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初中英语教案学 校班 级Class_ Grade_8_日 期Apr 26授课 教师课 题Unit6 period 1 复备区域知识点(语音、词汇、 语法等方面)1.语音知识:collect stamp stmp kite kait monster mnst run out of store cake collect klekt pair p since sins 2. 词汇与语法:1.since conj. 自以后; 自从 a pair of 一双;一对;一副 collectcollectioncollectorcollecting ; how long ;have/has been/gone to ;be in class 2.现在完成进行时的用法 have/has been+vingCollect,shell, marathon, pair,skate,since通过时间轴来 描述现在完成 时重点、难点(知识、 技能两个方面)重点:区分并运用 “have/has been +ving ” with “ have/has done ”,并能在现在完成进 行时态中熟练运用 how long .句型进行 关于人们所从事事情的问答. 难点:现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区 别。Since 与 for 的区别 时间点与时间 段的区别。分析知识点与知识系 统的关系How long .句型在现在完成时与过去时 与一般过去时态中的两种具体表现形式为 后面的现在完成时各句式做铺垫.备课 标与 教材分析确立重难点的依 据确立重点的依据:通过课标要求,对教材的分析学生已具备的知识与 技能学生已经学习了一般过去时态的构成及用 法,从 how long 句型开始了解现在完成 进行时态并与一般过去时态作比较难度就 降低了,因此学生可能比较容易接受.但学生很难掌 握现在完成时 以及现在完成 进行时的用法, 并且容易混淆 时态备学 情学生的学习兴趣(对 教师、教学法的兴趣)操练中注重生活化情景化,教学活动中尽 量让所有学生参与进来,特别使学困生在 同学帮助下能开口说英语,减少他们的恐 惧感,采取议论讨论和编对话的的方法。 通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习 难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。同时增 加书面表达,并分层完成,以提高他们综合运用语言的能力,使各层次的学生都有 所收获。学生的差异性根据自己的学生分析差异性,分出层次进行不同的目标教学。在学习现在完成时时可能会有大多数学生能够理解,但实际练习中因动词的变化不熟而会出现一些用法的错误。以中下等学生为主多进行操练巩固,随堂检验掌握情况。1-20 号学生能独立造句并能脱离课本流利的对话,2135 号能听懂并准确的对话,3648 号学生能基本听懂并看着材料对话,记忆基本的单词词组知识与技能目标(分 层)词汇与语法:掌握以下黑题词及词组stamp stmp kite kait monster mnst run out of store cake collect klekt pair p since sinsa pair of 一双;一对;一副 would like to do what is your hobby? 学困生可适当掌握里面的黑题词及词组.分层次实现目 标,分为三个 小组,分层次 布置作业。过程与方法目标引导学生进行口笔头训练,为其创造轻松 愉快的学习交流环境,通过听说读写来培 养学生综合运用这些知识的能力,并通过 有限的课堂实践活动,注意观察别人的行 动,能准确的用英语来表达。情感态度目标在进行口笔头训练活动过程中,加深师生 的情感.培养学生的观察能力语言交际, 并提高学生的英语学习兴趣备教 学目 标创新支点用提问的方式引出话题创设生活化的真实 情境(如可以小组合作做采访),围绕其感兴 趣的话题展开问答交流, 使其在学习语言 中充分运用语言。备教 学方 法与 媒体1.教学方法:教学方法:开展多种类型的任务型活动,拼单词比赛,表演对话 等。提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同 学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。 2.多媒体教具:多媒体教具:黑板 大屏幕 ppt教学 流程Step 1 Leading in Aim: To be familiar with the target language and the key words Ask one of the students the question: when did you study English? Help the student answer: I studied English in 2003.Say,in this unit were going to talk about how long weve been doing things .Then ask :Liu Ziyang, how long have you been studying English ?Help him to answer : I have been studying English since 2003./I have been studying English for two years .Get Ss to repeat . Repeat the activity with other students. Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 44, 1a. 1. Ask a student to read the three questions, and answer the questions as example like this: I started class at 9:00 .I slept for ten hours. I have been skating for five hours/ I have been skating since five years ago. 2. Have Ss work in groups of four. 3. Ask the class each question and call on several different students to answer. Step 3 While-task Listening and putting in the right order.( 1b 2a 2b ) Aim: Provide Ss listening and writing practice using the target language SB Page 44, 1b. 1. Play the recording and get Ss to fill in the chart. 2. Correct the answers. SB Page 44, 1c .In pairs, get the students to ask and answer. Then ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class. SB Page 45, 2a & 2b. 1. Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do. 2. Play the recording .Ss write down their answers. 3. Correct the answers. Task 3 Pairwork Aim: Use the target language to make their own conversation Steps: Step1 2C 4a practice the conversations. Students Activities:学生互动表演对话。 Step2 Please show the children your talents actively. Encourage all of the students to come before the class. Dont be shy or nervous. Students Activities:学生PK:Have a competition between b oys and girls . Which team is more active or talented? Step 4 Post-task SB Page 45, 2c. 1. Read the example in sample dialogue in activity 2c. 2. In pairs, role play the interview between Alison and the reporter. 3. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class.由于现在完成由于现在完成 进行时对于学进行时对于学 生来说还比较生来说还比较 陌生,学生接陌生,学生接 触起来怕有些触起来怕有些 困难,所以在困难,所以在 课前先对现在课前先对现在 完成时和现在完成时和现在 完成进行时进完成进行时进 行讲解,练习,行讲解,练习, 使他们先明白使他们先明白 时态的含义,时态的含义, 在进行课本的在进行课本的 学习。学习。Step 5 Grammar Focus SB Page 45, grammar focus. 1. Review the grammar box. 2. Explain that in these sentences “since” comes before a date and “for” before a period of time. 3. Ask What is the difference between “How long did you skate?” and “How long have you been skating?”. Explain that “did” question means that the person has stopped doing the action .The “have you been” question shows that the person is continuing to do the action at the present moment. Step 6 Homework Review the present perfect progressive. 教学 反思学生首次接触完成时,就先学到了现在完成进行时,因此一定要充分的备好课,并 且尽量用简洁明了的语言,和一些通俗易懂的话来给学生形象的介绍时态,否则学 生会容易糊涂。
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