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周A九年级英语 王牌1+1 www.ewangpai.com 400-888-7705Unit three Lesson 3 Owning a CarU3L3 shorten v.弄短;缩短 come down 下来;跌落 wise adj.英明的;明智的;聪明的parking lot 停车场 reduce v.减少;缩减 thanks to 幸亏;由于 speed v.加速 n. 速度 speed up 加快速度 production n.生产 hero n.英雄 wheel n.轮;车轮知识精讲一,同义解释1. commute (vi. ) = regularly by bus, train or car between ones place of work (usu. in a city) and ones home (usu. at a distance) (市、郊区)乘公交车上下班2. shorten (vi. fall (物价等的)下跌,下降4. wise (a. ) (-r,-st) = having or showing good judgement; having knowledge 明智的,英明的5. punctual (a. ) = happening or doing sth. at the agreed or proper time 守时的,准时的 6. stay tuned=continue to listen to(or watch)继续收听(或收看)7. parking lot=a space or an area for leaving vehicles 停车场8. reduce (vt. to make sth move or happen faster 加速,加快.的速度11. production (n. ) = action of manufacturing 生产12. would prefer to do sth. = would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事13. as well =too 也周A九年级英语 王牌1+1 www.ewangpai.com 400-888-770514. agree with sb. = have the same opinion as sb. 同意某人(的观点)15. pace (n. ) = the speed at which sth. happens 步子,(进展的速度)16. hero (n. )=a person,esp. a man,who does sth. brave or good 英雄二,词性转换1. commute (vi. ) (市、郊区)乘公交车上下班 commuter (n. ) 通勤者2. shorten (vi. (n. )保险箱 safely (ad. ) 安全地 18. safety(n. ) 安全三,词汇和课文理解Text1. With us are Miss Wang, a teacher of English; Mr. Zhang, an engineer; Mr. Zhao, a government official; Ms. Li, a bank clerk-,and Mr. Fang, a senior engineer. 和我们一起的有王小姐,英语老师;张先生,工程师;赵先生,政府官员;李女士,银行职员和方先生;高级工程师。本句为倒装句。2. Id like to know whether each of you is planning to buy a car. 我想知道你们每个人是否都打算买车。each of you 意为“你们每个人”,故后面动词用第三人称单数。又如:周A九年级英语 王牌1+1 www.ewangpai.com 400-888-7705Each of the students has a computer. 每个学生都有一台电脑。Each of the children gives a different answer. 每个孩子给出一个不同的回答。3. If I drive to work, my commuting time will be shortened. 如果我驾车上班,我上下班往返时间将会缩短。commute vi. (市、郊区)乘车或驾车上下班,又如:She commutes from her home in the suburbs to her office downtown every day. 每天她往返于郊区的家和市中心的办公室之间。He commutes from Shanghai to Suzhou by train every week. 他每星期上下班坐火车往返于上海和苏州之间。4. a wise decision 一个明智的决定wise, clever 的辨析:wise与 clever都有“聪明”之意。 wise 指很有学问,很有判断力而表现出的聪明和明智;clever指头脑灵活,也可指心灵手巧。It was not very wise of you to sell the property. 你把物业卖了可不是办法。5. First, theyre a major source of pollution. 首先,他们是主要的污染源。the cause of 原因,根源 the reason for 理由Whats the cause of an earthquake? 地震的起因是什么?Whats your reason for being so late? 你迟到了这么久有什么原因?6. It seems owning a car has both advantages and disadvantages.似乎拥有一辆车既有好处又有不利的地方。(A)Itseemsthat.句型中的it是无人称或虚设it,充当句子的主句。 seem 在这里是连系动词。It seems that he has been ill for a long time. 似乎他病了好长时间。(B) seem 通常跟动词不定式My mother seems to like you. 我母亲似乎很喜欢你。Reading1. As taking boats, riding horses, and walking took much more time than travelling by car,many people never travelled more than a few miles from their hometowns. 由于乘船、骑马和步行所花的时间比坐小汽车多得多,所以许多人从未到过距离自己故乡数英里之外的地方。much more time 多得多的时间“much more+不可数名词”和“rnuch+形容词或副词的比较级”表示“.得多”。用于不可数名词、形容词或副词前。又如:At weekends, I spend much more time on my studies than on recreation. 周末。我花在学习上的时间比花在娱乐上的多得多。周A九年级英语 王牌1+1 www.ewangpai.com 400-888-7705He has earned much more money this year than he did last year.He is much taller than I. 他跑得比我快得多。This hours is much more expensive than that one。这座房子比那座房子贵得多。He runs much faster than I. 他跑得比我快得多。She did her homework much more carefully than her deskmate.她做作业比她的同桌仔细的多。2. Thanks to Henry Ford, we have a much faster means of transport and.(A) means 是单、复数通形的词,可做单数,也可做复数。在作“方法、手段、工作”解时, a means, such a means, this means, that means 和 every means 均是单数。This money wasnt earned by honest means. 这笔钱来路不正。(B) thanks to , because of, due to 的辨析thanks to 只能用作状语,可以表达正面意思,“幸亏”(近于愿意“感谢”)。 because of 只能用作状语;due to 一般只能作表语3. The worlds first car was built in Germany in 1885.1885年,世界第一辆汽车在德国制造成功。实际上,在1885年,德国工程师卡尔设计并制造了世界上第一辆由内燃机驱动的汽车。他于1886年1月29日获得了该汽车的专利。(In fact, in 1885,Karl Benz, a German engineer, designed and made the worlds first automobile powered by an internal-combustion engine. On January 29, 1886, he received a patent for his car. )4. But since the first automobiles cost a lot of money, few people could afford them.但是由于第一批汽车价格昂贵,所以很少有人能买得起。automobile n. 汽车(美国英语); motor car, car(英国英语)The automobile industry is developing rapidly in China.中国的汽车工业正在迅猛发展。Do you think American automobiles are bigger and more comfortable?你认为美国汽车更大、更为舒适吗?5. at low prices以低价格at a much faster pace and a lower cost以较快的速度和较低的价格House prices are rising at a higher rate than inflation. 房价比通货膨胀上涨的比率高。6. This made it possible for many more Americans, even farmers and factory workers ,to buy them. 这使得更多的美国人,甚至农民和工人,有可能购车。周A九年级英语
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