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七年级下学期单元检测题(Unit 3-4)一、选择填空题 (15 分)( )1.Where are pandas from? They are from _.A. China B. South AfricaC. America D. Australia( )2.Why do you want _ the lions first?A. seeing B. to look C. to see D. looking( )3. _ see the koalas in the zoo.A. We like B. We wantC. Do you D. Lets( )4. Loins from _ are very lazy.A. China B. AustraliaC. Africa D. America( )5. Koalas from Australia eat _.A. grass B. leavesC. fruits D. vegetables( )6. Molly plays _ her friends every day.A. for B. with C. on D. up( )7. Loins are lazy and relax _ 20 hours every day.A. for B. with C. on D. in( )8. What do you want to _? An actor.A. do B. have C. make D. be( )9. She is a bank clerk. People can get money _ her every day.A. to B. from C. with D. for( )10. Her mother is a nurse, sometimes she works _ night.A. in B. for C. atD. during( )11. Her father is a _, so thieves dont like him.A. doctor B. reporterC. bank clerk D. policeman( )12. Reporter likes _ to people and asking them questionsA. talks B. talkC. talking D. to talking( )13. My aunt works _ a magazine _ a reporter.A. as, for B. for, asC. with, for D. for, with( )14. If you want to be a waiter, please call Karen _ 555-3937.A .at B. with C. for D. on( )15. The news _ exciting to us.A. are B. do C. is D. does二、单词拼写( 10 分)41. Lets see the pandas _(首先).42. We can see many kinds of _(动物) in the zoo.43.The_(可爱的) elephants are from Africa.44. Dogs are very _(友好的) to people.45. A elephant eats a lot of _(草) every day.46.Please be _(安静) because the panda is shy.47. He works as a policeman. Its _(危险的).48. The reporter is busy _(谈话) to people.49. My mother is a policewoman. She _(穿) uniform every day.50.Itsan exciting_(工作).三、句子转换(10 分)51. I like koalas because they are cute.(就划线部分提问)_ _ you like koalas?52. Loins are from South Africa. (就划线部分提问)_ _ loins from?53. My aunt is a reporter. (就划线部分提问)_ _ your aunt _?54. Which job do you want to have?_ do you want to _?55. She wants to work as a teacher in an international school.She_ _ in an international school.四、完成句子(10 分)56. 她每天工作时都与钱打交道。She_ _ money every day.57. 他愿意为一家杂志社效劳。He _ _ _ _ a magazine.58. 熊猫有点害羞。Pandasare _ _ shy.59. 为什么地上那么多的树叶?_ _ so many _ on the ground?60. 咱们到动物园看海豚吧。_ _ to see the dolphins in the zoo.五、补全对话(5 分)A: 61 _.B: Why do you like to see pandas?A: 62 _.B: 63 _?A: I like to see elephants, too. Because they can dance.B: Really? 64 _. By the way, do you want to be an assistant in the zoo?A: Well, to work for animals is interesting, but kind of dangerous. I dont like it.B: 65 _?A: I want to be a reporter. I can meet many famous (著名的) people.61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _A. What other animals so you want to see B. What do you want to beC. Lets go to see the pandas D. That sounds interestingE .Because they are beautiful, but kind of shy春雨的色彩说课稿一、教材内容分析:春天里万物复苏,百花争艳、 绿草如荫、一派迷人的景色。春雨的色彩意境优美,散文诗中绵绵的春雨,屋檐下叽叽喳喳的小鸟,万紫千 红的大地,给人以美的陶冶和享受,与此同时启发幼儿通过简洁优美的语言以及相应的情景对话练习感受春天的勃勃生机。激发幼儿热爱大自然的情感,启发幼儿观察、 发现自然界的变化,感知春的意韵,并尝试运用多种方法把春雨的色彩表现出来,以此来表达自己的情感体验。二、幼儿情况分析:中班下学期的幼儿探究、分析、观察能力有了一定的 发展,并且孩子 们充满了好奇心和强烈的探究欲,能主动地去探究周围和环境的变化,并且能根据变化运用自己的表达方式将感知到的变化加以表现。同时这个时期的幼儿的语言表达能力及审美能力有一定的发展,孩子们在平时的活动中也积累了许多有关绘画方面的经验在活动展示出来。三、活动目标:教育活动的目标是教育活动的起点和归宿,对教育活动起着主导作用,我根据中班幼儿的实际情况制定了一下活动目标:1、情感态度目标:引导幼儿感受散文诗的意境美。2、能力目标:发展幼儿的审美能力和想象力。3、认知目标:帮助幼儿在理解散文的基础上感受春天的生机,知道春雨对万物生长的作用。四、活动的重点和难点:重点是:引导幼儿份角色朗诵小动物的对话,感受散文诗的优美,进而丰富词汇、发展幼儿的观察能力、思维和语言表达能力。难点是:学习词语“淋、滴、洒、落”、学 习春雨的对话、诗句“亲爱的小鸟们,你们说得都对,但都没说全面,我本身是无色的,但我能给春天的大地带来万紫千红”。五、活动准备:1、经验准备:课前学会朗诵诗春天,并 组织幼儿春游,根据天气情况实地观察春雨,让幼儿感受了解春天的有关知识经验。2、物质准备:小动物头饰、 教学课件、幼儿 绘画用纸笔六、教法:陶行知先生曾经说:“解放儿童的双手,让他们去做去干”所以在本次活动中,我力求对幼儿充分放手,对大限度的激发幼儿的学习兴趣, 让他们自己去探究、去发现、去感受,我主要采取了以下教学法:1、谈话法:在活动得导入环节我运用与幼儿进行有关春天主题的谈话,帮助幼儿积累整理自己积累的有关春天的知识经验。2、演示法:在活动中我通过多媒体课件向 幼儿展示春天的勃勃生机,春雨的色彩散文诗的情景,也是通过课件中轻柔的配乐诗朗诵体现出来的。现代教学辅助手段的运用进一步强化了他的作用,使幼儿对春天、春雨更加了解和熟悉。3、情景演示法:将幼儿置身于春雨的色彩散文情景中,通过角色表演, 强化幼儿对春雨的色彩的感受。此外我还适时采用了交流讨论法、激励法、审美熏陶法和 动静交替法加以整合,使幼儿从多方面获得探索过程的愉悦。七、学法:1、多种感官参与法:新纲要中明确指出:幼儿能用多种感官动手动脑、探究问题,用适当的方式表达交流
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