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西安体育学院硕士学位论文陕西关中红拳传承人调查分析及传承对策研究姓名:李全海申请学位级别:硕士专业:民族传统体育学指导教师:陈亚斌2011-06陕西关中红拳传承人调查分析及传承对策研究 I摘 要 陕西是中国文明的发祥地,文化积淀深厚。红拳作为优秀的民族文化就诞生在这片黄土地上。十三朝古都陕西长安,八百里秦川陕西红拳,红拳扎根关中大地。从秦的孕育,唐宋的形成,到清朝的兴盛,走过了一段艰辛而漫长的历史。而在这个过程中,能最为清楚体现红拳的是清朝后红拳的兴盛时期。从这个时期开始红拳的历史与传承较为清晰。红拳技艺作为非物质文化,记录它和传递它就需要 “人” 来承担, 而红拳的 “人” 必须承担对红拳的 “承” 和对承的内容的 “传” ,这就是红拳的传承人,不论是历史红拳传承人还是普遍意义现在的红拳“传承人” ,都是红拳技艺的承载者和传递者。对于红拳的传承必须借助这种“活”的传递。那么红拳传承人就是红拳的核心因素,传承什么和如何传承,传承人起着至关重要的作用。透过以往蔚为壮观的红拳传承的繁盛景象,而今无不惋惜的看到红拳的传承面临断代危机,并且红拳的濒危状况日渐突出。经过陕西红拳文化研究会与全体红拳人的挖掘、整理、申报,2008 年红拳列入“国家级非物质文化遗产名录” ,在政府的帮助下红拳得到了有效的保护,但是红拳的濒危状况依然严峻。为了改善这一优秀民族文化的濒危状况,笔者于 2009 年至 2011 年对陕西关中地区红拳的传承分布、 红拳历史传承人、 红拳传承人、 红拳代表性传承人、红拳传承人传习所等研究对象,应用文献研究、实地考察、传承人访谈记录的研究方法进行调查研究,尤其对代表性传承人和传习所进行重点研究和深入考察,并从非物质文化遗产的视野认真分析。结果显示红拳的断代危机日益严重,部分红拳拳法面临失传,农村的红拳传承后继乏人,但是女性习练者的增多形成了红拳传承和传习所普及的新生力量。通过调查研究,笔者认为要改变红拳的传承问题, 应从以下几个方面着手: 官方的关注和政策的支持是红拳传承与发展的基石,红拳的发展一定要依托政府;发挥民间组织在红拳传承中的作用;加大红拳历史挖掘、理清红拳传承头绪;加大对濒危红拳的传承,保护代表性传承人, 延续师徒传承模式保护濒危红拳技艺;完善各地代表性红拳传承人传习所,构建标准化传习所;重视红拳在农村的保护,加大传承,为新农村精神文明建设增光添彩;探索红拳科学训练体系,缩短成才周期,培养练打结合的红拳接班人;重视红拳在女性中的传承,为红拳发展注入新活力;组织专家编写红拳教材,制定红拳段位制考评机制。对于研究中发现的现阶段红拳传承中的问题提出几点建议:加强红拳的历史资料挖掘,完善红拳历史人物红拳传承人数据库;扩大红拳传习所数量与规模,建立省级标准化传习所,培养教练队伍,举行红拳专项擂台赛;出版红拳教学书籍与影像, 加强红拳文化与红拳技术的记录与宣传; 组建红拳表演团,加强红拳影视传播,打造红拳品牌,开发红拳产业链,走产业化道路;加大红拳传承人的保护机制,培养继承红拳文化与技艺的后续人才;加强政府的支持,开发与红拳相关的文化产品,举办国家级标准的红拳赛事与论坛。 陕西关中红拳传承人调查分析及传承对策研究 II关键词:红拳;传承人;传承;调查;研究关键词:红拳;传承人;传承;调查;研究 论文类型论文类型:调查研究调查研究 陕西关中红拳传承人调查分析及传承对策研究 IIIAbstract Deposited with profound cultural background, Shaanxi is the birthplace of Chinas civilization. As a kind of representive of our outstanding national culture, Red Boxing was just born in this beautiful yellow farmland. Called ChangAn it is capital city of ten old dynasties in history. Redboxing has been developing around 800 lis in the field and has rooted in the earth of GuanZhong. From forming in Qin, developing in Tang, to prospering in Qing, Redboxing went through a period of hardship and long history, during which, the most flourishing period of Red Boxing was late Qing dynasty. From than on, its history and inheritance became clearer and clearer. As it is a kind of intangible cultural heritage, not only to record it and transmit it calls for people to bear, but Red boxing “man“ must bear the memory of it and pass the memory, which is the inheritance of Redboxing. Both historical and present universal Red Boxing inheritor are all Redboxing skills bearer or transferers. Because its inheritance must make use of live transferance, Redboxing inheritors is the core of Redboxing , whats more, what to be passed and how to transfer it have to be mastered by the inheritor. In 2008,when Redboxing was enlisted in state-level non-material cultural heritage list, its endangered status proved previous. In order to improve the situation of this national culture, the author strated an invastigation into its inheriting distribution, history inheritor, representative inheritor inheritance house, applicated documents, practical investigation, inheritors interviewing records, representative inheritor and so on, from 2009 to 2010. The results show that the crisis of the Red Boxing is becoming increasingly serious, especially in countryside, some are becoming extincted generally. The increasing number, however, of women inheritors and inheritance houses, have more effects on the inheritance. After the survey and deep thinking, it must take measures from the following aspects to improve the inheritance: Fist, expand the discovery of Redboxing history and make clear the formation of inheritance passage; Second, emphsise the endangered part inheritance, continue troditional inheritance model, and protect representative inheritance Play folk organization; Third, perfect typical Redboxing inheritance houses, and construct the standardized inheritance houses; Fourth, attend the inheritance in rural area to increase the spiritual civilization there, explore practical and scientific training system, cultivate practice stone-sculpture cycle, write relatd books, edite DuanWeiZhi evaluation mechanism, and focuse more on women training to increase Redboxings vitality. At last but not least,come up with a few suggestions to the qustions to 陕西关中红拳传承人调查分析及传承对策研究 IVRedboxing development existing in present stage: strengthen the discovery of historical records, complete historical figures and database of them, expand inheritance houses numbers and size, establish provincial and standardized inheritance houses and team, hold Redboxing spescial competition, publish Redboxing books and videos to strengthen the record of the technique and publicity, build the development and industrialization chine of Redboxing to creat an industry road and own logo, improve the inheritance protection mechanisms, train the inheritors with culture and profession, strengthen government support and develop relevant cultural products and hold national standards and forum events about it. Key word:Red Boxing;
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