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INTRODUCTION Chapter 1:Relevancy Rulesrch on Google, if thenot there, it doesnt exist”有 由UPEee GET GOOGLEY:Relevancy is more than a state of mind.有ChapterTap the Wisdom of Crowds The only way to stand out from thecrowdisto standin雍 ET ChapterKeep lt Simple, Stupid和GET GOOGLEY:As a business,to simply thrive youneed to thrive simply. Chapter 4:Mindset Matters及二:TUE GET GOOGLEY:Be mindful of the times when buying人Chapter 5:Be Where Your Audience ls|人ET Chapter 6:Dont Interrupt Chapter 7:Act Like Contentia Publishin GET GOOGLEY:The best way to act like content is not人 Chapter 8:Test Everything|o how to understand what peopleWant and how to give itto them.”= Stephen Governale, Executive DirectorLe GET GOOGLThe nexttime you have the option todo atest, dont pass.
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