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Book 3 Module2 My home town and my country1、教学内容教学内容:Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.二、课型二、课型:Reading and writing三、教学目标三、教学目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:in the east of、home town、especially、be famous for、a population of、area、low、island、mountain、countryside、university 2、能读懂关于介绍剑桥、伦敦、英国的短文,了解文章主旨,并找到相 关的细节信息。 3、掌握形容词比较级用法。 4、能够使用所学的语言介绍自己的家乡。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点:1、能读懂关于介绍剑桥、伦敦、英国的短文,了解文章主旨,并找到相 关的细节信息。 2、能够使用所学的语言介绍自己的家乡。五、教学准备五、教学准备:PPT 课件、教学挂图、录音机、课堂联系表格。六、教学过程六、教学过程:教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图Step1 Warming-upLead-in 1、Let the Ss enjoy a song and tell what the song is about. 2、Free talk: Have Ss to talk about China.1、Enjoy a song and tell what the song is about. 2、Free talk通过这个环节既能 活跃课堂气氛,又 能为以下教学内容 作好铺垫Step2 Pre- reading1、Have Ss to talk about the map of England and learn some new words.(Activity 1). 2. New words learning:Show Ss some pictures and have a free talk between T north B. in, west; C. on; north D. on; south2. Sichuan is famous _ its hot food.A. for B. as C. on D. In3. I enjoy _ after supper.A. walk B. walked C.to walk D. walking4. Dont talk to anyone about the bad news, _ my mother.A. hardly B. usually C. especially D. simply5. Lucy was born blind so she has _ seen our beautiful world.A. often B. sometimes C. seldom D. never
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