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标准操作规程 扬州麦拓卡夫特光伏浆料回收有限公司 Standard Operating ProcedureMetallkraft Yangzhou Co., Ltd.人力资源部HR Department QHR.104.01录用新员工程序 Procedure for New Employee Acceptance页码 Page1 of 4替代 Replace无 None起草者 Prepared byHR翻译者 Translated byHR审核者 Reviewed byHR Manager批准者 Approved byGM生效日 Effective Date2010/10/01适用于 Valid forAll 1.目的 Purpose本标准操作规程(SOP)描述了为新员工办理正式入职手续的程序。 This SOP describes the procedure for new employee of Metallkraft (Yangzhou).2.范围 Scope本 SOP 适用于已被扬州麦拓卡夫特浆料回收公司录用的员工。 This SOP applies to the employee who is employed by Metallkraft(Yangzhou)3.责任 Responsibility3.1按公司要求,新员工携带所需资料按时至公司人力资源部办理入职手续。 New employee should report to human resource department (HR) with the required documents and certification on time according to the requirements of company.3.2人力资源部负责为入职员工及时办理正式录用手续。 It is the responsibility of HR to handle the formal procedure for new employee.4.定义 Definition无 None5.程序 Procedure5.1入职前手续 Procedure before Entry5.1.1人力资源部应明确地告知新员工其在本公司的职位、工资以及与其本人有关的其他信息。 HR should inform the new employee clearly his/her position, salary and the other information 编号 CodeQHR.104.01录用新员工程序 Procedure for New Employee Acceptance页码 Page2 of 4about themselves as well.5.1.2同时,人力资源部应将该员工的有关信息(包括姓名、性别、职位、正式入职日期等)通 知到其所在部门及相关部门,为迎接新员工做好准备。 At one time, HR should tell department the relevant information about the new employee (including name, gender, position, date of entry) and department should make a preparation to receive him/her.5.2入职手续 Procedure of Entry5.2.1按录取通知书的要求,新员工需携带个人资料准时至公司人力资源部报到;而未能按时报 到者公司有权视其为放弃。 New employee should report to HR with the required documents on time according to the requirements of company. It should be deemed as abnegation if the new employee failed to report on time.5.2.2人力资源部需对新员工的资料进行仔细地审核,重新复印并留存一份包括身份证、户口簿、 学历证书在内的所有证书的复印件。 HR should check the documents of new employee and copy all of it, including ID card, registered book, diploma, etc.5.2.3同时,人力资源部必须收到该员工已从原单位辞职且已办妥相关的离职手续及相关证明。 At the same time, HR should make sure that the new employee has left the previous employer and has finished all the procedure and Evidence . 5.2.4新员工统一填写职工履历表 (见附录 1) , 同时,人力资源部代表公司与新员工签订 劳动合同及保密协议 ,并发放员工手册 。 New employee should fill in Curriculum Vitae and Summery of Staffs Signature, and should sign the Labor Contract and Contract of Confidentiality. HR should give new employee the Handbook.5.2.5人力资源部为新员工做员工卡、入职培训,以保证他们能顺利并尽快地融合到团队中去。 入职培训包括但不限于以下内容: HR should make the card for employees and train the new employee and make sure that they can integrate into our team as soon as possible. The entry training includes but not limits to the following content. 公司背景 Background of Company5.2.5.2 组织机构及管理层 Department Chart and Management of Company5.2.5.3 公司用人政策 Policies of Employment5.2.5.4 人事制度 Regulations of Personal编号 CodeQHR.104.01录用新员工程序 Procedure for New Employee Acceptance页码 Page3 of 福利制度 Regulations of Benefits5.2.5.6 培训发展 Training and Development5.2.5.7 行为准则 Guideline of Behavior5.2.5.8 答疑 Questions & Answer 5.2.7新员工到部门后,部门经理应更详细地介绍本部门情况。 After new staff enter department, manager should introduce their own department in more detail. 介绍其他同事 Introduce Colleagues. 介绍本部门的业务情况 Introduce the Operations of Department. 确定新员工的职责与责任,并签署工作说明书 Discuss the Responsibilities and Duties, and Sign the Job Description. 领取工作用品等 Be provided with office consumables.5.3入职后手续 Procedure after Entry5.3.1人力资源部需在新员工入职后一个月内完成该员工的正式用工手续,如参加社会保险、保 存档案等。 HR should finish the normal procedure of employment in one month, including join social insurance, keep the archives etc. 5.3.2已入职的员工,如之前所提供的入职资料与其正式工作档案中的资料有不符者,公司有权 解除劳动合同,且无需做出任何赔偿。 If the documents that provided by employee is not agree with the documents in their archive, company can cancel Labor Contract without any compensations.5.4所有新员工在公司的首次个人资料中都需具备但不仅限于以下人事文件及相应资料: New employee should have their own documents in company includes but not limits to the following content.5.4.1原始应聘资料 Original Recruitment Documents5.4.2职位申请表 Application for Position编号 CodeQHR.104.01录用新员工程序 Procedure for New Employee Acceptance页码 Page4 of 45.4.3面谈记录表 Record for Interview5.4.4职工履历表 Curriculum Vitae5.4.5入职核定Entrant Approved5.4.6身份证、学历证书、户口簿复印件 Copies of ID card, Diploma, and Registered Book5.4.7其他相关证书复印件 Other Copies of Certificate5.4.8提供就业登记证或前雇主辞职证明 Employment Registration or Certificate of Termination of Employment from Former Employer5.4.9体检报告 Report of Physical Examination5.4.10 工作说明书 Job Description5.4.11 员工手册申明 Remark of Staff Handbook5.4.12 近期彩照四张 Recent Four Color Photos 6.HSE 注意事项注意事项 HSE Notice无 None7.记录清单记录清单 Record List记录编号 Code of records记录名称 Title of records QHR.104.01,A01职工履历表 Curriculum Vitae8.修改记录修改记录 Revision Record日期 Date修改内容 Revised content /QHR.104.01,A01 职工履历表 Curriculum Vitae请用正楷填写 Please Fill in Print.姓名 Name性别 Gender出生年月 Day of Birth 婚姻状况 Marital Status民族 Natio- nality籍贯 Native Place一寸 近期 照片 Recent Photo (1 inch)身高 Height体重 Weight身份证号 ID No.最高学历 Educat
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