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1中国工业统计调查方法简介An Overview of Chinas Industrial Statistical Methodology(国家统计局工交司 王晓辉)Xiaohui WANGDepartment of Industrial and Transport StatisticsNational Bureau of Statistics, China一、工业统计调查单位 Units of Industry Statistics and Inquiry工业统计调查单位分为三类:The Units of Industry Statistics and Inquiry are grouped into three categories1、 独立核算法人企业(经常性的月、季、年报)Corporate industrial enterprises with independent accounting system, which provide monthly, quarterly and annual report regularly法人单位是指具备以下条件的单位:Definition:(1) 依法成立,有自己的名称、组织机构和场所,能够独立承担民事责任;They are established legally, with their own names, organizations, 2location, and are able to take civil liability;(2) 独立拥有和使用(或授权使用)资产,承担负债,有权与其他单位签订合同;They possess and use their assets independently, assume liabilities, and are entitled to sign contracts with other units;(3) 会计上独立核算,能够编制资产负债表。They are financially independent and compile their own balance sheets.2、 产业活动单位(年报中调查基本情况,生成名录库)Industrial establishments. They appear in the annual report with basic information in the relevant NBS database.法人单位所属的产业活动单位,是指具备以下条件的单位:(Definition)(1( 在一个场所从事一种或主要从事一种社会经济活动; They have each one location and are engaged in one kind of industrial activity each;(2( 相对独立组织生产经营或业务活动;They operate and manage their industrial production activities separately;(3( 能够掌握收入和支出等业务核算资料(生产核算资料) 。They have accounts of income and expenditures separately.3、企业集团(服务业调查中心的年度调查)3Enterprise Groups. They are included in the annual survey of Sevice Industry Survey Center.二、工业统计调查范围 The scope of Industrial Statistics and Inquiry按国民经济行业分类范围划分,工业生产活动包括 3 大门类:Based on the Industrial Classification and Codes for National Economic Activities, there are three major categories of industrial activities 矿业 Mining制造业 Manufacturing电力、煤气、自来水的生产和供应业 Production and distribution of electricity,gas and water 39 个二位数编码的行业(大类) ,191 个三位数编码的行业(中类) ,525 个四位数编码的行业(小类) 。39 2-digit level, 191 3-digit level, and 525 four-digit level industries三、工业统计调查方法 Industrial Statistical Methodology按工业企业规模划分为三种调查方法:Based on the sizes of industrial enterprise, NBS adopts three different approaches1、 规模以上工业:全面调查 Above-Scale firms: census即全部国有工业企业和年主营业务收入 500 万元以上的非国有4工业企业。This category includes all state owned enterprises (SOEs) and those not-state-owned firms with annual revenue above 5 million (RMB).2、 规模以下工业:抽样调查 Below-Scale firms: survey年主营业务收入 500 万元以下的非国有工业企业和个体经营单位。Survey for not-state-owned firms with annual revenue below 5 million (RMB) and self-employed individuals.3、 大中型工业企业:联网直报Large or Medium Size Industrial firms: Online Direct Reporting大中型工业企业划分标准:须同时满足三个条件:The three criterions of Large or Medium Size Industrial firms:大型企业:从业人员数 2000 人及以上,销售额 3 亿元及以上,资产总额 4 亿元及以上;Large size firms: with minimum 2000 employees, 300 million (RMB) annual sales, and 400 million (RMB) asset.中型企业:从业人员数 300-2000 人以下,销售额 3000万元-3 亿元以下,资产总额 4000 万元-4 亿元以下;Medium size firms: with the size of employees equals or 5above 300 and below 2000, sale equal or above 30 million (RMB) but less than 300 million (RMB), asset equals or above 40 million (RMB) but less than 400 million (RMB).四、规模以上工业全面调查方法 Above-Scale firms: Census1998 年开始,对规模以上工业实行全面调查。1998 年约为16 万家企业,2005 增加到 28 万家,占全部工业增加值的 80%。From 1998 on, NBS censuses all above-scale firms. It covered about 160,000 firms in 1998, 280,000 firms in 2005, about 80% of all industrial value-added activities.1、调查频率:年度调查、季度调查、月度调查Census frequency: annual, quarterly, and monthly2、调查内容: Census content(1)年度调查:Annual census企业基本情况:企业名称、企业代码、企业所在地和行政区划码、电话号码、登记注册代码、行业代码等。Basic information: Name, code, location and administrative code, telephone number, registration code, industry code, etc.企业总产出:工业总产值、其中新产品产值、工业销售产值、其中出口交货值。Total output: Industrial output, output of new products, sales, value of exports.6财务状况:共 69 个指标,包括资产、负债、主营业务收入、利润、增值税、工业中间投入、现金流量等方面的指标。Finance: 69 indices, including asset, liability, revenue of major activities, profits, value-added-taxes, intermediate industrial input, cash flow, etc.主要产品生产能力:30 种产品的年末生产能力Production capacity of major products: about 30 such products.(2)季度调查:Quarterly survey财务状况调查表:内容包括企业 18 项主要财务指标。The table of financial situations: 18 major financial indices of each enterprise;主要产品销售、库存、订货调查表:内容包括 100 多种产品的销售量、库存量、订货量。The table on major products sale, inventory and order: more than 100 products企业能源消费:29 种能源品种的购进量、消费量、库存量、加工转换量Energy consumption at the firm level: purchase, consumption, 7inventory and processing of 19 kinds of energy products.单位产品能源消耗:19 个主要耗能行业的产品的能源单耗Energy consumption per unit of product: for 19 major energy consumption industries工业企业水消费量Consumption of water(3)月度调查:生产调查表:内容包括工业总产值、其中新产品产值、工业销售产值、其中出口交货值 4 个价值量指标和 400多种产品的生产量。Monthly survey: The table of production: 4 indices in terms of RMB (Industrial output, output of new products, sales, value of exports) and indices in terms of quantities produced for over 400 products.3、 数据报送 Data reporting企业数据报送一般流程:The general procedure firms to report:规模以上企业 区、县统计局 地市级统计局 省统计局 国家统计局Firms = NBS co
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