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就業綜合估計最新數字An Update of the Composite Employment Estimates 本月刊於一九九七年三月號首次刊登這課題的專題文章,其後每年於本月刊提供有關的最新數字。本文提供一九九九年最新統計期的估計數字,亦包括因應本年八月公布的居住人口J新統計方法而修訂的一九九六年至一九九八年的就業綜合估計數字已文章亦載列編製就業綜合估計數字的方法,並概述從僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查和綜合住戶統計調查所編製的就業統計數字特徵。The Composite Employment Estimates were first introduced in the March 1997 issue of this Digest in the fonn of a feature artic1e. Updates of the composite employment estimates are provided annually in this Digest. This artic1e provides the estimates for the latest reference period 1999. Revised estiniates for the years 1996 to 1998 having regard to the new “resident population approach introduced in August this ye缸are also given. It also presents the methodology in relation to the compilation of composite employment estimates. A brief account of the characteristics of employment statistics compiled企om the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies and the General Household Survey is inc1uded. 如對本文有任何查詢,請致電政府統計處就業統計組(電話: 25824751)。If you have any enquiries on this article, please call Employment Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department (Tel: 2582 47 51). 香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月FCl Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics December 2000 就業綜合估計最新數字An Update of the Composite Employment Estimates 1. 背景1.1 政府統計處經由各類不同的統計調查編製有關就業統計數字。其中,經由僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查和綜合住戶統計調查所編製的每季就業統計數字,更經常被引用。上述兩項統計調查的統計數字各有本身的用途和優點,但是就反映按行業劃分的本地整體就業分布情況而言,兩者都各有一些局限。故此,本處有需要編製一組就業綜合估計數字J應用於個別特定用途。1.2 本月刊於一九九七年三月號刊登專題文章,首次介紹就業綜合估計數字J其後每年於本月刊提供有關的最新數字。2. 一九九六年至一九九九年的更新數字2.1 自二零零零年八月開始r居住人口方法已取代廣義時點方法以編製香港的人口估計。詳情見香港統計月刊九月號的專題文章。綜合住戶統計調查的就業人數經已相應修訂並追溯至一九九六年。2.2 表一所示的一九九六年至一九九九年就業綜合估計數字是以此新基礎編製而成。其中,一九九六年至一九九八年的數字是修訂數字,因此與本月刊以前期號所刊載的估計數字有所不同。雖然一九九六年起的統計數字已有所修訂,但這些數字仍可與較早年份的數字作概括性的比較。香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月1. Background 1 .1 The Census and Statistics Department has been compiling different sets of employment figures based on different surveys. Among these, the quarterly employment statistics compiled from the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies (SEV) and those from the General Household Survey (GHS) are most frequently referred to. While the SEV and GHS figures each has its own uses and merits, each set is subject to some limitations in reflecting the distribution of territory-wide employment by industryHence, a set of Composite Employment Estimates (CEE) is compiled to serve some specific applications. 1.2 The CEE were first in甘oduced in the March 1997 issue of this Digest in the form of a feature article. Updates of the CEE are provided annually in this Digest. 2. Updated estimates for 1996 to 1999 2.1 Since August 2000, the “resident population approach has been adopted in place of the “extended de facto approach for, compiling population estimates of the Hong Kong Population. Details are available in the feature article contained in the September 2000 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics. The GHS employment statistics have been correspondingly revised and backdated to 1996. 2.2 The CEE仕om 1 996 to 1999 as shown in Table 1 are compiled on this new basis. In particular, the figures for 1996 to 1998 are revised figures. They are therefore different from those published in earlier issues in this Digest. Notwithstanding the change, the revised figures from 1 996 onwards are broadly comparable with those of earlier years. FC2 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics December 2000 2.3 批發、零售、進出口賀易、飲食及酒店業在一九九九年是僱用人數最多的行業類別,僱用大約三分之一的工作人口。而第二大的就業來自社區、社會及個人服務業,僱用百分之二十四的工作人口。接若是金融、保險、地產及商用服務業(百分之十四),以及運輸、倉庫及通訊業(百分之十一)。以上四個行業都是來自服務業。而服務業的僱員人數在過去四年約佔就業人口百分之八十。2.4 建造業佔就業人數的比例在過去四年大致穩定,約百分之十。而同期漁農業以及電力、燃氣及水務業佔就業人數的比例郤非常少,分別少於百分之一。2.5 男一方面,製造業僱員人數所估的比例持續下跌,由一九九六年的E分之十一下降至一九九九年的百分之八。顯示本港持續向服務業轉型。3. 從僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查所得就業統計數字的特徵3.1 僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查為按季形式進行的統計調查。在每次統計調查中,各類不同行業的機構單位均被抽選構成樣本,而直接從這些機構單位搜集就業人數、職位空缺數目及業務性質等資料。這項統計調查是採用一個閻定統計日期的搜集資料方法。3.2 這項統計調查所得的就業人數統計數字,加上職位空缺資料,反映各行業的勞工需求。3.3 由於各機構單位的被訪者是代表著其所屬機構的管理階層提供資料,有關各機構單位業務性質的詳細資料,均可從這途徑搜集,從而使各機構單位被準確地劃入各有關行業。故此,僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查的就業統計數字,可準確地反映個別行業的就業情況。香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月2.3 The wholesale, retail and importlexport trades, restaurants and hotels sector was the largest sector in 1999 in terms of employment. It employed about one-third of the working population in 1999. The second largest source of employment was from the community, social and personal services sector, employing 24% of the working population. 1t was followed by the financing, insurance, real estate and business services sector, 14%; and the transpo此,storage and communications sector, 11%. All these four sectors were 台om services sector. 1n fact, the services sector has been the largest source of employment, employing around 80% of the working population during the past four years. 2.4 During the past four years, the employment share of the construction sector was quite stable, at around 10%. The employment shares of the agriculture and fishing sector and the electrici守, gas and water sector were very small, both less血anl%during the period. 2.5 Meanwhile, the employment share of the manufacturing sector continued to decline from 11 % in 1996 to 8% in 1999. This represents the continued structural shift towards the services sector. 3. Characteristics of the Employment Statistics Obtained from the SEV 3.1 The SEV is conducted quarterly. For each round of the s叮vey, a sample of establishments仕omvarious industries is selected. The survey collects information on employment, job vacancies and nature of business 台om these establishments directly. A fixed reference date approach is adopted for data collection in this survey. 3.2 Together with data on vacancies, which are also collected in the SEV, the employment statistics from the SEV show the demand for labour for individual industries in the economy. 3.3 Since the respondents of the SEV report data on behalf of the management of their own establishments, detailed information relating to the nature of business of the establishments concemed can be solicited in the survey. This enables the accurate classification of the establishments to specific industries. In other words, the SEV employment statistics can accurately reflect the employment situation in individual industries. FC3 Hong Kong Monthly Oigest of Statistics Oecember 2000 3.4 僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查的就業統計數字最不足之處,在於統計調查所涵蓋的行業範圍欠完整。基於執行上的理由,有部份行業並不包括在這統計調查內。由於這個局限,就不被包括在這項統計調查的行業而言,統計調查不能提供有關的就業統計數字。這使僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查的就業數字,只顯示統計調查所包括行業的就業情況,而未能反映全面的勞工需求情況,亦即整個經濟市場的就業機會。3.5 就量度就業情況而言,僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查還有其他的缺點,例如不包括外發工及自僱人士;在同一時間內在多於一間機構單位工作,亦即有多過一份工作的職位持有者會被重複計入就業人數內等問題。但和上述有關統計調查涵蓋行業範圍不完整的主要局限比較,相對來說這些是較小的問題。4. 從綜合住戶統計調查所得就業統計數字的特徵4.1 綜合住戶統計調查是持續進行的統計調查,目的是搜集有關勞動人口、就業、失業及就業不足等方面的資料。這項統計調查與僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查的分別,在於前者以屋字單位作為抽樣單位。這個統計調查涵蓋陸上非住院平民,大致上包括全港總人口,直接經由住戶搜集有關勞動人口的資料。每輪的統計調查,是從全香港各區的屋宇單位選出具代表性的樣本進行訪問。被訪者會被問及有關就業狀況、年齡、性別、職業和所屬行業等資料。是項統計調查採用移動統計時點或昨日統計時點的搜集資料方法作為個別住戶的統計日期。4.2 綜合住戶統計調查的就業統計數字,可用作顯示本地勞動力供應的指標,並可按人口特徵例如年齡及性別劃分。香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月3.4 The major limitation of the SEV employment statistics lies in the incomplete industrial coverage of the survey. For operational reasons, some industries are not covered in the SEV such that employment statistics for those omitted industries are not available. As a result of the incomplete survey coverage, the SEV employment statistics pertaining only to the industries covered in the survey cannot give an overall picture of labour demand, or job opportunities, in the whole economy. 3.5 There are also other limitations in the SEV employment estimates as far as the measurement of employment is concemed. For instance, outworkers and self-employed persons are excluded仕om the survey coverage, and multiple job holders are counted more than once as they are employed by more than one establishment at the same time. Nevertheless, these limitations are relatively minor in nature when compared with the SEVs m吋or limitation due to incomplete industrial coverage. 4. Characteristics of the Employment Statistics Obtained from the GHS 4.1 The GHS is conducted on a continuous basis to collect information on the labour force, employment, unemployment and under-employment. In contrast to the SEV, the sampling unit in the GHS is living quarters. The survey covers the land-based noninstitutional population and includes virtually the total population of Hong Kong. It collects data on the characteristics of the labour force directly from households. For each round of the surv呵arepresentative sample of living quarters throughout Hong Kong is enumerated and the respondents in each household are asked about their employment status, age, sex, occupation and the industry to which they belong, etc. The survey adopts the shifting survey moment or yesterday approach for determining the survey reference date for individual households. 4.2 The resulting employment statistics企om the GHS thus indicate the supply of local labour, with breakdowns by demographic characteristic such as age or sex. FC4 Hong Kong Monthly Digest ofStatistics December 2000 4.3 與僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查的就業估計數字比較,綜合住戶統計調查的就業估計數字,包括幾乎全香港所有就業人口 (只是不包括水上居民和住院人口一這兩者的人數都很少)。再者,個別人士,包括有多過一份工作的職位持有者,都只計算一次。故此,可以編製出可靠的工作人口估計數字。4.4 不過,相對於僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查的就業估計數字能真實地反映個別行業的就業情況,綜合住戶統計調查數據的缺點在於被訪者有困難準確地提供其本身所屬行業的資料。最常見的現象是有些被訪者未必能正確提供其所屬機構單位所從事業務性質的詳細資料,或有些被訪者未必能區分職業和行業J(例如一個在製造業機構單位主作的小型貨車司機常誤會自己是屬於運輸行業而不是製造業)。結果就是綜合住戶統計調查的數字中有關按行業劃分的就業分布情況 ,因為工人(除管理階層人士外)未能清楚理解所屬機構單位的正確業務性質,會有較高機會出現分類差誤。5. 僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查與綜合住戶統計調查兩者就業估計數字的差異5.1 如4.4段所述,在進行綜合住戶統計調查時,向住戶搜集準確行業資料有實際困難。一些住戶成員未必能準確提供本身所屬行業的資料。男一方面,雖然僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查能準確地將各類機構單位劃入所屬行業,但部份行業卻並不包括在該項統計調查內。這些固有的分別,使得自兩個統計調查的就業估計數字,特別是有關個別行業類別的就業數字,出現頗顯著的差異。香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月4.3 Compared with their SEV counte叩arts, the major merit of the GHS employment estimates is that the omission in terms of the coverage of employed population is negligible (only the marine population and the institutional population - which are very small in size - are excluded from the GHS). The GHS employment estimates practically cover the entire employed population. Besides, individual persons, including those multiple job holders, are counted only once. Hence, a reliable estimate of the total working population can be compiled. 4.4 However, unlike the SEV employment estimates which can accurately reflect the industrial distribution of employment for specific industries, the major drawback of the GHS lies in the difficulty of respondents in reporting accurately the industry data. Very often, a respondent may not be able to give detailed information on the exact nature of industrial activities carried out by the establishrnent that he is engaged in, or sometimes he may not be able to differentiate between occupation and indus訂(e.g.a van driver working in a manufacturing establishment may consider himself working in the transport industry instead of the manufacturing industry). As a result, the GHS figures relating to the distribution of the employed population by industry; especially where the actual industrial activi可of an establishment is not so well known to its workers (except perhaps those at the management level), are liable to a higher degree of classification errors. 5. Discrepancies between SEV and GHS Employment Estimates 5.1 As mentioned in para. 4.4, there are practical difficulties in collecting accurate information on industry from the respondents of the GHS. Some household members may not be able to report accurately the industry to which they belong. On the other hand, although the classification of industry is accurate in the SEV, the survey does not cover all industries in the economy. These inherent differences lead to rather significant discrepancies between the employment estimates derived from the 制10surve戶especiallyemployment estimates pertaining to some specific industry sectors. FC5 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Stat的ticsDecember 2000 5.2 除上述外,還有其他因素令兩個統計調查的就業數字存有差異。其中包括不同的就業人數涵蓋範圍(例如僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查不包括外發工)、統計日期、統計調查概念及計數法則等。特別是僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查經由機構單位所搜集的就業數據是指機構單位的己填補職位數目,而綜合住戶統計調查經由住戶搜集的就業數據是以人數為基準。數據使用者在比較這兩組數字時,須常顧及這些差別,而作比較時要小心進行。6. 就業綜合估計數字6.1 僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查和綜合住戶統計調查各有本身的用途和優點,但是就反映按行業劃分的本地整體就業分布情況而言,兩者都並非完善。利用統計方法將這兩種數據協調,可以編製出一組就業綜合估計數字J從而更準確及完整地反映行業劃分的本地整體就業分布情況。6.2 編製就業綜合估計數字的主要步驟如下:(a) 將綜合住戶統計調查的就業人數加上水上居民的工作人口估計數字,得出就業人口總體數字。水上居民工作人口估計數字是根據人口普查/中期人口統計和人口統計數字所得。這數字與綜合住戶統計調查的就業人數,同樣都不包括住院人口。但不包括住院人口對就業人口的總體數字影響輕微。(b) 就每個行業類別而言,從兩組資料來源(分別為綜合住戶統計調查和僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查),以統計觀點選取其中比較可靠的數據。最後被選取的數據可以來自單一資料來源,或從兩組資料來源結合編製而成。香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月5.2 There are also other factors which may lead to discrepancies between the SEV and GHS employment estimates. These include, among other things, differences in the coverage of employed persons (e.g. outworkers are excluded from the SEV), survey reference period, survey concepts and counting rules, etc. In particular, the SEV is directed to establishments and the employment data so obtained refer to the number of posts filled in establishments, whereas the GHS is directed to households and hence the employment data are person-based. Users who attempt to compare the SEV and GHS employment estimates should therefore always bear these differences in mind and do so with caution. 6. Composite Employment Estimates 6.1 While the SEV and GHS employment estimates each has its own uses and merits, neither of them is perfect in reflecting the distribution of territory-wide employment by industryIn order to reflect a more accurate picture of the broad distribution of the territory-wide employment by industry, a set of CEE is derived by reconciling under a designated statistical framework the employment estimates obtained from these two surveys. 6.2 The compilation of the CEE involves the following main steps : (a) Use the GHS total employment plus an estimate of marine working population as the overall control total in respect of the employed population. The size of the marine working population is separately estimated based on statistics from the Population CensuseslBycensuses and demographic statistics. In so doing, only institutional population is excluded from the employed population as it is not covered in the GHS, but the extent of omission in respect of the employed population is expected to be minor. (b) For each industry sector, make a statistical assessment on which of the two da阻sources(namely, GHS and SEV) is more reliable for the industry sector in question. The estimate finally chosen could be drawn from a single data source, or compiled from data obtained 企om both sources. FC6 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics December 2000 (c) 將(b)步驟得出的所有行業類別就業人數相加而成總就業人數估計數字。如果總數與(吋步驟的總體數字不符,則按比例調整某些選定類別數字,從而令所得數字之和與(吋步驟的總體數字相同。7. 就業綜合估計數字的特徵7.1 相對於直接得自僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查和綜合住戶統計調查的就業數字,就業綜合估計數字較完整及準確地反映按行業劃分的本地整體就業分布情況。就業綜合估計數字所涵蓋的就業人士範圍比僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查更完整,而按行業分類的就業綜合估計數字則比綜合住戶統計調查的就業估計數字更可靠。7.2 由於就業綜合估計數字的總體數字是以綜合住戶統計調查的就業人數為基準所以該數字的概念統計時點與綜合住戶統計調查相同。第一季為二月中,第二季為五月中,第三季為八月中和第四季為十一月中。因此,就業綜合估計數字的每年平均數字是代表年中的數字。7.3 雖然就業綜合估計數字可在一定程度上減低僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查和綜合住戶統計調查兩者有關就業估計數字的主要局限,但其本身仍有相當局限。第一,僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查和綜合住戶統計調查存有不少固有的分別,如統計調查概念、涵蓋範盟和調查方法(例如計數法則)。就業綜合估計數字和綜合住戶統計的就業數據,基本上以人數計算(可展示按行業劃分的就業人數)。但僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查的就業人數,是以職位計算。嚴格來說,將這兩項來自不同統計調查的數據直接相加,以編製涵蓋各行業類別的就業綜合估計數字,是頗粗略的做法。香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月(c) Sum up the total estimated employment for all industry sectors obtained through step (b). In case the total does not tally with the overall control total obtained through step (a), apply pro-rata adjustment to prescribed industry sectors to ensure that the total for all indust可sectors matches with the overall control total. 7. Characteristics of the Composite Employment Estimates 7.1 The CEE can better reflect a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the te汀it。可wide employment in individual industries, when compared with both the SEV and GHS direct estimates. They are superior to the SEV estimates in that the coverage of employed population is more complete. They are also superior to the GHS estimates in that the industrial classification in respect of employment figures is more reliable. 7.2 As the control total in respect of CEE is primarily based on that of the GHS, the conceptual reference time point of the CEE should refer to that of the GHS. Specifically出e concep個al reference time point of the CEE is mid February for the first quarter, mid May for the second quarter, mid August for the third quarter and mid November for the fourth qua此er.Hence, the yearly average of the CEE should refer to the middle of the year. 7.3 Although the CEE reduce the major limitations of both the SEV and GHS employment estimates to a certain extent, they are still subject to certain limitations. Firstly, there are a number of inherent differences between the SEV and GHS estimates in terms of survey concepts, coverage and methodology (e.g. counting rules). In particular, the CEE are person-based (i.e. showing the number of persons by industry), which is similar in concept to the GHS employment data. However, the employment data collected in the SEV are based on posts. Strictly speaking, adding direct1y the two different sources of data across different industry sectors in the compilation of the CEE is necessarily crude. FC7 Hong Kong Monthly Digest ofStatistics December 2000 7.4 第二,就業綜合估計數字是將兩種數據在個別行業類別的層次上綜合編製而成,而並非從原始數據來源編製因此不能提供詳細的分項數字和分析,例如按地區或人口特徵細分列表。8. 各組就業估計數字的用途8.1 上述三組就業數據都未臻完美,並各自存有優點和局限,但都能互補不足之處。在選擇應用時,要取決於其特定用途。8.2 就業綜合估計數字,結合了綜合住戶統計調查中有關人口涵蓋範圓的優點與僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查中有關行業分類的優點,從而更完整及準確地反映按行業類別劃分的本地望鯉就業分布情況和此等分布情況隨時間的轉變。就業綜合估計數字在此情況下是很有用的a但是,當應用就業綜合估計數字時,數據使用者要緊記在7.3段及7.4段所述的局限。8.3 男一方面,僱傭及職位空缺按季統計調查數字可顯示統計調查所包括個別行業的勞工需求,尤其可提供按行業及地區劃分的詳細就業分布資料及有關勞動力投入(絕對值和相對值)於個別行業內的資料(指包括在統計調查的行業而言)。8.4 在較廣闊的層面上,綜合住戶統計調查的就業數字,顯示本地勞工市場的勞動力供應。這些數字可提供詳細的就業狀況資料(如就業人數、失業人數及就業不足人數)和勞動人口特徵如年齡及性別分布情況,從而可更清楚瞭解勞工市場的勞動力供應情況。香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月7.4 Secondly, since the CEE are compiled from the aggregate SEV and GHS employment estimates for individual industry sectors but not from the raw data at sources, further breakdown or analysis of the CEE by, say, geographical area or by demographic characteristic is not possible. 8. Recommeodatioos 00 the Use of the Differeot Sets of Employmeot Estimates 8.1 None of the three sets of employment statistics described above, viz. SEV estimates, GHS estimates and CEE is perfect. They serve to complement each other since each set has its own merits and limitations. The selection of any one set for a particular application depends on the specific use it is put to. 8.2 By taking account of the merits ofthe GHS and SEV employment data in respect of population coverage and industrial classification respectively, the CEE can better ref1ect the broad distribution of the overall territory-wide employment broken down by industry sector, and also the change of such sectoral distribution over time. Application of the CEE in this specific訂閱is thus recommended. Nevertheless, in applying the CEE, their limitations as highlighted in paragraphs 7.3 and 7.4 should be borne in mind. 8.3 On the other hand, the SEV estimates indicate the labour demand for the specific industries covered. They are particularly useful for furnishing detailed information on the industrial and geographical distribution of employment and also the labour input (in both absolute and relative terms) to individual industries (for those industries with complete coverage in SEV). 8.4 From a broader perspective, the GHS employment figures show the labour supply in the local labour market. They can provide detaiIed information on the employment status (employed/unemployed/underemployed) and the demographic characteristics (e.g. age and sex distribution) of the labour force, thereby facilitating a better understanding of the labour market si徊的ionfrom the supply side. FC8 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics December 2000 8.5 另一點要注意的就是由於在綜合住戶統計調查中搜集有關行業分類的資料不大可靠,因此在利用綜合住戶統計調查的數字分析按行業劃分的勞動人口特徵時(例如年齡及性別分布),有關行業的資料只應被視為分類變數。在此情況下,綜合住戶統計調查的數字可幫助分析某行業內的勞動人口特徵(例如失業率或職業狀況) ,或比較不同行業的勞動人口特徵而不應用作顯示個別行業類別的實際就業人數。香港統計月刊二零零零年十二月8.5 1n regard to the GHS, it may also be noted that in cases where industry-specific labour force characteristics (such as age and sex distribution) are analysed, given that information on the industrial classification of persons as collected in the GHS is less reliab峙, it is recommended to take the information on industronly as classification variable. Studies can still be meaningful on such characteristics as unemployment rate or occupationaI pattern within an industry or to compare those characteristics across industries. However, the GHS estimates by industry should not be taken as the actual number of employed persons in individual industry sectors. FC9 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics December 2000 一九九六年至-九九九年按行業類別劃分的就業綜合估計數字Composite Employment Estimates by Industry Sector, 1996-1999 表Table 1 制嘲辭海叫溫U喃自1999 1998* 1997* (0.4%) ( S ) (7.9%) (0.5%) (9.4%) (32.3%) 伊.2%)287 200 伊.2%)289 400 伊.6乎看j305 600 伊.6呢j6.1%) (7.0份(11.2%) 351 200 (11.7%) 370 700 (11.3%) 360 700 (11.2%) (14.3%) 447 200 (13.7%) 431 200 (13.0%) 416 600 (11.8%) (24.0%) 752 500 (23.3%) 734 500 (21.9%) 699 000 (21.7%) 3 137 600 (100.0%) They may not add up to the See paragraphs 2.1 and 13 300 400 248 500 14 800 295 600 1 014 200 506 400 220700 Notes: (1) Figures for individual items are yearly averages. overall figure due to rounding. (2) Figures in brackets refer to the percentage shares against the respective total. They may not add up to 100% due to rounding. Less than 0.05%. The figures for 1996-1998 above are revised figures. 2.2 of the article for details. (0.5%) ( S ) (8.4%) (0.5%) (10.3%) (31.7%) 5.7呃j(6.9呢j3 155 200 (100.0%) 3 197 200 (100 14 200 400 15 100 324 100 1 000 500 494 700 216 400 3 099 300 (100.0%) 行業類別Indus甘y sector 漁農業Agriculture and fishing 採礦及採石業Mining and quarrying 製造業Manufacturing 電力、燃氣及水務業Elec甘ici紗, gas and water 建築業Cons甘uction批發、零售、進出口貿易、飲食及酒店業Wholesale, retail and importlexport trades, restaurants and hotels IftD&尋掌聲業Who/esa/e and retail trades i血口Jf!JJ業1mportlexport trades 敢莫及庸居葉Restaurants and hote/s 運輸、倉庫及通訊業Transport, storage and communications 金融、保險、地產及商用服務業Financing, insurance, real estate and business services 社區、社會及個人服務業Community, social and personal services 所有行業額別A11 indus甘y sectors 註釋:(1)個別項目的數字是該年的平均數由於進位原因,它們加起來可能與合計略有出入。(2)括號內數字表示佔有關總數的百分比。由於進位原因,此等百分比數字未必合計為100.少於0.05%。以上的一九九六年至一九九八年數字是修訂數字,詳情見文中2.1及2.2段。1996* 264 600 (0.5%) ( S ) (9.6%) (0.5%) (9.9%) (33.3%) 15 500 400 307 800 16 200 317 300 1 063 800 (0.6%) (10.9%) (0.6%) (9.1%) (34.2%) ( S ) 17 600 337.000 17 400 280 500 1 060 400 500 仆稍稍稍將l寸札迴298 900 咱們-o6.6%) (7.2鈍j529 600 228600 7.2均(7.3均534 300 227 100 345 800 366 800 673 200 ZO口開肉。口開玄。口哥哥UFmnMH巴巴巴拉宮的onnnSFRMOOD
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