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广西师范大学硕士学位论文新课改背景下菏泽市城镇中学体育隐性课程现状调查与研究姓名:庞志伟申请学位级别:硕士专业:体育人文社会学指导教师:谢翔20090401I新课改背景下菏泽市城镇中学体育隐性课程 现状调查与研究 新课改背景下菏泽市城镇中学体育隐性课程 现状调查与研究 硕士研究生:庞志伟 导师:谢翔 教授 年级:2006 级 学科专业:体育人文社会学 研究方向:学校体育学 摘摘 要要 体育隐性课程是当前有关体育课程理论研究的一项重要内容。体育隐性课程是指在学校范围内,按照教育目的和学校体育目标,以间接的、内隐的方式呈现的、经过规范设计的体育文化要素的总和。1目前,我国正在大力推行新课程改革,其核心思想就是要依据人的发展和未来社会发展的实际需要,以全面提高全体学生的基本素质,尊重学生主体性和主动精神,注重开发人的智慧潜能,注重形成人的健全个性为根本目的。在这一过程中,体育隐性课程占据着不可或缺的重要地位。但目前学校体育隐性课程的现状却不容乐观,有关体育隐性课程的研究比较少,在注重体育显性课程教学的同时,忽略了隐性课程对情意目标的实现和个人全面发展的重要作用,在一定程度上阻碍了学生的发展,使培养学生良好个性和高尚思想品质的目标较难实现。因此,在新课程三维目标的培养体系下,注重体育隐性课程的研究,发挥其在学生终身体育的习惯和能力的养成、学生个性的完善、学生心理素质和社会适应能力的提高等方面的独特功能,则成为学校体育改革的明确方向。 为了进一步贯彻教育部体育健康课程标准 ,深入实施国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定 ,倡导新课程标准教育理念,以学生为本,注重体育人文价值,注重学生的情意发展,提高学生交往能力和社会适应能力以及学生整体健康水平,本文作者在菏泽市区选取了 18 所城镇中学(中国规定,县及县以上机关所在地,或常住人口在 2000人以上,10 万人以下,其中非农业人口占 50%上的居民点,都是城镇) ,利用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、现场观察法、座谈法等,对新课改背景下菏泽市城镇中学体育隐性课程现状进行调查和研究,包括体育隐性课程物质文化要素、精神文化要素和课堂要素(包括生成性因素)等几方面。并在此基础上,分析菏泽市区城镇中学体育隐性课程的不足,对影响师生体育教学的各个隐性要素进行效果分析,认为在当前新课改背景中,学校体育在树立“健康第一”的思想,以人为本,注重学生发展这个宗旨下,菏泽市城镇中学体育隐性课程现状总体上有了一定程度的改善,但还存在许多问题:城镇中学体育隐性课程物质文化要素整体状况不佳,学校的体育场地设施比较缺乏,并对体育场地绿化重视不够,普遍存在体育器材种类不全的问题,已有的器材数量也不平衡;对于体育隐性课程的精神文化要素的调查满意程度比较低,对学校校园体育文化的建设相对不够重II视,多数中学还未形成本校的体育传统与风气。教师个人素养有待提高;特别是新课标背景下对课堂隐性要素重视不够:教师对教材的创造性不够,太拘泥于教材。不注重学生创造性培养,使学生独立性、创造性意识不强。教师在课堂教学中不能很好的发挥体育的多重隐性作用,寓各育与体育之中。 在遵循课程开发原则的前提下,根据具体的调查结果提出一些切实可行的开发建议,以促进菏泽市城镇中学体育隐性课程的进一步完善:提高体育教师对体育隐性课程的认知水平;体育器材设施建设要有针对性,与学生现阶段身体素质相适应。在配置体育设施的时候,我们应该充分考虑到客观存在的差异性,争取让每一个学生都能有适合自己锻炼的体育器械,都能体验运动的乐趣,从而热爱体育运动;器材设施开发要因地制宜,多样化。经济状况较差的学校要本着自力更生的原则,利用本校的现实条件和各校不同的环境开发适合自己的运动项目;营造良好体育传统与风气,注重体育活动的开展,出台硬性的体育规章制度,并形成一定的学校体育规划文件,制定科学合理的体育课考核体系;体育课堂的开放性决定构建和谐的体育课堂就必须充分开发和利用课堂生成资源。生成资源的开发包括两个方面:其一是教师对教育资源的开发与生成。其二是指学生在课堂教学过程中,独立生成的问题和设想。教师在教学中要根据教学人际关系的特殊性,改善自身的指导作风,使学生在民主、轻松的氛围中体验爱和信任,互相合作,创造出一种和谐的人际关系;注重教学方法的创新性;重视学校体育隐性课程的研究。对于体育隐性课程的研究需要更多的体育教师、体育科研人员参与其中,进行深入调查研究,共同构建一个体育显性课程和隐性课程相协调的课程体系。 关键词:关键词:菏泽城镇中学;新课标;体育隐性课程;现状调查;开发 IIIInvestigation and Research on Present Situation of the Implement of Urban Secondary Schools Hidden P.E Curriculum in Heze City Abstract Physical education is an important means of realizing school sports .P. E. can be divided into two partsvisible one and hidden. Visible sports course is the basis of realizing the aims of this subject and the hidden one is a useful supplement to the former. Besides, the hidden one can arouse students motivation to study. Recently, our country is making every effort to promote the reform of school curriculum .The essential idea of this reform is, according to the repuirements of individual and social developments, to promote the qualities of Chinese students in an all-round way, to fully respect students identity and creativity, to stress the development of students potential capabilities and the formation of students characters. In this process, recessive course in PE makes great difference and can never be substituted. However, the current situation is not satisfying: there are fewer researches, and we often ignore the importance of recessive PE to the achievement of students emotional goals and integrated development. In a way this situation hinders students development,and make it difficult to form their perfect personalities and qualities. Therefore, in this three-dimensional training system of our new school curriculum, it shows the reform of school PE a clear direction to stress the reserches of recessive course in PE and to make it play an important role in the habits and abilities of life time physical education, improvement of character, students mental qualities, and ability to adapt to society. In order to carry through The Standards of PE the satisfied rate to the metal culture factor for PE hidden curriculum is still comparatively lower and school pays less attention to it; further more, the implement of PE hidden curriculum content factors among different type of schools is also IVdiversified very much. To raise some advice in accordance with the research result to promote the further improvement of PE hidden curriculum for middle schools in our city. When deploy the Sports facilities, we should take into account the objective differences, and strive to make every student is able to exercise for their own sports equipment and loving sports.Improve the realization of teachers to PE hidden curriculum; Optimize physical environment ,opening the classroom of Sports decided to building a harmonious classroom must be exploited generate resources. Generate resources includes two aspects: One about the teacher develop and generate educational resources. The second refer to the students independent of issues and ideas generated in the classroom.; School shall pay more emphasis on campus physical education culture; Stress on the study on PE hidden curriculum. The study for hidden curriculum of PE need more PE teachers and scientists to involve in, and study together, to build hidden curriculum courses and coordinated system of programs. Keywords: Primary School i
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