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中国地质大学中国地质大学(武汉武汉)远程与继续教育学院远程与继续教育学院大学英语 2 课程综合测试 3学习层次:高起专 时间:90 分钟第一部分:交际用语第一部分:交际用语此部分共有此部分共有 5 5 个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有 4 4 个选项,请你从个选项,请你从 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Welcome to Wuhan._A. Thank you. B. Oh, good. C. How do you do? D. Thats all right. 2. How about we watching the movies tonight. Jane? . A. I dont think so B. Im sorry. I have to drive my mother home tonightC. Never mindD. Take it easy 3. Excuse me, sir. Where is the Deans office? .A. You cant ask meB. Pardon? I have no idea C. Please dont say soD. Sorry I dont know. I am also a visitor here. 4. Hurry up please, or Ill be late. .A. Sorry sir, but there is a traffic jam now B. Well, its alright, sirC. How can you say that, sir? D. Oh, we are going the right way 5. May I see the menu, please? .A. That is the menu, sir B. Yes, please go onC. Here you are, sir D. Of course, sir第二部分:阅读理解第二部分:阅读理解此部分共有 2 篇短文。 第 1 篇短文后有 5 个正误判断题,从每题后的 A、B 两个 选项中选出正确答案。第 2 篇短文后有五个问题。请从每个问题后的 A、B、C、D 四个选 项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Passage 1 A film crew was at the Circle Five Ranch to film a Marlboro commercial. This was in 1868, before they prohibited cigarette ads from American television. Darrell Winfield was watching the crew set up the equipment. The scene included an actor crossing a river on horseback, but when the time came to shoot, the man was too drunk to ride. Someone from the crew saw Winfield and asked him if he would ride the horse for 50 dollars. “Hell,“ said Winfield, “for 50 bucks, Ill jump that damn horse over the moon!“ To people in many countries, Winfield is just a familiar but nameless face, a simple cowboy with an advertising message about a connection between the West and a brand of cigarettes. Few people know that he is 55, a family man whos been married to the same woman for 37 years and has 5 children and 7 grandchildren. Most surprisingly, hes a real, working cowboy who raises horses in his ranch in Wyoming. One of the most striking things about the Marlboro Man is that success hasnt changed him much. He says that complete strangers sometimes come up to him and say, “Ive met you,know you from somewhere. “Whenever it happens, he says that he gets embarrassed.1. Marlboro commercials were allowed on television in America before 1868.A.T B. F 2. The word “prohibited“ in the first paragraph mean “forbidden“.A.T B. F 3. When they filmed the ad, Winfield was too drunk. A.T B. F 4. From the passage, we know that Winfield was a rich man. A.T B. F 5. When people recognized Winfield, he felt uncomfortable.A.T B. F Passage 2 Filling in company application forms can become a boring and repetitive task, yet any carelessness on an applicants part can draw a negative reaction from readers. Each company or organization usually uses its own specially designed format, although it generally asks for the same basic information, can vary in detail. Consequently the suggestions below apply mainly to the approach you should take rather than suggest what you should write. 1. When visiting future employers, always carry your personal data with you so that you can readily search for details such as dates, telephone numbers, and other useful information. 2. Treat every application form as though it is the first one you are completing -write carefully and neatly 3. Use words that describe the responsibility and different aspects of each job you have held rather than list only the duties you performed. 4. Particularly describe social activities that show your involvement in the community, or activities in which you held a teaching or coaching role. 5. Pay particular attention if there is a section on the form that asks you to comment on how your education and past experience have especially prepared you for the present position. Think this through very carefully before writing so that what you say shows a natural progression from past experience to the job you are applying for. If you can, and if they fit naturally, add a few words to demonstrate how the position fits you overall career plan.6. The first sentence of this passage means that _ . A. filling in an application form takes much time B. one may have to fill in many application forms before one gets a job C. application forms are difficult to read and require good skills to fill in D. you may have to fill in a long application form.7. The suggestions given in the passage are mainly related to _ . A. the necessary information in application form B. the proper language used in application forms C. the different formats of application forms D. the ways of preparing an application form 8. Which of the following statements is true about your personal data?A. You should include as much personal data as possible in the applicati
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