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丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 海量试题,完全免费,无须注册!丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 中学小学 论文反思 试题赛题 计划总结 说课评课 文案课件 教案学案本资料来源于本资料来源于七彩教育网七彩教育网http:/www.7caiedu.cnhttp:/www.7caiedu.cn 七年级上学期英语单元测试题(期中)七年级上学期英语单元测试题(期中)听力部分(共三大题,30 分)一、听句子,选择恰当的应答语。 (10 分)( )1AYes, I am.BMike.CNo, it isnt.( )2AThats right.BYoure welcome.CThat sounds good.( )3AYou are welcome.BNo, I dont.CThats difficult.( )4AYes, I do.BYes, I like.CThat sounds great.( )5AZhang Hua.BHua.CZhang.二、听对话及问题,选择最佳答语。 (10 分)( )6A3274698.B2374698.C2374689.( )7AJim.BJims brother.CJims mother.( )8AJones.BCindy.CCindy Johes.( )9AIts Toms.BIts the girls.CIts Jims.( )10AYes, she likes.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, she does.三、听短文,根据其内容填写下列表格。 (10 分)FavouriteJamesPhillip13 JuneFood11. chickenice creamfruit Colorgreen12. 14. 15. 笔试部分(共八大题,90 分)一、根据句意及首字母提示填空。 (10 分)1Smith is a f name.2This is Dales tennis r .3My grandfather and grandmother are my g .4The video game is very b .5The table tennis game between Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui is very i .6Does he have a s ball?7Are the books in the b ?丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 海量试题,完全免费,无须注册!丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 中学小学 论文反思 试题赛题 计划总结 说课评课 文案课件 教案学案8W is your backpack?9Is Guo Peng your f ?10How do you s watch?二、根据句意用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (10 分)1 (she)telephone number is 8923348.2There (be)two rulers and a book on the desk.3 (who)basketball is it?4There is a set of (key).5Here are my family (photo).6Mary doesnt like (play)baseball.7Mr Green is the (twin)father.8Do you have any (knife)?9 (this)are Marias books.10 (do)Julie have a brother?三、单项选择。 (10 分)( )1Tom breakfast.AhasntBdont haveCdoesnt haveDdoesnt has( )2Do you have an eraser?Yes, I .AdoBdoesCamDdont( )3Whats this in English? .AThis is a pencilBThis a pencilCIts a pencilDIts an pencil( )4Rita every day.Awatch TVBplay sportsCplays computer gamesDlikes oranges( )5Are those your brothes? .AYes, theyreBNo, they areCYes, they arentDYes, they are( )6This is a new bag, I dont like it .AorBbutCandDwell( )7This is watch and thats eraser.Aa; aBan; aCthe; theDa; an丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 海量试题,完全免费,无须注册!丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 中学小学 论文反思 试题赛题 计划总结 说课评课 文案课件 教案学案( )8Wheres Lucys bag? .ALook at the bagBOver thereCIts goodDThats all right( )9John is my son. Im not his father. Im his .AmotherBuncleCauntDgrandfather( )10Lets play football.OK, that good.AlistenBsoundCsoundsDlistens四、句型转换(5 分)1She likes salad.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) she salad?No, she .2That isnt my key.(改为复数句)my .3The baseball is under the bed.(对划线部分提问)the baseball?4Im Jim Green.(改为同义句)Jim Green.5I have some pencils.(改为否定句)I pencils.五、交际运用。 (15 分)(A)补全对话,每空一词。 (10 分)M:What are 1 over there?W:Theyre cars.M:Is the white one 2 3 ,Jane?W:No, my car 4 is 334455.M: 5 is Mikes?W:The black one.M:Which is Mr Lius?W:The red 6 . 7 number is 585888.M:Is Number 285434 8 teachers?W:Yes, 9 10 .(B)从方框内选择正确句子补全对话。 (5 分)A:Lets play computer games!丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 海量试题,完全免费,无须注册!丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 中学小学 论文反思 试题赛题 计划总结 说课评课 文案课件 教案学案B: 11 but I dont have a computer.A:Well, 12 B:Yes.A:Then lets play volleyball.B:Oh, 13 A:OK,Lets watch TV.B:Oh, 14 HmmLets play soccer! Do you have a soccer ball?A:No, I dont.B:Oh, well. 15 A:Yes. I do. Lets play basketball!B:That sounds fun.六、完形填空。 (10 分)1 is very important(重要的).To build 2 bodies and keep 3 ,everyone should always 4 a good breakfast. Eating the 5 food is good for 6 .We may have eggs, bread, milk and some other food 7 our breakfast.8 breakfast children may not grow as fast as he should. And they 9 study well in school in the morning. 10 will live without food.( )1ADinnerBLunchCBreakfastDSupper( )2AstrongBcleverCwellDbad( )3AgoodBniceCwellDhealth( )4AhaveBeatsCeatDA and C( )5ArightBwrongCgoodDbad( )6AhealthBhealthyCbodyDbodies( )7AatBinCDfor( )8AAtBWithCWithoutDIn( )9AcanBmustCmayDmay not( )10AEveryoneBNobodyCEverybodyDPeople七、阅读理解。 (20 分)(A)My name is Peter. Im 12. Im from Canada and Im in Class Two, Grade One. My parents a. do you have a basketball? b. That sounds interesting. c. do you have a volleyball? d. volleyball is so difficult. e. thats boring.丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 海量试题,完全免费,无须注册!丛蓉教辅园 http:/cr910.com.cn 中学小学 论文反思 试题赛题 计划总结 说课评课 文案课件 教案学案work in China. We are in Beijing, now. They are English teache
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