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1需方请购部门: 内部请购单号: 长期买卖合同长期买卖合同合同编号/No: 签订地点/Place: 签订时间/Date: 年 月 日 供方供方/Supplier/Supplier: 地址/Address: 需方需方/Purchaser/Purchaser: 地址/Address: 为增强供需双方的责任感,确保双方实现各自的经济目的,经双方友好协商,在平等互利的基础上,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。To accomplish the financial purpose of the parties, the Supplier and the Purchaser agree on the following terms and conditions after friendly negotiating on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.第一条:产品名称、规格、数量、价格(人民币元)第一条:产品名称、规格、数量、价格(人民币元) 、金额及交货时间等、金额及交货时间等NameName、SpecificationSpecification、QuantityQuantity、Price(RMB)Price(RMB)、AmountAmount andand DeliveryDelivery TimeTime货物名称Name规格型号、品牌、原产地或生产厂家Specification、Brand、Place of Origin or Manufacturer单位Unit数量Quantity单价Unit Price金额Amount合同总价款Total Price (人民币RMB)大写: 元整;小写:¥ .00 元交货期限具体由需方书面(传真或邮件)订单通知为准。Shall subject to the written notice (via fax or email)of the Supplier.备注本合同单价为固定不变价,包含但不限于供方按本合同约定提供全部货物及附件材料、附带工具、软件、易损配件、包装、检验、安装、测试、技术资料、技术服务、运输、保险、对需方员工培训、17%的开票增值税金,以及供方负责 2 年内免费维修质量保证、2售后服务的总价。The abovementioned unit price is fixed which includes but not limited to any cost and expense of contract product,materials, tools, software, quick-wear part, packaging, inspection, installation, test, technical materials, technical services, transportation, insurance, training, 17% VAT, and 2-year long warranty, after sale service and etc.第二条:质量要求、验收或技术标准、质量保证和质保期第二条:质量要求、验收或技术标准、质量保证和质保期Quality Standards, Acceptance or Technical Standards, Warranty产品质量要求与验收标准、验收的方式与方法为: ,且供方应保证合同项下所供产品是全新的、未使用过的,并完全符合合同规定的质量、规格和性能的要求。产品质量国家有强制性标准的必须符合强制性标准。没有强制性标准的适用国家标准或者行业标准,没有国家或行业标准的可以采用经政府质量主管部门备案的企业标准;供需双方对质量要求、验收或技术标准、质量保证和质保期有特别约定(比如签订了技术协议书 )的按高于前述标准的技术协议书的特别约定执行,上述标准同时存在的则按照标准较高者执行。Quality Standards, Acceptance or Technical Standards are 。The Supplier ensures to provide brand-new, unused products in accordance with the agreed quality, technical specifications and performance of the Contract. Quality Standards must meet the mandatory standards. The quality shall meet the national standards or the industrial standards if there has no mandatory standards and shall meet enterprises standards recorded in the quality authority if there has no national standards or the industrial standards. “Technical Agreement” regarding quality standards, acceptance or technical standards, warranty concluded by the parties shall prevail if the “Technical Agreement” takes a higher standard. If the above mentioned standards exit simultaneously, then the higher standard shall prevail.供方承诺质保期为本合同产品自需方对质量验收合格之日起后满二年(产品实行国家“三包” ,或国家、行业、供方企业标准规定质保期以及供方承诺的质保期长于二年的,按“三包”规定、相关标准或供方承诺的质保期执行。 ) 。质保期内若有质量问题,供方应在 24 小时内到达现场或响应,并在 48 小时内无偿解决(修理或更换完毕) ,否则,每延误一天,供方承担合同总价款 1%的违约金。超过十天仍未解决,需方可采取必要的补救措施或另找第三方修理,因此造成的风险及全部损失由供方承担,需方也有权要求退货,由供方承担退货部分的总金额 30%的违约金。The Warranty Period is 2 years after the acceptance(In case that the warranty period specified in the National Three Respects Guarantee, national standards, industrial standards, enterprise standards or the promises of the Supplier is longer than 2 years, then the longer one shall prevail. ) If, during the term of Warranty Period, there is a quality problem,the Supplier shall arrive at the 3site or respond within 24 hours and solve(repair or change) the problem within 48 hours fee of charge, otherwise, the Supplier shall be liable to take the penalty as 1% per day of the contract price. If the Supplier fails to resolve the problem within 10 days, the Purchaser may take necessary measures or to engage others to do the repair at the Suppliers cost , then the risks and losses arise out shall be burdened by the Supplier, or the Purchaser may return the product, then the Supplier shall be liable to take penalty as 30% of the contract price.第三条:产品的交货地点、交货方法、验收方法第三条:产品的交货地点、交货方法、验收方法1交货地点:需方指定地点或 Place of Delivery: Place designated by the Purchaser or 2. 运输方式: ,包装、运费、保险、装卸等相关费用由供方承担(已包含在合同总价款之内) 。Transportation: , fees and expenses related to packaging, transportation, insurance, load and unload shall be taken by the Supplier(included in the Contract Price) 3交货方法:供方于发货前 48 小时以书面形式(传真及含扫描附件的电子邮件)通知需方发货的具体情况,以便需方安排接货。产品合格证、检测报告、说明书、电气原理图(若有) 、保修凭证等相关文件随产品一并交需方,需方按照供方的要求配合卸货。卸货落地需方可在现场进行外观初步验收、双方清点交接货物。该卸货落地时的外观初步验收与清点不免除供方的责任,不影响需方按本合同第六条的约定进行验收、清点和提出异议。Delivery: 48 hours prior to the delivery, the Supplier shall send a written notice (via fax and email with scanned attachments) regarding the detailed information of delivery to the Purchaser to enable the Purchaser to arrange pick-up. Qualification Certificate, Inspection Report, Specification, electrical diagrams (if there has) as well as Warranty certificate shall be delivered together with the contract products. The purchaser may provide supports
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