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2006 年硕士研究生入学考试英语科目的初试仍不考查听力部分,对于单词和词组的考查范围基本不变,完型填空、翻译、阅读理解、写作无变化。2005 年的硕士研究生入学英语考试第一次在“PART B”部分出现了“7 选 5”或“完型填句”的题型。而 2006 年大纲中除了规定“7 选 5”的题型作为“PART B”部分的备选题之外,还规定了排列段落题和标题内容搭配题作为备选题型。所谓排列段落题就是将一篇有 7-8 段的文章的所有段落顺序打乱,然后给出其中 2-3 段的正确位置,要求考生把剩下的段落按照顺序来排列。而标题内容搭配题则要求考生在有限的时间内将文章中给出的 5 个标题或 5 个段落与相应的段落或标题进行匹配。2006 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试卷结构表年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试卷结构表部分节为考生提供的信 息指导 语语 言测试要点题型题目 数量计 分答题 卡种 类 英语知 识运用 (10 分)1 篇文章(240 280 词)英语词汇、语法和结 构完型填空 多 项选择题 (四选一)2010A4 篇文章(共约 1600 词)英语理解具体信息、 掌握文章大意, 猜测生词词义并 进行推断等多项选择题 (四选一)2040B1 篇文章(共约 500600 词)英语理解文章结构选择搭配、 排列段落、 或标题内容 搭配题510答题 卡 1(机 器阅 卷) 阅读理 解(60 分)C1 篇文章(约 400 词)5 处划 线部分(约 150 词)英语理解的准确性英译汉510A规定情景英语书面表达应用文(约 100 词)110 写作 (30 分)B主题句、写作提 纲、规定情景、 图、表等英语书面表达短文写作 (160200 词)120答题 卡 2(人 工阅 卷、 机器 登分)总计50+2100考研英语新增词汇考研英语新增词汇Aabdomenn.腹(部) aboundvi.充满(with, in) 。 accordvt. vi.给予 相一致(with) accountantn.会计师;会计 acrobatn.立场观点变化无常的人 addictvt. n.1. 使沉溺,使人迷,使醉心 2. 使吸毒成瘾 有瘾的人;入迷的人 adorevt.崇拜;敬慕;崇敬 adventn. a- (事件、时期等的) 出现,到来 affluentadj. n.1. 畅流的 2. 丰富的;富饶的;富裕的 1. 支流 2. 富裕的人 air-conditioningn.空气调节;空调系统;空调设备 aislen.(教堂、戏院等的) 过道,走廊 albumn.1.唱片套 2.专辑 anecdoten.复 s 或 anecdota 轶事 anguishn. vt. 比喻说法 metropolitanadj.大城市的 militantadj.富于战斗性的;激进的;积极行动的 millionairen.百万富翁;巨富 minglevi.1. 混合起来,相混合 2. 相交往(with) missionaryadj.教会的;传教的 mobn.暴民,乱民;乌合之众 modulen.1. 模块;组件,部件 2. 单元 momentumn.1. 势头;动力 2. 契机 monarchn.1. 君主;最高统治者 2. 王,大王 moteln.(附有停车场设施的)汽车旅馆 motivatevt.使有动机;推动;激发 mould / moldn. vt.模子,模型,模具 塑造;使成形,把塑造成(into) mugvt.对行凶抢劫 Nnapkinn.餐巾;小毛巾 narrativen.记事;叙述 necklacen.项链 nightmaren.恶梦 normn.标准,规范;规则 numericaladj.数字的 nurturevt.养育,培育 Oobsessionn.着迷,困扰 obstructvt.阻挡,阻止,阻碍 optimumadj.最适宜的,最佳的 optvi.作出抉择,选择 optionn.选择 outingn.外出,旅行,散步 outragen.1. 暴行 2. 冒犯 3. 义愤,愤慨 ovaladj.椭圆形的 overturnvt.1. 打翻 2. 推翻;颠覆;毁灭;废除;使无效 oxiden.氧化物Ppactn.协定,契约;公约;盟约 panoraman.全貌 pantsn.裤子 paperbackn.纸面本,平装本 passerbyn.过路人 patheticadj.1. 悲哀的;微弱的 2. 影响情感的,3. 乏味的 patroln. vt. its the hardest job of all. If you have no special training or higher education, just dont mention education.The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about yourself. Take four or five hours off, not necessarily consecutive, and simply write down every accomplishment in your life, on or off the job, that made you feel effective. Dont worry at first about what it all means. Study the list and try to spot patterns. As you study your list, you will come closer to the meaning: identifying your marketable skills. Once you discover patterns, give names to your cluster of accomplishments (leadership skills, budget management skills, child development skills etc.) Try to list at least three accomplishments under the same skills heading. Now start writing your resume as if you mattered. It may take four drafts or more, and several weeks, before youve ready to show it to a stranger (friends are usually too kind) for a reaction. When youve satisfied, send it to a printer; a printed resume is far superior to photocopies. It shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work, worth doing right.Isnt that the kind of person youd want working for you? AA woman who lost her job as a teachers aide due to a cutback in government funding wrote: “Principal of elementary school cited me as the only teachers aide she would rehire if government funds became available.” BOne resume I received included the following: “Invited by my superior to straighten out our organizations accounts receivable. Set up orderly repayment schedule, reconciled accounts weekly, and improved cash flow 100 per cent. Rewarded with raise and promotion.” Notice how this woman focuses on results, specifies how she accomplished them, and mentions her reward all in 34 words. CFor example, if you have a flair for saving, managing and investing money, you have money management skills. DAn acquaintance complained of being biased when losing an opportunity due to the statement “Ready to learn though not so well educated”. EOne of my former colleagues, for example, wrote resumes in three different styles in order to find out which was more preferred. The result is, of course, the one that highlights skills and education background. FA woman once told me about a cash-flow crisis her employer had faced. Shed agreed to work without pay for three months until business improved. Her reward was her back pay plus a 20 percent bonus. I asked why that marvelous story wasnt in her resume. She answered, “It wasnt important.” What she was really saying of course was “Im not important.”答案 41.F 42.C 43.B 44.A 45.DSample Four Directions: You are going to read a list of headings and a text about plagiarism in the academic community. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (41-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)AWhat
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