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专业英语教学专业英语教学汤孟平汤孟平教授教授/博士博士目目 录录第 1 章 绪论第 2 章 专业英语词汇第 3 章 专业英语听力第 4 章 专业英语阅读第 5 章 专业英语写作第第 1 章章 绪论绪论11 专业英语教学目的专业英语教学目的12 专业英语教学特点专业英语教学特点13 专业英语的学习要点专业英语的学习要点14 阅读常见阅读常见专业期刊专业期刊15 考核方式考核方式11 专业英语教学目的专业英语教学目的专业英语课是森林经理专业选修课,32 学时,2 学分,第 3 学期开课。目的是让学生掌握专业英语词汇,科技论文的写作、结构、常用句型,具备一定的英文专业资料阅读、互译、写作等能力,即专业英语听、说、读、写能力。学生能直接用外语撰写论文和用外语进行学术交流。12 专业英语教学特点专业英语教学特点(1)专业英语教学与研究生专业设置关系密切,这是专业英语教学最显著的特点。这就要求学生需要有一定的专业基础知识,把将专业知识和语言知识有机结合起来,才能快速、准确地应用专业英语。(2)专业英语教学重心不同于公共英语,它虽然也离不开听力和口头表达能力的教学,但其重点是阅读理解。13 专业英语的学习要点专业英语的学习要点(1)积累专业词汇词汇量的多少是影响阅读速度的关键。应当熟知本专业的常用词汇、词组。通过大量阅读增加专业词汇量。(2)快速阅读快速阅读不仅可以增加单位时间获取专业知识的信息量。而且不断加深对各种词汇及语法知识的理解。同时,扩大专业词汇量。 (3)注意科技英语中长句、被动句、缩写多的特点。The spatial patterns of trees in forest stands reflect the compex historical and environmental mosaic imposed(影响影响) by initial extablishment patterns, microenvironment differences, climate and sunlight factors, competing vegetation, and the chance success of different species over time(过去)(过去) depending on their individual life history characteristics.Six study plots were established in three old, unmanaged forests in north Idaho(爱达荷州爱达荷州,美国美国).Individual tree data in all stands, for all living trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of at least 5 cm, include the DBH, species and spatial position.(4)大胆实践,提高应用能力参加各种学术活动,大胆用英语进行学术交流。模仿和尝试用英文写科技论文。14 阅读常见阅读常见专业期刊专业期刊Forest Science (USA)Forest Ecology and Management (Elsevier, the Netherlands 荷兰)Canadian Journal of Forest Research (CA)European Journal of Forest Research (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg)International Forestry Review (United Kingdom)Silva Fennica (Finland)15 考核方式考核方式(1)考查课(2)成绩收集 300 个专业词汇写一篇专业英语论文第第 2 章章 专业英语词汇专业英语词汇21 词汇量要求词汇量要求一般要求掌握 1200-1500 个科技词汇,其中本专业常用词 300-500 个。22 常见森林经理专业词汇常见森林经理专业词汇(1)林业林业林学 forest science, forestry林业 forestry城市林业 urban forestry乡村林业 rural forestry林业法规 forestry regulation林业工程学 forest engineering林业机械 forestry machinery林业计划体系 forestry planning system林业经济 forest economy林业经济学 forest economics林业局 forest enterprise; 指企业局。林业局总体设计 overall project of forest enterprises林业史 forestry history林业政策 forest policy森林覆盖率 forest coverage, percentage of forest cover集约林业 intensive forestry粗放林业 extensive forestry林业用地 forestry land; 与非林地相对应。非林地 non-forestry land; 指林区内非林业用地。有林地 forest land灌木林地 shrub land疏林地 open forest land荒地 waste land, wild land宜林地 suitable land for forest无林地 non-stocked land国营林场 state owned forest farm国有林 national forest国有林区 national forest area集体林 collectively owned forest森林工业 forest industry森林公园 forest park林中空地 clearing林场经营档案 management archives of forest farm林道 forest road林道密度 forest road density林道网 forest road network林副产品 forest by-product林区公路 forest highway林相 forest form林相图 stock map, stand map林型 forest type城市绿地系统规划 urban green system planning绿地 green area, green space绿地覆盖率 green cover percentage绿化 greening绿洲 oasis(2)森林经理理论森林经理理论森林经理学 forest management森林永续利用 sustained yield of forest; 又称“森林永续收获” 。可持续发展 sustainable development, SD可持续林业 sustainable forestry森林可持续经营 sustainable forest management近自然森林经营 close-to-nature forest management森林生态系统经营 forest ecosystem management法正林 normal forest, balanced forest法正林分排列 normal distribution of stand法正龄级分配 normal age-class distribution, normal age-class arrangement法正生长量 normal increment法正收获量 normal yield; 又称“法正年伐量” 。法正蓄积法 method of regulating yield by comparing actual with normal crops; 又称“数式法” 。法正蓄积量 normal growing stock广义法正林 generalized normal forest; 又称“一般法正林” 。完全调整林 fully regulated forest近自然林业 close-to-nature forestry恒续林 continuous forest检查法 method of control, control method, check method, examination method; 又称“稽核法” 。减反率法 Gentan probability method林龄空间 age-class space林龄向量 age-class vector林龄转移概率 age-class-transition probability(3)森林采运森林采运森林采伐 forest harvesting总生长量 total increment平均年生长量 mean annual increment定期生长量 periodic increment年伐量 annual cut, annual yield年伐面积 annual coupe, annual cutting area标准采伐量 standard cut容许采伐量 allowable cut容许采伐单位 allowable cutting unit标准收获表 normal yield table主伐 harvest cutting, final felling主伐方式 system of cuttings主伐年龄 cutting rotation age, cutting age; 又称“伐期龄” 。补充主伐 supplemental final cut, relogging皆伐 clear cutting渐伐 shelterwood cutting; 曾用名“伞伐” 。预备伐 preparatory cutting下种伐 seed cutting受光伐 light cutting后伐 removal cutting择伐 selection cutting经营择伐 management selection cutting, intensive selection cutting径级择伐 diameter limit selection cutting, extensive selection cutting群状择伐 group-selection cutting采伐带 cutting strip带状渐伐 strip-shelterwood cutting带状皆伐 clearcutting in strips大面积皆伐 large area clearcutting采伐单元 cutting unit采伐迹地 cutting blank, cut-over area采伐迹地清理 slash disposal采伐季节 felling season采伐计划 cutting plan采伐列区 cutting series, felling series采伐剩余物 logging slash采伐剩余物利用机械 slash utilization machinery采伐顺序 cutting sequence采伐限额 cutting limit, cutting quota采伐许可证 felling licence采伐作业 logging operation打枝-造材-归堆机 delimber-bucker-buncher打枝 trimming, branching打枝机 delimber抚育采伐 intermediate cutting透光伐 cleaning, release cutting疏伐 thinning优势木 dominant tree亚优势木 codominant tree中等木 i
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