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毕业设计(论文)题目名称:煤矿本质安全建设模型研究20122012 年年 5 5 月月中原工学院院毕业设计(论文)I摘 要煤矿井下是一个复杂多变的人-机-环境-管理系统。本文在人的行为理论分析基础上,讨论了人失误的产生原因及其导致事故的模式,研究了人失误的辨识技术和控制方法;利用可靠性原理,建立了人员可靠性分析公式和人本质安全评价的指标体系。 对设备进行了人机工程学分析,利用可靠性原理建立了设备可靠性串并联模型,建立了设备本质安全评价的指标体系。 在将煤矿井下环境归类为作业环境和地质环境的基础上,对影响作业环境和地质环境的各个要素展开了定性和定量分析,建立了环境本质安全评价的指标体系并提出了实现煤矿环境本质安全的方法和措施。 根据职业健康安全管理原理,以国家本质安全管理体系为指导,从危险源辨识、风险评价、风险控制等方面对煤矿进行了深入的分析评价,提出了针对危险源的管理标准和管理措施,提出了风险预控的应用框架和具体措施,结合职业健康安全管理体系的等要素,建立了煤矿本质安全管理体系,阐述了煤矿企业安全文化建设的要点和途径,从人身伤害与损失、本质安全管理体系、安全措施、基本管理、企业安全文化等要素出发,全面研究建设本质安全煤矿,利用层次分析方法展开评价分析,从而有效辨识系统薄弱环节,为管理者提供辅助决策支持。 关键词关键词: 本质安全本质安全 管理体系管理体系 安全措施安全措施 安全文化安全文化 中原工学院院毕业设计(论文)IIABSTRACTCoal mines are man-machine-environment composed systems with complex structure. Based on the theory of 4M (man,machine,environment,management), relevant elements of coal mines are studied , leading to feasible principles for application of the Intrinsic safety concept to coal mines. Based on the theory of human behavior, the causes of human errors and accident patterns were discussed, and identification techniques and control methods of human errors are studied, the Man Assessment Index Model of Intrinsic safety is founded. Through the analysis and evaluation of human reliabilityon the basis of the Fuzzy Synthesis Analysis Method, the data of the working force in working face 601 of The No.1 HuangLin Coal Mine is investigated and analysed. Through ergonomics analysis and reliability analysis, Machine Assessment Index Model is founded, which is further adopted in the application of man-machine engineering theory to coal mines in order to assure the Intrinsic safety of machinery. The data on the machinery of working face 601 in the No.1 HuangLin Coal Mine was studied. The environment of coal mines, being classified as working environment and geological environment, is investigated to reveal the impacts put on by various factors of coal mines. By carrying out the analysis on factors of occupational safety, the Environment Assessment Index Model was founded, and the relevant measures for the Intrinsic safety of coal mine environment are put forward. Based on the principles of occupation health and safety management and the System of National Industrial Safety Management, the hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control in coal mines are studied, and the standards of hazard management and risk control measures are proposed. The Management Assessment Index Model covering the whole series of major influencial factors is founded. AHP 中原工学院院毕业设计(论文)IIImethod is applied to evaluate the culturial environment of intrinsic safety in coal mines, thus provides an important assistance in decision making. As the system of man-machine-environment-management being thoroughly studied, an overall Evaluation Index System of coal mines is put forward. With the theory of Back Propagation Neural Networks and the Wavelet Neural Networks, the Assessment Model is thus established. The research on the sustainable safety in the No.1 Hangling Coal Mine of Shaanxi Province leads to the establishment of the Intrinsic Safety Management System, and the the evaluation model verification. The concept of Intrinsic Safety in coal mines safety management is a new ideology, which will greatly promote the improvement of safety management and safety control standard in coal mines to build a safer and more productive industry. KEYWORDSKEYWORDS: : IntrinsicIntrinsic safetysafety managementmanagement systemsystem safetysafety measuremeasure safetysafety cultureculture目目 录录摘 要 .IABSTRACT .II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 课题研究背景.11.2 课题研究意义.21.3 国内外研究综述 .31.4 论文研究内容 .5第 2 章 煤矿本质安全建设的理论体系 .62.1 煤矿本质安全的定义.62.2 本质安全型煤矿的理论基础.8第 3 章 建设本质安全煤矿的内容体系 .103.1 人员的本质安全.103.1.1 煤矿人员素质现状 .103.1.2 人不安全行为的分类 .113.1.3 人不安全行为影响因素及产生的特点.123.1.4 人失误的原因分析 .123.2 设备的本质安全.143.2.1 设备故障定义 .143.2.2 设备本质安全程度提高.153.3 环境的本质安全.163.3.1 煤矿环境危险源特性.173.3.2 煤矿环境主要危险源辨识 .183.4 管理体系的本质安全 .193.4.1 煤矿本质安全风险管理概述 .193.4.2 煤矿本质安全管理体系的建立 .203
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