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人教PEP五年级英语下册,Rceycle 1,Lets chant Lets find out,执教者:樊蓉,2015年1月22日,人教PEP五年级英语下册,Rceycle 1,Lets chant Lets find out,执教者:刘馨,Lets sing,Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,Apr.,Aug.,Sept.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec.,Lets play:Before and After,Group Work,*When is your birthday? My birthday is in. *Whats the date? Its .,When is s birthday?Its in.,January,February; January,February,March.March,April; March,April,May.May,June; May,June,July.July,August; July,August,September.September,October; October,November.November,December.That makes a year.,Lets chant,Einstein,Mar.14,th,Madam Curie,Nov.7,th,Thomas Edison,Feb.11,th,Isaac Newton,Dec.25,th,Lu Xun,Sept.25,th,Chen jingrun,May. 22,th,Lets find out,Lets find out,Fill in the blanks.,March April May,are in spring.,June July August,are in summer.,September October November,are in autumn.,December January February,are in winter.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Group Work,Which season is your birthday in?My birthday is in. /Its in.,Homework,1. 搜集有关中外名人或自己敬佩的人物的资料,并介绍其生日所在的月份或季节。2.复习第三单元内容并朗读课文给家长听。,Thank you!,
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