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1四川四川师师范大学文理学院本科范大学文理学院本科毕业论毕业论文文论电视节目主持人副语言的重要性学生姓名学生姓名 张张 红红 彬彬 院系名称院系名称 传传 媒媒 系系 专业名称专业名称 表演(主持与出镜)表演(主持与出镜) 班班 级级 20200808 级级 1 1 班班 学学 号号 200816085135200816085135 指导老师指导老师 段段 梅梅 (教授)(教授) 答辩时间答辩时间 20112011 年年 1212 月月 1010 日日 2论电视节目主持人副语言的重要性学生姓名:张红彬 指导老师:段梅(教授)内容提要内容提要:电视节目主持人是一项对业务能力和素质要求非常高的职业,一名好的播 音员主持人应具备良好的思想道德素质、良好的播音品质、扎实的文化功底与 文学素养以及稳定的心理素质。这些素质是很重要的,但是拥有了这些就能够 说是一名优秀的主持人了吗? 显然不是,想真正演绎好一档观众参与度高、现 场感强的电视节目,主持人必须掌握一项非常重要的专业技能副语言。副 语言是播音主持工作中的非语音因素,是通过各种无声的体态语言将主持人内 心的想法和感受向外表达的手段,它传达着比语言交流丰富得多的内涵,作为 播音主持工作者,恰如其分地运用非语言手段,能更充分地传情达意,乱用或 不恰当地使用都会影响节目的质量和主持人在大众心目中的形象。主持人对副 语言恰当的运用能有助节目更好的表达,吸引观众的目光,相反如果运用不恰 当的话,不仅会有哗众取宠的感觉,还会直接影响节目的收视。本文的研究就 是希望能令更多人明白,对副语言定位取舍会对主持效果有巨大的影响作用。关键词关键词:电视节目 副语言 非语音因素 体态语言The TV presenter side the importance of paralanguageAbstract:TV host is an operational capacity and quality requirements are very high occupation, a good announcer host should have a good ideological and moral qualities, good air quality, solid cultural foundation and literary attainments and stable psychological quality. These qualities are very important, but with these can said to be a good host? Obviously not, really want to perform well in an audience participation is high, strong sense of the scene of the television program, the host must hold a very important professional skills - language. Paralanguage is broadcasting work in the non linguistic factors, is through a variety of silent body language will host the inner thoughts and feelings of the outward expression of the means of language communication, it conveys is much richer connotation, as the radio hosts, to a proper extent by means of non - language, can fully express, with chaos or improper use will affect the quality of programs and hosts public image. The presenters on the language proper use can help show better expression, attract the attention of the 3audience. In contrast, the use of inappropriate will not only have the curry favour by claptrap feeling, but also directly affect the program. This study is to make more people understand, to associate language localization trade-offs on moderated effects is significant.Key words:Television programs;language; a phonetic factors; body language4目 录一、绪论.5 二、什么是副语言.5 (一)主持人语言的分类 .5 (二)副语言的概念 .6 三、副语言表达的重要性 .6 (一)语言的根本属性在于体语的表达.6 (二)有声语言和副语言是同质异构的互补关系 .7 四、副语言的特点.7 (一)副语言在传播过程中具有连续性.7 (二)副语言传播是多渠道和多方位的.7 (三)副语言具有互动性.7 五、副语言的形式.8 (一)表情.8 (二)目光.9 (三)手势.9 (四)衣着服饰.10 六、副语言表达的基本原则 .11 (一)与节目配合.11 (二)与语言配合.11 (三)与感情配合.11 七、副语言的作用.12 (一)使主持人向受众传达的信息更加丰富 .
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