固案主要以练习形式出现,根据要求,设计时基本能做到题型多样,题量适中;扣住本节课的重点、难点、易错易混点,通过自主学习, 70%的学生能完成 70%的习题。学案对于大多数教师来说比较陌生。以前我们不少老师都尝试过教学一体化化教案,就误认为学案就是教学一体化化教案。其实不是这样的。教学一体化化教案一般是在新课学完之后的高三复习中使用。由于那时高三学生没有课本,复习资料上的内容又与学生的实际有一定的距离,教师在设计一体化教案时主要是将一节课所要复习的内容(主要是重难点)进行整理,并与相关练习一起形成讲义。而新的教学模式下的学案按照市局的要求是这样的:学案设计的着眼点和侧重点在于调动学生自主学习的积极性,最大限度地激发学生自主学习的内驱力,引导学生获取知识。学案要以问题来引导学生自主学习,要起到“以问导读、以问促思”的作用;突出知识的整理和归纳,引导学生逐步学会独立地将课本上的知识进行分析综合、整理归纳;还应有适当应用与练习,起到检测反馈和培养学生能力等作用。下面根据高中英语模块二中 Unit 3 Amazing people Reading(1)的学案内容来说明学案的设计及运用。I. Finish off the followings1.explorer_ (v) 6.起航_22.brave _(n) 7.也,以及_3.adventurous_(n) 8.立刻,马上_4.ill _(n) 9.成功,带来好结果_5curiosity_(adj.) 10.寻找_以检查形式,引导学生去预习、记忆单词、短语,给学生提出了学习目标、划定学习范围,以此来激发学生自主学习,获取知识。词汇是学习语言的基础,学案中应得到体现。我们教师在编制时易忽视这一方面。 (教参上对此内容一般都没有)II. Fast-readingRead the article quickly and answer the following questions:1.Look at the title. What is the article about?_2.What was the name of the Egyptian King whose tomb Carter found?3.What happened to some of Carters team members after the tomb was opened?_本课的重点为阅读,学案的重点内容也应为阅读。Fast reading ,Careful reading 环节都是对重点内容的体现。从设计上看,该预习题体现了由浅入深,循序渐进的教学原则。在两步骤之间,安排了听的内容,并且以 true or false 形式编制了八个有关文章细节的练习,进一步加深了对文章的了解,同时以语音的形式,帮助学生正音,对课后的朗诵起到了示范的作用。而有些学案在处理阅读环节时,往往会照搬教材上的练习,文章整体内容、各段落大意等方面没有得到处理或处理不到位。有的不顾学情,设计了较困难的题型,许多同学很难答出,影响了学生的学习效果,打击了学习积极性。如在学生自学的情况下让学生归纳、推理作者的写作意图、总结段落大意,对于我们现在的大多数学生都是很有难度的。要知道,太难了,可能学生就会放弃。而本学案所设计的对文中段落大意的理解,以配对的题型,减轻了预习难度,便于课堂教学时进一步对文章的理解。III. Listening, Listen to the text and check these notes about Howard Carter. Decide the following statements true or false.31.Howard Carter was shy. 2.His father taught him to write. 3.Howard Carter worked in Egypt in the 1920s.4.He discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun when he was 17.5. The explorers decided to leave the treasure in the tomb.6. Carters pet bird usually brought him good luck.7. Howard Carter died when he was young.8. It is believed that the mummys curse makes those who enter Egypt ill.IV. Careful reading Read the article carefully and match the summaries with the correct paragraphs:Para 1 a. There is a scientific reason why people died after entering the tomb.Para2. b. Howard Carter did not go to school and later became an explorer.Para 3 c. Lord Carnarvon died after Carter had opened the tomb.Para 4. d. Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun.Para5 e. A short introduction of Howard Carters life story.Para6 f. The mystery of Tutankhamuns tomb has never been fully explained.Para7 g. More people died after Carters discovery.Para 8 h. People keep wondering why so many people died and have suggested all kinds of explanations.根据市教研室要求,学案应有适当应用与练习,以起到检测反馈和培养学生能力等作用。本学案下面的练习就很好地落实了这一精神。通过一篇根据文章内容改编的短文的填词练习,既检查学生的学习情况,又加深了学生对课文内容的理解。完成表格练习,是对文章细节进行梳理,以人物为主线,进一步巩固、理解课文内容。而有些学案在设计时练习设计不具体,对本课内容针对4性不强,达不到及时反馈的目的。有些只是教案模式的变形而已。V. Fill in the blanksHoward carter is one of the most famous _the world has ever known. He was _ and _about the world outside his hometown when he was very young. By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, _for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. In 1922, Howard Carter made his most discovery of all, in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt, where he found the tomb of King _. However, not long after the tomb had been opened, people in Carters team began to _ ill and die strangely. Within seven years, 21 people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died. Some people say the deaths were just _.Others believe that they were the result of the mummys. However, still others believe that there is a _explanation, because inside the tombs there are many. VI. ConsolidationComplete the chart below.CharactersWho was he ?What did he do?How did he die?George GouldVisited the tombLord CarnarvonOffered Carter money to explore the mysteriousHoward Carter A famous explorer especially for the discovery of King Tutankhamuns tombIn 1891By the 1920sIn 1922Richard BethellEntered the tomb5总的来说,学案编制应始终把学生放在主体地位,要遵循下列原则:整体性原则,问题性原则,参与性原则: 方法性原则,层次性原则,探究性原则,服务性原则。使不同层次的学生的每一节课都有明确的学习目标,通过设疑、质疑、解疑,激发学生主动学习、主动思考;创造人人参与的机会,使不同层次的学生都能享受学习的乐趣;,逐步培养学生的探究精神以及对教材的分析、归纳、演绎的能力。有计划的完成学习任务,最大限度地提高课堂教学效益。参考书目:连云港市中小学连云港市中小学“三案三案六环节六环节”教学模式操作指南教学模式操作指南6高中英语学案编制初探孟凡生 男 高一英语电话 13912175636 邮箱 mfs8208tom.com.
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