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课时跟踪检测(十二) Healthy eating.单项填空1(2013嘉兴高三质检)She is annoyed with obesity, so she has decided to go on _ diet to lose _ weight.Athe; the Ba; /Can; the Dthe; a2I have a lot of readings _ before the end of this term.Acompleting Bto completeCcompleted Dbeing completed3(2013济南高三一模)A new study indicates that basic steps taken by people daily can go a long way in _ greenhouse gas emissions.Acutting down Btaking downCpulling down Dbreaking down4We _ have agreed to the plan without knowing what it would cost.Amustnt Bmay notCoughtnt to Ddont have to5(2010福建高考)In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.I cant agree more. Its great to have the two _.Alinked BrelatedCconnected Dcombined6(2013威海高三一模)What do you think of his opinion?None has given me _ piece of advice.Aa better Bthe betterCbest Dthe best7After the operation, Bill has been doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _.Aability BstrengthCenergy Dmind8(2013九江一中质检)His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _ from home and earn some money on his own.Arun away Btake awayCkeep away Dget away9(2013杭州高三质检)Both China and the United States_ from their growing business ties over the past four decades.Ahad benefited BbenefitCbenefited Dhave benefited10(2013宝鸡高三质检)I am heavily _ at the moment, but I hope to be out of it when I get paid.Ain debt Bin troubleCof difficulty Din danger11Companies are struggling to find the right _ between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.Abalance BprocessCequality Dpattern12(2013浙大附中高三质检) As they entered the big city for the first time from a remote village, they were full of _ about many things.Aideas BcuriosityCfantasies Dimagination13(2013临沂模拟)Before making any decision, _ your family to find out which activities are most important to you.Aconsult BcontactCcontent Dconcern14Is there anything I need to know before I start?You_use the office phone for private calls.Aneednt BmustntCwouldnt Dmay not15The medicine should usually be kept out of the _ of children at home.Adistance BreachClimit Darrival.阅读理解(2013江西两所名校模拟)An average 30yearold person who has eaten three meals a day since birth has eaten more than 30,000 meals to date. Even if youve only eaten half that much you have to admit this: youve let some of that breakfast, lunch or dinner go to waste. And it turns out were all to blame for this shaming fact: 30% of all food produced in the world each year is wasted or lost. Thats about 1.3 billion tons, according to a new report by the UN. Food and Agriculture Organization.Thats the weight of more than 8.6 million fullgrown blue whales, the largest creatures on earth. Thats the weight of more than 2. 3 million Airbus A380s, the largest planes in existence. Thats as if each person in China, the worlds most populous country with more than 1.3 billion people, had one ton mass of food they could just throw into the dustbin. Its almost unfathomable,_isnt it?Setting aside that big number, we find the people with the most money are the ones who waste the most. Per capita (人均), European and North American countries waste between 95 and 115 kilograms of food. SubSaharan African, South Asian and Southeast Asian countries waste much, much less between 6 and 11 kilograms per person.Heres another statistic: all the food that the worlds richest countries waste is about equal to all the food that subSaharan Africa produces. The numbers: 222 million tons and 230 million tons, respectively (分别地). Basically, the wasted food of the rich could feed much of the African continent. And these numbers come as weve just been reporting about rising food prices around the world in the past week.And my own personal tip: if I eat at a restaurant and cant finish it all, I ask for a doggie bag. I used to be a waiter years ago and will never forget the amounts of food I saw left on the table after the bill was paid. Theres no reason to waste food. Its up to all of us to use our common sense to eat and shop just a bit more wisely.1According to the UN. Food and Agriculture Organization, how much food do people produce each year in the world?AAbout 3.3 billion tons.BAbout 3.9 billion tons.CAbout 4.3 billion tons.DAbout 5.6 billion tons.2What does the underlined word “unfathomable” in Paragraph 2 mean?APossible to imagine.BImpossible to change.CImpossible to understand.DPossible to understand.3It can be learned that the food the rich waste can support _.Ahalf the people in EuropeBmost people of AmericaCmost people of AsiaDmost people of Africa4The author gave his personal tip based on the fact that _.Ahe was once very poorBhe was once a farmerChe once worked in a restaurantDthe price of food is very high5What is
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