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武汉理工大学硕士学位论文1摘摘 要要由单片机构成的数据采集系统和 PC 机通过串行口构成的微机系统已经广泛应用于工业控制、水文测量、气象测量和环境监测等领域,这些系统大多采用 RS-232,RS-485 或是有线 MODEM 的通信方式,虽然经济实用,但其有线数据传输方式在很大程度上限制了应用场合的拓展。无线远程监控是监控技术发展的一个重要方面。直接利用成熟的第三方网络实现无线远程监控是远程监控发展的一个新的方向。随着移动通讯技术的飞速发展,利用现有的 GSM 网络资源,发挥网络覆盖率高、传输特性好等优势,为现有数据采集系统提供一种便捷的无线数据传输方式,这必将成为工业控制及现场监测等领域的发展趋势。在一些小数据量传输的监控场合,人们可以直接利用 GSM 网路中的短消息业务(SMS)进行数据传输实现无线远程监控。采用短消息业务进行数据传输和普通的无线数据传输方式相比,具有许多明显的优点:数据传输可靠;费用低廉;传输距离远,在 GSM 网络覆盖的区域基本不受地域的限制等等。本文介绍了一种基于 GSM 网络短消息(SMS)的远程监控终端的设计与实现。该监控终端是针对小型用户设计的,具有一定的通用性。对于不同的监控对象用户只需对监控终端进行不同的定义。另外,本监控终端采用的是中文短消息的方式进行操作,使用更加方便。这些都是本监控终端突出的特点。本监控终端主要由两部分构成:GSM 引擎模块和以单片机为核心的监控单元。GSM 引擎模块采用的是西门子公司生产的 MC35I 模块,它主要用来收发短消息,监控单元则用来完成具体的监控任务和 PC 机及 TC35T 进行通讯。本文主要包括以下几个部分:第一部分为绪论。介绍了本课题的研究目的和意义以及完成的主要工作和本系统的主要功能;第二部分介绍了 GSM 短消息(SMS)的相关知识;第三部分介绍了短消息收发模块 MC35I 以及 AT 指令的相关内容;第四部分介绍了监控终端的功能模块的硬件设计;第五部分介绍了本系统的软件设计流程。第六部分结论与展望。关键词:关键词: 单片机 短消息 MC35I AT 指令 自定义武汉理工大学硕士学位论文2AbstractData collecting system composed of MSC and micro-computer system composed of PC in series have already been widely used in industrial control,meteorological phenomena measurement and environmental monitoring etc.These systems mostly apply RS-232, RS-485 or cable modem ,though very economical and practical,but cable data transmission has limited its application prospects to a large extent.Wireless remote monitor and control is an important respect of the development of automatic technology. It is a new direction of the development of monitor and control technologies to make use of the ripe third partys network to realize wireless remote monitor and control directly. With the development at full speed of mobile communication technology,By using existing GSM network resources, taking the advantage of wide covering, good transmitting characteristics, a convenient wireless data transmission method has been put forward for present data collecting system. This shows the trend in the field of industrial control and live monitoring. In the case of monitor and control field transmitting a little amount of data amount, People can utilize short message service (SMS) in GSM networking directly to transmit data in order to realize wirelessly remote monitoring and controlling. Compare with ordinary wireless data transmission means, adopting the short message service to transmit data have a lot of obvious advantages: data transmission is reliable; the expenses are cheap; the transmitting distance is very far with little restricted by region basically in the area covered by GSM networking etc.This paper has introduced the design and application of a kind of wireless remote monitor and control terminal based on the short message service (SMS) of GSM network. The terminal is designed for small-scale user, and has certain commonability. User only needs to self-define the terminal differently according to the different objects monitored and controlled. In addition,the terminal is operated by the means of Chinese short message,and it is more convenient to use. All these 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文3are the outstanding characteristic of the terminal.The terminal consists of two parts mainly: GSM engine module and a monitor and control unit taking single-chip computer as the core. The GSM engine module is the MC35I module produced by Siemens Company; it is used for receiving and delivering short message mainly. The unit is used to finish the concrete monitor and control task,and communicate with PC or MC35I.This paper includes the several following part mainly:The first part is the foreword. It has introduced the study purpose and significance of the topic,the work that has been done and the leading function of the terminal.The second part has introduced the relevant knowledge of the GSM short message service (SMS). The third part has briefly introduced GSM engine module TC35T and the relevant knowledge of AT commands.The fourth part has introduced the hardware design of the function modules.The fifth part has introduced the process of the software design.The sixth part is conclusion and prospect.Key words: Single-chip computer; short message service (SMS); MC35I; AT commands; self-define武汉理工大学硕士学位论文4第第 1 1 章章 绪绪 论论1.11.1 本课题研究的目的和意义本课题研究的目的和意义目前,远程监控系统已经在安全监控、生产过程监控、住宅校区监控等领域被广泛应用。特别是 911 之后,远程监控技术仿佛一夜间风行于美国市场,同样,SARS 肆虐也使远程监控技术在国内市场炙手可热,网上、报纸、杂志等各种媒体上有关远程监控的宣传报道扑面而来。通过远程监控可以实现现场1运行数据的实时采集和快速集中,获得现场监控数据,为远程故障诊断技术提供了物质基础;通过远程监控,技术人员无须亲临现场或恶劣的环境就可以监视并控制生产系统和现场设备的运行状态及各种参数,使受过专业训练的人员虚拟地出现在许多监控地点,方便地利用本地丰富的软硬件资源对远程对象进行高级过程控制,以维护设备的正常运营,从而减少值守工作人员,最终实现远端的无人或少人值守,达到减员增效的目的。当然,通过这些技术,当遇2到特殊情况的时候,通过远程监控,在不影响生产、生活的情况下,也可以保护人的生命安全。目前,越来越多的企业集团呈现跨地域的发展趋势,利用网络技术实现远程监控,对企业降低生产成本,提高劳动生产率,提高企业产品的科技含量,以及增强企业的综合竞争实力等方面都具有十分重要的意义。远程监控系统将有着广泛的应用前景,对其进行研究应用将带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益。3当今世界已进入了飞速发展的信息时代,信息产业已成为国民经济的主导产业,通信则成为信息产业中发展最为迅速,进步最快的行业。而在通信领域中,移动通信(GPRS)网则是这个领域中发展最积极最活跃最快的分支之一。在GPRS 中,唯一不需建立端到端通信的业务就是短消息业务(SMS) ,在移动设备处于点与点通信状态下,还能同时实现短消息业务。GPRS 模块在短信息方面的应用最具优势,短消息具有随时在线(Always Online) 、不需拨号、价格便宜、覆盖范围广等特点,特别适合于需频繁传送小流量数据的应用,如工业遥感遥武汉理工大学硕士学位论文5测遥控、信息反馈无人值守站机房监控和
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